The Pelvic Pain Solution
Drake McCloud
Copyright 2014
Table Of Contents
Standard disclaimer: Before attempting anything described inthis book please consult your physician first! This is in no way tobe construed as medical advice.
Thank you for downloading The Pelvic Pain Solution I want to change your life.
Like many of you I live/lived in a constant internalbattle; one where at times, my body rejects my existence for noother reason than the fact I was born. At my worst, pain ragedinside of me on a minute by minute basis making it impossible toconcentrate or envision a life that wasnt a test of mettle betweenmy will to live and my ability to endure misery.
I dont need 300 pages to explain how to evade thegrip of this disorder. For the cost of a cup of coffee and bagel,and a couple afternoons of light reading, you can learn my methodof escaping this despicable disease.
I cant believe the prices that people charge foradvice on this subject; I cant believe the prices for physicaltherapy, psychology and various retreats. I understand thedesperation and misery this disease causes therefore creating ahighly skewed and inelastic demand curve. Essentially, even doctorsand healers are taking advantage of people with this disease. WhenI had the idea for this book I wanted to make it affordable,helpful and informative, and I have done just that; it is my hopethat you agree.
I have been diagnosed with a lot of horrible thingsin my life related to pelvic pain. At one time or another Ireceived the following diagnoses: bladder pain syndrome, irritablebowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction,chronic pelvic pain syndrome, and my all-time favorite,prostatitis. These are essentially all manifestations of the samedisease: anxiety, which creates psychosomatic illnesses andcomplaints.
I have spent tens of thousands of dollars searchingfor a cure for these issues over the course of seven years. A vastmajority of that being thrown in at the beginning, when I wasabsolutely desperate and hopeless, nearing the point of suicide. Ienlisted physical therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, generalpractitioners, acupuncturists, massage therapists, urologists,neurologists, hypnotists, and holistic healers. All were oftemporary help at best which I attribute to nothing more than theplacebo effect. No matter what path I went down, I would getstressed out at work, or with an interpersonal conflict and thetension and pain would run rampant, causing me to spiral downwardin a cycle of negativity.
Over the last year or so my flare ups have beenminimal at their worst, easily corralled to a state of normalcy byfollowing my treatment program that I have developed over theyears. I wish I knew seven years ago what I know now, I could haveavoided the steep personal costs; most specifically my marriage, mysocial life, and my sense of self.
Its amazing how quickly we forget the pain when weare normal.
My plan has worked steadfastly for me over the lastthree years and I will detail out the exact methods that I use toquell any flare-ups that arise. It will work on psychology,physiology, the medicines I have found effective (and those ihavent), lifestyle choices, exercises, stretching, and everythingin between. Some of it I learned from others, some I found outmyself, but combining all the pieces together has given me aworkable solution to relieving the pain and preventing itsre-occurrence.
All it takes is an open mind.
My symptoms are the following:
Pain with urination
Intense, frighteningly horrible pain afterejaculation
Frequent urination
Urgent urination
Hesitant urination
Burning urination
Pain in thighs (adductors)
Pain in oblique and hip muscles
Tense and painful rectus abdominis
Anal pain
Constipation regardless of dietary modification;alternating with
Diarrhea with painful muscular cramps, regardless ofdietary modification
Incomplete bowel evacuation
Bloating which creates pressure on bladder causing aconstant sensation of needing to urinate
Pain in my chode/taint aka the area betweenthe wind and the rain
Stabbing/scraping pain in the tip of my penis at eventhe slightest brush against my clothing
Reduction in sexual pleasure AND/OR prematureejaculation - depends on the flare
As you well know, this symptom cluster is nothingshort of a nightmare; there is no reason to pussy-foot around andcall it anything but what it is. Living with this disease is likeliving in a daily hell. Not every flare will produce every symptom,but for the most part these symptoms are a staple of this conditionfor me. Some I battle with every time, some every now and then, andsome rarely.
It is important to understand, as much as you dontwant to hear this, there is no cure for this disease and Ipersonally dont think there ever will be, there are only treatmentmethodologies that can help prevent its natural tendency tore-occur. You will always be susceptible to this disorder, but allhope is not lost! This disease can get to the point where it rarelybothers you; this is where I am currently at with this disorder andyou will get there too. This is a true victory and it will onlycome after a period of personal growth with how you view and dealwith the root causes of this disease. It is important to acceptthat fact as reality, because if you dont, you will truly neverrecover.
I dont say that to scare you, or prevent you fromseeking treatment until you are comfortable with a diagnosis; I sayit because it is the truth.
This disease is psychosomatic. Part of the issue withpsychosomatic diseases and other somatoform disorders is the factthat emotions can be perceived as pain. Everyone has a differentway of working through issues. For people like me, who fall heavilyinto the somatoform spectrum disorders, I feel emotions as physicalpain in my body; they manifest themselves as pelvic pain, boweldisorders, etc.
Many people go their entire lives without realizingthe connection between their mind and their pain. When youunderstand and accept that the core instigating factor of yourpelvic pain lies in your mind, and you believe it to be true, italmost works like a biofeedback mechanism. You can see your paincome with your anxiety, and vice versa. Once you are aware of this,the cycle of pain can be easily be broken by recognizing it forwhat it is, and not allowing yourself to get spun into a panic.
Acceptance Of The Disorder
Acceptance of the mind as the root of pelvic pain isso important in the remission of this disease that is the baselinefoundation of my own personal plan and the plan in this book. Ofcourse it does not feel that way, but it truly is.
Suffering from this condition will cause no lastingphysical damage which is why every time you go to a doctor they canfind nothing wrong with you.
Anxiety is a key component in the personality profileof the sufferers of pelvic pain IBS, IC, Etc. It certainly was/isfor me. Sure there are other aggravating factors, but the drivingforce behind most of it is anxiety; everything else compounds onthe baseline tension that the anxiety creates.
Think about your body when it is in an anxious state.Regardless of what you are anxious about, your body is going to beon guard in preparation for a fight or flight response. This causesyour muscles to tense. As we all know from too much time at thegym, tension in muscles creates pain. Pain, then, creates panicked,desperate thoughts, these thoughts create more anxiety and we areleft trapped in a vicious cycle as outlined below.