Big Wisdom {LITTLE BOOK}
Big Wisdom {LITTLE BOOK}
Copyright 2005 W Publishing Group. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by W Publishing Group, a Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, Tennessee, 37214. W Publishing Group books may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fundraising, or sales promotional use.
For information, please email All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Message (MSG), copyright 1993. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Editorial Staff: Shady Oaks Studio, Bedford, Texas 76022
Cover Design: Kirk DouPonce, DogEared Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Big wisdom : little book / [compiled by] Jim Palmer. p. cm.
Summary: 1,002 quotes by those considered to be the wisest in historyProvided by publisher. ISBN 0-8499-0506-0 (tradepaper)
1. Conduct of lifeQuotations, maxims, etc. 2. Wisdom
Quotations, maxims, etc. I.
Palmer, Jim, 1964
PN6084.C556B54 2005
082dc22 2005000783 Printed in the United States of America
05 06 07 08 09 QW 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Content
P utting together a collection of some of the wisest advice throughout history can be a daunting task. It goes without saying that thousands of nuggets were left behind in the wake of our selections for this anthology of prudence. Some of these we chose simply because theyll bring a grin; others will strike a deep place within; most will simply provide practical and worthwhile instruction on how to do life right. You will find lots of ways that this book can come in handy. You may be asked to deliver a speech, or perhaps you have a paper to write, or youre looking for a way to impress your dinner guests with your refined wit. On the bottom of an e-mail or in a card, many of these quotations could serve as a timely and encouraging word to a friend or someone you care about.
You may even be inspired to pick up a few extra copies and give them to your friends and family who could use a good dose of wisdom. It is only fitting that the introduction to a book of quotes would itself contain a quote, therefore making 1,002 of them in total. A famous quip cautions, After all is said and done, more is said than done. Once youve made your way through these 350 pages (good luck!), what really matters is what you go and do. In other words, the torch of wisdom has now been placed in your hands; dont extinguish it by doing nothing (or by losing it under your bed). You may merely muse these pages for leisure or follow their guidance for life.
Its your decision. Choose well! The Publisher I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than myself. Marlene Dietrich
T he wisdom of the wise,
and the experience of ages, may be
preserved by quotation. Isaac DIsraeli S uccess is the ability to go
from one failure to another with
no loss of enthusiasm. Sir Winston Churchill I have decided to stick with love
Hate is too great a burden to bear. Edwin Way Teale S mall opportunities are often the
beginning of great enterprises. Demosthenes E veryone thinks of changing
the world, but no one thinks of
changing himself. Milton Berle L aughter is an instant vacation. Leo Tolstoy E very once in a while,
take the scenic route. H. H.
Jackson Brown Jr. T here is nothing like returning to a
place that remains unchanged to find
the ways in which you yourself
have altered. Nelson Mandela T he more you know,
the less you need to show. Author Unknown A carelessly planned project
takes three times longer to
complete than expected;
a carefully planned project
will take only twice as long. Author Unknown
L ife is measured by the
number of things you are alive to. Maltbie D. Henry Ford T he most important thing in communication
is to hear what isnt being said. Peter Drucker I can do no great things,
only small things with great love. Mother Teresa F atherhood is pretending the present
you love most is soap-on-a-rope. Bill Cosby A fter youve done your best to deal with
a situation, avoid speculating about
the outcome. Bill Cosby A fter youve done your best to deal with
a situation, avoid speculating about
the outcome.
Forget it and go on
to the next thing. Author Unknown E verybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in, where nature
may heal and give strength to the body. John Muir A nything you have not used for a year,
you do not need to keep. Dont think, But
I might need it later! If you made it
through last year without it, throw it
awayor give it to the Salvation Army for
somebody who needs it worse than you do. Elisabeth Elliot P raise loudly, blame softly. Thomas Jefferson D o not make the mistake of thinking
that concerned people cannot change the
world; it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead O pportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work. Thomas Edison C areful planning puts you ahead
in the long run;
hurry and scurry puts you
further behind. King Solomon, Proverbs 2:15
P ut duties aside at least an hour
before bed and perform soothing,
quiet activities that will help
you relax. Dianne Hales A well-adjusted person is one who
makes the same mistake twice without
getting nervous. Author Unknown Y ou must do the thing
you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt I t is a common experience that a
problem difficult at night is resolved in
the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it. John Steinbeck W hen you say, Im sorry,
look the person in the eye. Author Unknown T he greatest things happen only when
you give others the credit. John C. John C.
Maxwell F orgive all who have offended you,
not for them, but for yourself. Harriet Nelson N ever eat Chinese food in Oklahoma. Bryan Miller A ll that is necessary for the triumph of
evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke W e often dream of the splendors of
faraway places, but on introspection
those attractions are seldom as
precious as home. Laura E. Richards I never look at the masses as my
I look only at the
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