
Praise for The Blended Workbook
Blended learning is the rocket fuel for innovation in education. Through this practical guide, Horn and Staker step readers through powerful examples and probing questions which unlock the promise of using technology to transform learning.
Richard Culatta, CEO, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Blended is a guiding light for the teachers and leaders we support, but implementation is tough and the road is long, so practical workbooks like this are essential tools for ongoing efforts to personalize learning in schools.
Shawn Rubin, chief executive officer, Highlander Institute
Michael Horn and Heather Staker have written an excellent follow-up to Blended. If you need a framework that inspires superintendents and principals to transform education, start by reading their work. It is the best blend of vision, theory, and practical ideas available in our field.
Cary Matsuoka, superintendent, Santa Barbara Unified School District, Santa Barbara, California; board member, The Learning Accelerator
Understanding the theory about blended and its variations is a basic requirement. For successful, sustained implementations of blended learning, its key to develop thorough understanding and skills in this arena. If you are serious about education for all students, then The Blended Workbook is essential reading and practice.
Dr. Kenneth W. Eastwood, superintendent, Middletown City School District, New York
The Blended Workbook is a definitive guide for school districts and teachers ready to jump from personalized learning as a buzzword to transforming the educational experience for students. The video links and scenarios provide rigorous opportunities for a team to dive deep into understanding the components of blended learning and the steps for effective implementation.
Dr. Lisa Garcia, superintendent, Point Isabel ISD,
Port Isabel, Texas
Copyright 2017 by Michael B. Horn and Heather Staker. All rights reserved.
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This book would not have been possible without the generous assistance of many educators in Texas who allowed us to use their blended-learning plans to provide the critical examples that make this book come to life. In particular, thank you to the following schools, school systems, and educators who are doing all they can to help every student they serve succeed:
- Austin Achieve Public Schools Emily Morrison, Development Director; John Armbrust, Founder and Executive Director; Joe Ten Brook, Vice Principal; Greta Kwedar, Vice Principal; Julia Barraford-Temel, Computer Science Teacher;
- Birdville Independent School Districts Randy Sumrall, Senior Project Leader; Cheryl McKnight, Project Manager;
- Cisco Independent School Districts Amy Dodson, LRC/Blended Learning Director; Kelly West, Superintendent;
- Clear Creek Independent School District;
- Georgetown Independent School Districts Alma Guzman, Executive Director of Professional and Digital Learning; Kim Garcia, Director of Digital Learning;
- Grand Prairie Independent School Districts Sharon Thornton; Jennifer Oliver; Maury Ayres; Elizabeth Hart;
- KIPP Houston Public Schools;
- Leander Independent School Districts Wendy Jones, Director of Instruction, Learning, and Innovation;
- Mineola Independent School Districts Kim Tunnell;
- Pasadena Independent School Districts Dr. Karen Hickman, Deputy Superintendent of Academic Achievement; Vickie Vallet-McWilliams, Director of Instructional Technology; Jeanne Nina Conway, Executive Director of Business Services; Toni Lopez, Executive Director of Curriculum; Stacey Barber, Principal; Roneka Lee, Principal; Steve Fleming, Principal; Catherine Birch, Teacher; Stefanie Cantin, Teacher; Lori Deardorff, Instructional Coach;
- Point Isabel Independent School District;
- Round Rock Independent School Districts Dr. Patricia Ephlin, Principal, Robertson Elementary; Dr. Amy Grosso, Grants Coordinator;
- Spring Branch Independent School Districts Julie Hodson, Director of Grants;
- Temple Independent School Districts Luann Hughes, Director of Technology; Jason Mayo, Principal; Lisa Adams, Executive Director of Secondary Education; Jacki Wright and Jessica Mays, Instructional Technology Specialists;
- Tulia Independent School Districts Daniel Keith, Director of Instructional Design;
- Ysleta Independent School Districts David Medina, Principal at Pasodale Elementary; Norma Corral, Principal at Ysleta Elementary; Kathleen Mendoza, Campus Technologist, Pasodale Elementary; Maria Rivas, Campus Technologist, Ysleta Elementary; Micha Villareal, Innovative Learning Director; Brenda Chacon, Associate Superintendent.
In addition, Pamela Barrier has provided critical on-the-ground support to help Texas educators in crafting and implementing their blended-learning plans, as well as advised us with this book.
We also thank our colleagues from the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, where this work began for both of us. In particular, Julia Freeland Fisher, Thomas Arnett, Clifford Maxwell, Ann Christensen, Hayden Hill, Katherine Mackey, and, of course, Clayton Christensen, remain wonderful colleagues and inspirations to us.
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