
Mamaji, Papaji and Phupi
Without you
These pages would have been blank
Mel Gill
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Table of Contents
- Joe Vitale
- Jack Canfield
This book is dedicated to
that part of you
which knows that
men and women
brothers and sisters
by dreams, hopes, love and desires
and that
no matter what
we achieve, accomplish or gain in this life
we leave it all behind
as trail markers for
fellow pilgrims on the journey
To my children Luc and Aurora, who are myraison dtre and the real inspiration for everything I am today. Ilove you both for being patient with me and for allowing thefreedom to make so many mistakes as I try to be the father youwould like to hang out with.
To Bob Proctor, Joel Roberts, Jack Canfield,Dr Joe Vitale, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Eli Davidson, David Riklan, T.Harv Eker, Dan Poynter, Jay Abraham, Arthur Carmazzi, W. Mitchelland Greg Heart who made this Movie possible by their generous andkind contributions to the Collective Wisdom of our Planet.
To my sister Indra who has been my mostpatient and constructive critic in helping me edit this book.
To Graham Smith and Doris Tan-Smith whosefriendship and encouragement over the last fourteen years hasnourished me and whose belief in me has never wavered in the yearsleading to The Meta Project. When everybody left me with nothing,you still stood by, gave me Everything.Thank you for pushing meinside and out to finish this project.
To Teresa Hsu and Sharana Rao who are thetrue purveyors of The Meta Secret and whose legacy is in every wordI write and teach. To Alison, Lauren, Emma, Kayla and RichardHumphries whose tireless feedback helped to shape the ideas thatgave this book form.
To Richard Elep who did everything behindthe scenes from acting, to doing the accounts and my bills, torecruiting, to translating and to taking care of catering needs inmaking the Meta Secret a reality.
To Nora for your love, support andprotection; even when you were angry with me you protected me frompeople who had evil intentions.I will always remember that. To Ms.Chan for the translations from Japanese to English and for the manyrides and meals you generously offered to my crew and I. To Jennyfor the typing and filing of notes and scripts that kept mesane.
To Chris Lee, Eve and Yvonne, remember when Idreamed up this idea? You were there and Eves words still echo inmy brain. She is the real reason I decided one day that Anything isPossible. To Dilip Mukerjea who gave me much feedback and valuableinsights that made this writing better. To Anitha & Shan whoare the reason why this Meta Secret project began three yearsago.
To the other Teachers of the Meta Secret whowere not included here but to whom I owe a great debt of Gratitude;The Dalai Lama, Umesh Nandwani, Karl Moore, Christina Chia,Caroline, Ajahn Brahm, Kaliswari, Debra Thompson, Matt Bacak, EwenChia, Fabian Lim, Judith Williamson, Swami Rukumani, ThubtenChodron, Vickas Malkani, Wendy Quek and William Quek and finally,to the many who made it a smoother road to get here; Karen Gerberg,Kaz Cai, Ellen Feinberg, Axel Chan, Devi Haridas, Douglas Yeager,Norma Jean Wright, Diana Chan, Ye Pan and all my thousands ofstudents who are also my teachers..thank you all for beingyou!!!
When I was on Fox & Friends nationaltelevision show in 2009, the host asked me what my doctoratedegrees were in. I said I had one in marketing and one inmetaphysical science.
Whats metaphysical science? he asked.
I only had a moment to think of the best wayto answer him. I knew whatever I said would confuse him. As atelevision journalist, hes used to talking about concrete reality,not thoughts, feelings, esoteric philosophy, mind power or muchelse. Yet I had to tell him the truth to maintain my ownintegrity.
Its the study of the invisible, Ireplied.
He stared at me.
He admitted he had never heard of such athing.
Of course he hadnt. Most people havent. Andthat explains why most people struggle through life. They aregiving all their attention to the physical, and almost none to themetaphysical. Yet its in the latter where the real power and truemagic resides. Swim there and you can make your life one of joy andmiracles. Fortunately for us my dear friend Mel Gill has providedthe tools you need to reach and play in the metaphysical arena.Its all in this book. Its the companion to his movie, and bothare designed to take you deeper into life than you might ever haveexpected possible.
But like the reporter who didnt know therewas a Study of the Invisible, most people dont know that thereis a META SECRET. But remember, most people (as Thoreau observed)are leading lives of quiet desperation. Most people dont knowtheres a way out that is easily accessible to everyone. And mostpeople dont know that the way out is to go in. And that the waypast our problems and trials and tribulations is to go throughthem. What makes the journey easier sometimes is a Guide. Mel hasbeen that Guide for me and many others. This book is a greatTool-kit filled with the knowledge you need to do exactly that, getthrough Life using powerful Metaphysical concepts and by doing so,you will emerge with more Laughter, more Love and more Wealth thanyou dreamed possible!
Anything you want to change has to be changedon the inside first. As I once told an audience, trying to changethe outer is like trying to put make-up on your mirror or eventrying to shave your mirror! You dont want to clean up the mirror,you want to clean up you.
This Amazing book distilled from the Wisdomand Genius of my friend Mel Gill, tells you how to take care ofyourself from the inside out. Its practical, hypnotic, inspiringand packed with mystical yet practical wisdom. His own story isriveting. It will nail you to the page. His personal insights arenuggets of wisdom you can instantly apply in your life. This bookis the Secret Wisdom of the Universe in print for the first time inCenturies!
Said more accurately, its the Meta-Secret ofthe Universe. When youre ready to discover the META SECRET of yourlife, just turn the page...
Joe Vitale
When I was first sent this book to read, Irecognized its title from the movie by the same name that my friendMel Gill had shot last year with me, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale,Charlie Tremendous Jones, Dr. Masaru Emoto, and several othereminent pioneers in the field of human development. In the movie wediscussed the Meta concepts around the Law of Attraction and onesability to manifest a life filled with Wealth, Love, Health andHappiness. I remembered our conversations on the balcony justoutside the hotel room in Santa Barbara and how Mel, with humor andpassion began to narrate the story of his life and how he came tothe point of creating The Meta Secret.
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