First published in 2012 by Huia Publishers
39 Pipitea Street, PO Box 17-335
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
ISBN 978-1-77550-063-6 (print)
ISBN 978-1-77550-103-9 (epub)
ISBN 978-1-77550-104-6 (mobi)
Copyright Patrick McCarthy 2012
Illustrations: Scott Pearson
This book is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without the prior permission of the publisher.
National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
McCarthy, Patrick, 1957
Quit: say goodbye to smoking / Patrick McCarthy.
ISBN 978-1-77550-063-6
1. Smoking cessation-Popular works. 2. Autogenic training
Therapeutic use. 3. Hypnotism-Therapeutic use. I. Title.
616.865065122-dc 23
Ebook production 2012 by meBooks
This book is dedicated to my three daughters,
Kirsty, Fiona and Gillian.
They have each brought me great happiness and pride
and are a constant joy in my life.
This book and the accompanying MP3s replicate the three carefully designed sessions that I have been using successfully with smokers in my Medical Hypnosis consultation rooms in Wellington, New Zealand, for many years. I am the only medical doctor using hypnosis fulltime in New Zealand and a frequent international hypnosis lecturer.
People sometimes travel a long way to see me. Some cannot. I want this method to be available to a wider audience than can attend in person or can afford personal one-on-one therapy, for I have an intense passion to do whatever I can to help people stop smoking forever.
This book is essentially the typical content of a first session with me when someone requests help with smoking cessation.
There are two accompanying MP3s.
Track One teaches you an easy-to-learn self-hypnosis replacement for smoking. Track Two is a powerful hypnotic commitment and pledge to stop smoking forever.
By following this book and MP3s you can replicate the consultation experience with me as closely as possible. This should obtain the best results for you.
I record each therapy session in my rooms and give smokers a CD copy at the end of the session, encouraging them to listen to the CD several times between sessions. Thus I would like you to re-read the book before listening to the MP3s. Please be patient. It is only a short book. Perhaps even read it a third time! The images generated in your mind from reading the book have to be memorable and remembered for you to gain maximal benefit from the later hypnosis suggestions in the MP3s.
The chances of permanent cessation of smoking depend on how much effort you are prepared to put in to this process. You cannot be passive and expect all the work to come from me. This approach is truly collaborative and you need to be a full and willing participant over the next two weeks if you desire to be successful and smoke free forever.
My unique style of hypnosis is particularly gentle and respectful and non-demanding. In a sense I will simply be the conductor, you will be the orchestra. You will be the one making the music. I will facilitate your use of your imagination to give you the tools to free yourself from cigarettes.
Listen to MP3 One ( about seven days after reading the book for the first time.
Listen to that MP3 again and again.
Listen to MP3 Two ( about seven days after first listening to MP3 One (
After listening to MP3 Two ( you will have a high chance of being free from smoking forever.
If you ever waver and consider resuming smoking, simply listen to MP3 Two ( again and renew your commitment to stay stopped forever.
How to Use This Book and MP3s
This books explanations of smoking and how to stop smoking forever are very similar to the words that I would use during an initial consultation with a patient presenting for the first time with a desire to stop smoking. Please read through the book first, then listen to the MP3 tracks as the book suggests. Reading first, from beginning to end, will allow you to appreciate and understand the MP3 contents better.
For your own safety and the safety of others, please do NOT listen to the accompanying hypnosis MP3s while driving a car or while your attention needs to be elsewhere, for instance while operating machinery.
The contents of this book and MP3s cannot and do not provide a course of treatment tailored to the individual reader.
Some people require highly individualised care. If this is true in your case, please refer to a registered medical practitioner for recommendations for treatment.
The following links will take you to the MP3s that are included with this ebook. Please note, however, that the device you are reading this on may not be able to access the internet or in the case of Apple devices, may not be able to connect to the MP3s. If you have problems accessing the MP3s, please copy one of the links below into the address bar in your computer's web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.), and you will then be able to download and listen to the MP3 files. If you have any difficulties please contact Huia Publishers at
- MP3 One (
- MP3 Two (
Chapter One
The First Appointment
Smokers turn up at my rooms every week of the year, asking for help to stop smoking. Most of them have been smoking for years and many of them have already tried and failed to stop smoking, often making several attempts. Sometimes they have managed to stop for a few days or weeks or months but eventually they have all relapsed.
When they come to me, I am usually seen as their last hope for stopping. They may be keen or sceptical about hypnosis. Increasingly, they are coming to see me based on the recommendation of an ex-smoker friend or colleague who has already been to see me and been successful in stopping.
All they know before we meet is that we will have three appointments and that there will be no hypnosis used in the first. They are deliberately not told much about what to expect in the sessions. I have developed a successful standard approach that I use with virtually all smokers, subtly individualised for each. This approach to stopping smoking applies and works whether they smoke tobacco or cannabis or perhaps both.
The initial session has two therapeutic aims:
1. to take them by surprise;
2. to truly capture their imagination.
The first session is more a performance than a standard consultation with a doctor. It consists of an initial surprising comment. I then draw on the acting and storytelling skills I have developed (through my experience in amateur dramatics and public speaking) and I weave a memorable and true tale about how I over several years stumbled across the secret to getting so many people to stop smoking. Listeners to this story and readers of this book should be captivated and almost mesmerised as they creatively share, in their own imagination, the gradual discovery of the key process to stopping smoking not just temporarily, but forever.
I also use the story to evoke emotion and imagination in the smoker prior to the messages contained in the hypnosis sessions and to stimulate their subconscious reservoir of imagination with both hope and expectancy. The main purpose of this initial session, as for all my patients, no matter what issue they bring to therapy, is to have them keen to return for a second session to start the hypnosis or, if they have read this book, become really eager to start listening to MP3 One ( seven days from now.
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