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Gods rescue plan
to be delivered,
you have to let go
One Sunday morning, as I was getting ready for church, I felt discouraged and bone weary. Belle, our three-year-old bichon frise, looked up at me with heartfelt empathy, as if to say, If youre going down, Im coming with you. Thats how I felt that morning. Many things in my life were going very well, but there were a few areas where I felt very hopeless.
As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I heard God speak four words to me:
I will deliver you!
I didnt hear an audible voice, but in my spirit Gods voice was unmistakable. I was startled by the clarity of the message.
This is not a common occurrence for me. I often hear God speak through the Bible, through my pastor or friends, or through the beauty of nature. But very rarely have I heard his voice so commanding, clear, and deeply personal: I will deliver you!
It seemed as if my bathroom floor had become holy ground. I knew deep down exactly what situation God was assuring me that he would deliver me from. To pretend any longer that the issue that had been weighing on my heart and soul like a frozen winter lake was under control was stretching even Belles blind devotion, never mind the almighty, all-knowing God of the universe.
I thought, How will God deliver me from this? My question revealed a lot about my attitude to being rescued. I am more comfortable with a straightforward scenarioI have a problem, God rescues me, and we all move on with life. But God wants much more for us. God wants to extend us a freedom that goes far beyond a one-time intervention; he wants us to experience a lifestyle of liberty.
My question was answered quickly and clearly, as Gods words came ringing back to me: I will deliver you!
As I heard Gods strong and loving voice again, I knew that the how had nothing to do with me. Not only that, but the how was ridiculous in light of the who.
All God was asking me to do was receive his promise and trust him. Nothing more.
I prayed a very simple prayer in response: Father, thank you. I believe you, I trust you, and I will try to rest in your promise. I have no idea what my deliverance will look like or when it will come, but you do and thats all I need to know. Please give me your grace on the days when I will find it hard to trust and look for more. Help me to let go when I want to try to fix things that only you can fix.
what does it mean to be delivered?
That morning at church, coincidentally, our pastor taught from the apostle Pauls letter to the church in Philippi:
I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ.... and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.... For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:1213, 1819)
As I reflected on that passage during the next few days, my mind was flooded with questions:
How did Paul know his present circumstances would work out for his deliverance?
What does it mean to be delivered?
Does deliverance always involve a change of circumstances, or do the circumstances sometimes remain the same while God changes us?
Is there a biblical time frame for how and when deliverance takes place?
Does God always deliver his children? If not, why not?
Does every believer need to be delivered?
I knew that I needed answersand that I shouldnt give up until I had more peace about the issue. So began this quest to study and understand what it means as a believer to be delivered.
How about you? Have you ever wondered what it means to be delivered? To feel delivered? Gods declaration that he would deliver me implied many things that caused me to stop and think. If he would deliver me, then I needed to let go of the pieces of the puzzle I couldnt make fit, no matter how hard I tried. That was a struggle for me because each piece was precious, and I felt as if I should be able to make them fit. I sensed, though, that God was offering much more than a quick-fix or rescue; he was offering me a whole new way to live. I wasnt sure if I was ready or even had the stamina for the journey that might lie ahead. Even so, the choices were painfully clear. I could continue to struggle all alone, pushing myself through one more day, or I could take God at his wordand let go.
start with grace
I dont know what made you pick up this book. You may be in financial trouble, in a bad marriage or a difficult relationship, shackled by the pain of your past, or simply want to live in all the fullness that Christ offers. Whatever the case, I imagine that somewhere deep inside you, you long to be delivered. Set free. And so I welcome you to this book. I hope and pray it will be a blessing to you. And I want you to know I will be beside you on this journey.
I also want you to know that I value your time and energy. Very few women have spare time to sit around and think, Well, whatcan I do now? Because of that awareness, I have carefully chosen the biblical insights and personal stories in this book to make a difference in your life and in your walk with Christ.