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Power of the Soul:Inside Wisdom for an Outside World,
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Your Destiny Switch:Master Your Key Emotions, and
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Copyright 2008 by Robert Ohotto
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ohotto, Robert.
Transforming fate into destiny : a new dialogue with your soul / Robert Ohotto. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-4019-1155-3 (tradepaper)
1. Fate and fatalism--Religious aspects. I. Title.
BL235.O36 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4019-1155-3
11 10 09 08 4 3 2 1
1st edition, March 2008
Printed in the United States of America
For Dad, Mom, and Jenny:
Your Fate has become my Destiny.
by Caroline Myss
by Caroline Myss
The most life-transforming words a person can utter are: For what reason have I been born? Most people assume that in speaking those few words, theyre asking a simple question. While it appears to be an ordinary query that usually arises at moments of frustration or during times of great introspection, the deeper truth is that this is a sacred invocation of the heavens in which the individual is asking to have the burden of Fate lifted so that the magnificence of his or her Destiny can begin to unfold. To be sure, such an unveiling of cosmic power requires that the person undergo one test after another, as Destiny isnt given to the uninitiated. Rather, the one who utters the question is unconsciously saying to God, Im ready to release the illusions that my ego has gathered around me for safety and let my soul serve the purpose for which it has incarnated.
For most people, of course, even thinking about the difference between the governing forces of Fate and Destiny sounds like the text of ancient Greek mythologies, and theyre right. But so were the ancient Greeks who, in their trusting allegiance to the cosmic pantheon of gods and goddesses, recognized that human beings didnt stand upon this earth all by themselves. Something some power greater than themselveswas influencing the events of their everyday lives. Everything was just too well coordinated and too filled with integrated systems of cause and effect to be held together by luck. No, a plan existed somewhere, but where?
A plan much greater than us that contains and coordinates all of life must exist off the earth, somewhere out there. It must be above and around us, thought these ancient Greeks, written like a code in the heavens that surround us, as the cosmos is the dwelling place of the gods. The coordinates to the great code of these deities were so obviousof course, the planets. The beings in the cosmos that had patterns independent of the stars seemed somehow to have an authority all their own and independent of each other, ruling over our Fate and Destiny. And so the ancient Greeks studied the heavens, noting that the planets seemed to embody characteristics unique to each one and oddly intimate to each human life. Somehow the vast abyss of the night sky and its sparkling display of stars, planets, comets, and cycles of the moon were woven into the fabric of each soul. To look up was to look within; to go within was to see God.
And so began Western cultures dialogue with the cosmic forces, which thousands of years ago first pondered the same question we continue to ask ourselves today: For what reason have I been born? And just like the ancient Greeks and Romans, the most accurate science in interpreting the nature of an individuals Fate and Destiny remains the study of the planets, which govern the great archetypal patterns of the galaxy. Astrology, which gave birth to astronomy in the later centuries of the Enlightenment, is among the first sciences of the soul.
I believe that were destined to ask about our Fateor fated to ask about our Destiny, if you will. That is to say, we cant avoid reaching the moment in our lives when we each, in our own way, seek out the greater meaning and purpose of our lives. Its as inevitable on the human journey as are the physical and biological stages of maturation that occur within the body automatically.
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