While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
First edition. October 27, 2017.
Copyright 2017 Dayanara Blue Star.
Written by Dayanara Blue Star.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Also by Dayanara Blue Star
A Beginners Guide to Using Pendulum Dowsing For Everyday Divination
Book of Shadows
Casting Moon Spells: A Simple Guide for Beginners
Chakra Healing Test: Which Chakras Do You Need to Balance
Dream Interpretation: The Meaning Behind Our Dreams
Easy Guide to the Tarot: Understanding the Tarot Cards and Their Meanings
Enlightenment on Crystals, Gems, and Metal Magic
How to Become a Witch
How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities
How to Find Your Spirit Animal
How to Open Your Third Eye and Develop Psychic Abilities
Love Spells that Work!
The Practical Guide To Using Ancient Runes For Modern Divination
The Third Eye Chakra and You
The Wiccan Book
Wicca for Beginners: A simple guide to witchcraft, magic, rituals and Wiccan beliefs
Wiccan and Pagan Holidays
Wiccan Book of Shadows Guide: How to make your own book of shadows
The Numerology Book: Complete Guide for Beginners
What is Reiki?
Wicca Para Principiantes: Una Gua Simple a la Brujera, Magia, Rituales, y Creencias Wiccanas
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
Magic Candle Spells: A Guide to Witchcraft
Techniques to Awaken the Third Eye
The Story of Mother Teresa
Wicca for Beginners Part II
Real Ghost Stories: The Most Terrifying Ghost Stories from Around the World
The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Explanation of Why We Are Who We Are
Protection and Reversal Magick
Psychic Mediumship: Embracing Your Psychic Ability Full Scale
Shamanic Journey: A Beginners Guide
Wicca Divination Tools
Wicca Magic Spells for Wealth, Prosperity and Money
Wicca: White Magic Spells
Crystal Cash Spells: Bringing Wealth Your Way
Magickal Riches: Occult Riches for Manifesting Money
Psychic Development: Enhance Your Life Experience
P agans and witches have often been credited with possessing special powers as well as being able to see the unseen. This is simply a result of their ability to communicate with Spirit Twins or Spirit Guides to obtain answers to the questions they seek.
Divination is an important aspect of everyday practice in Wicca tradition. It is a common practice aimed at accessing spiritual energies from a spiritual guide, personal patron or matron. In order to get more sensitive and attuned to the divine energies of the world, there is need to use divination tools. They are useful tools for casting spells and performing other magical works.
However, when it comes to using divination tools, it is very important to choose the right tools because not everyone is accorded with the same spiritual powers and abilities. While some will prefer to use less psychically demanding but more theoretic tools like astrology, others may seem more comfortable with more spiritual but less theoretic techniques like scrying.
Today, there are many divination tools and methods employed by occult practitioners to carry out their magical duties. It is important to note that divination is not fortune telling. It is a process by which divination tools are used (sometimes more than one) to contact divine guidance and receive a more accurate divine message.
Apparently, everyone will end up having one favorite or more successful way of receiving answers to their questions, even when several different techniques might be required to carry out some of the craft. Digitization takes many forms, and anything can be employed as a divination tool just as it has always been over the centuries. Some of the most common and well-known tools include scrying, candle gazing, numerology, palm reading, feng shui, Tarot cards, Viking Runes, astrology, pendulum, dice divination, and the list goes on and on.
In this eBook, some tools and the various methods employed to achieve these results will be considered. As this section grows, some of the different forms employed by witches for the purpose of divination will also be discussed. So, read on to learn about some divination tools that are commonly used in the practice of Wicca and other Neopagan, earth-based religions.
Chapter 1
Find the Meaning of Your Name Through Numerology Divination
Numerology is simply the act of working with numbers. This divination tool only makes use of numbers from 1-9, which are particularly concerned with the study of supposed influence or power of numbers. In a bid to determine numbers that are of particular relevance, numbers relating to birth date and name are basically used.
You can use numerological divination to determine your major life challenges, your lucky numbers, your life path and much more. Numerology also seeks to point out major forces that must have followed a person into this life. It works along the same lines of astrology.
It is interesting to note that numerology was frequently practiced by early mathematicians, even Pythagoras. Actually, it does not require any psychic abilities. Numerology is just one of those divination methods that do not require utmost sensitivity to supernatural forces. However, it can be a fairly complex subject; here is a mere introduction on how it is done.
Calculating Birth Number
Birth dates are usually being used to calculate numbers that have a significant impact on a persons life. In numerology, if you want to know your life path, your birth number, and your birthday number are the essential numerology numbers you will need to calculate it.
For instance
8 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 reduces to 7 and adds up to 34 is used to calculate the birth number for August 5, 1993 in numerology.
But when it comes to calculating your name number, there is a different approach to doing it. It presents an interesting way or method of learning the different aspects of your life. For instance, you could know more about the relationships of your life by just adding the numbers of your first name.
Calculating Name Number
The basic characteristics, talents, and the things a person desires from life are displayed in their name number. It is important to note that the full birth name is used to find the name number of a person. This is done by assigning numbers to each of the letters in the name like A = 1, B = 2 and so on.
C hapter 2
Use a Special Pack of Tarot Cards to Tell the Future with Ease
People who are not very familiar with divination often consider Tarot card readers as fortune tellers, that is, people with the ability to predict the future. But in reality, these cards only serve as a guideline employed by most Tarot card readers to simply interpret the possible outcome based on the forces that are currently at work.
Although the act of reading Tarot cards can be performed by anyone, it involves a highly intuitive process that also requires a high level of practice. While charts and books come in very handy, the most excellent way to effectively learn the meaning of your cards is by feeling what they are telling you when you handle and hold them.