For The Dropouts Of The School Of Life
A Review For The Final Exam
Spirituality 1.2
For The Disconnected From The School Of Life
A Review For Tekkies
![Spirituality 103 the Forgiveness Code Finding the Light in Our Shadows - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/389846/image/38664.png)
Copyright 2017 .
Author: Ivan Figueroa-Otero, MD
Editor: Yasmin Rodriguez, The Writing Ghost, Inc.
Cover Design: Gil Acosta Design
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
All bible quotes are from the New International Version (NIV), 2011 update.
All Albert Einstein quotes are published with permission from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
First Edition, 2016
Part of Dr. Figueroas book series,
School Of Life
Balboa Press
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-7972-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7973-1 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7974-8 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017906642
Balboa Press rev. date: 05/05/2017
This book is a masterpiece of writing. Ivan has put a lot of time into this presentation, and it is impressive. I like the modernization of the terms and analogies. What he has done is create a series of ideas to help people get in touch with themselves, decide what is of value and move towards that. It is a complete and modern spiritual path for those who are not attracted to a more traditional approach. I congratulate him.
Jhampa Shaneman
Author of Buddhist Astrology
Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero writes of a journey of love, compassion, and forgiveness we must all take as we truly embrace our inner Warrior of Light. It is easy to identify the enemies out there, but real change will not show up [] until we transform the enemy we have created within, and often over the course of a lifetime. This is the power of forgiveness and reconciliation that Mahatma Gandhi taught us in his philosophy of nonviolence, and this is the deep lesson of forgiveness and reprogramming that Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero so eloquently introduces us to in Spirituality 103. [] As we approach our inner battle with love, compassion, and forgiveness, we begin to approach others [that way], knowing they are facing their inner battles and lessons that we may or may not have already learned ourselves.
Missy Crutchfield and Melissa Turner
Founding Editors, Gandhis Be Magazine
Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero is unique. His understanding of human spirituality transcends the norms. Your heart will collect true gems when reading his books. Your limited beliefs will be questioned and released. In a very unusual and practical manner, combined with a sense of humor, you will learn about yourself and the universe. It will empower you in a very powerful and unique way. This book is an astonishing work. A must read.
Dr. Antoine Chevaler, Ph.D., ND, HK,
International Speaker, Author, Researcher & Teacher
Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Oteros book starts by presenting us with the silence , taking us through his Melodic Cosmos to prepare us for one of lifes most difficult tests: learning to forgive. The author courageously shares his spiritual awakening and, like any good doctor gives us a prescription to win our internal battles. Through this battle, he presents the Warriors - Light and Shadows. Of one thing I am certain: the readers will be able to eradicate the illness called guilt and will get the vaccines needed to pass the tests of the School of Life, and reach a more fulfilling existence.
Anita Paniagua
Entrepreneurship developer
Author of the book Emprend eSer
This book and the two previous ones show that he [Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero] is one of those rare intellectuals who, just by studying humanity, almost covers all types of knowledge, from the corpus Universalis to an understanding of the human spirit. Spirituality 103 reflects a hybrid vision of occidental scientific knowledge and oriental arts and wisdom. The Epilogue is a gem of inspiration and creativity.
Dr. Eduardo Santiago-Delpn
Transplant Surgeon and Immunologist, Distinguished Professor, University Of Puerto Rico
Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero wrote a personal navigation chart for the road we call life. His education as a scientist and a Buddhist allows him to translate his spiritual reflections into a popular, common language. In this, his third book on self-help, Figueroa-Otero narrates the story of the Warrior of Light and conveys within us the desire to discover our Warrior and to launch the battle against the formidable enemies attacking us from all fronts. The setting for this battle is complex, and to describe it, he uses multiple references from mythology, religion, oriental philosophies, psychology, science, and occultism. The Warrior of Light will win its internal and external battles if it uses the most effective weapons: love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Rafael Trelles
Illustrious Puerto Rican Artist
The first time I read it I traveled to a world of particular and exceptional circumstances. The second time, I had to make decisions related to my character, which I sorely needed, and that I hadnt seen in my minds mirror. The author transports us to the infinite world within ourselves and takes us on a trip through the need of self-forgiveness to understand the need to forgive others, and the implications of that action on our mental, physical, and spiritual health. You have to read it to understand and explore the world of your emotions and experiences, and to reach the place where you wish to be: your spiritual introspection.
Dr. Norman Gonzlez-Chacn
Natural Medicine Doctor, Father of the Natural Medicine movement in Puerto Rico
This book by Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero doesnt only reflect his own lifes transition but contains an efficient formula to reach the most pristine and full integration of humans with complete and long-lasting happiness. It highlights an elaborate and elegant synthesis between different fields of knowledge such as psychology, psychiatry, genetics, spirituality, and philosophy. The book offers us methods and logical strategies to maximize our capacity for introspection, teaching us to maintain a crucial balance between the experience of life and its periodic examination, which in turn leads us to enjoy better health of mind. It frees us from ancient paradigms and conceptual limitations that cause anguish, and that so often push us to the emptiness of our alienation.
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