The Walking Wounded
Deb Ling
Smashwords Edition.
Copyright 2010 Deb Ling
Smashwords Edition, LicenseNotes
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I. Who Are You In Christ?
The Black Sheep vs The White Lamb Of God
Sons of God
Child of God
II. Victim!
The Set-Up
Root of The Problem
The Deceit
The Trap
III. Releasing the Pain
Resist the Devil
The Wound
The Law
Releasing the Pain
Healing Begins
Gods Vengeance
IV. Your First Husband
No Shame, No Fear
Your Husband
His Covering
V. And Finally
Authors Note
I want to acknowledge that without the Lord,this book would not exist, and my life would not be as it is today.He is the One that healed me, not some (human) person and not somepsychology mumble-jumble. It was His Word, and His Spirit that didall the work, I was just the willing vessel. I was tired of myself,tired of the way I was treated by others and just plain tired.
I was at the point that either He did it, orI was not going on. There was nowhere else to turn. I dislikedmyself very much, how could I expect anyone else to like me?
I praise God that He is willing to heal us,willing to listen to us and willing to Love us. It is His will thatwe be healed of our wounds, all the pain from our past, no matterhow it was afflicted, or by whom.
So I praise Him and give Him all theglory.
Thisbook came about because I was an abused child and grew into adysfunctional adult. When I came back to the Lord after walking inrebellion for years, He started to work on me. My defensive wallswere always up so I did not let other people or the Lord within tenfeet of me.
In the summer of 93 I got my hands on aChristian self-help book. The entire book was based on onescripture. I spent three months working through it, helping othersisters as they too went through the process of revealing thepainful memories, and dealing with them.
After I had gone as far as my mind couldhandle (or so I thought), I put the book down and the Lord began tominister to me in a mighty way. Even though He had honored that Iwas working through my pain with the self-help book, and hadministered to me then, now He really had my attention.
He told me Now that you have done it theworlds way, try it my way. As I listened He ministered to methrough the scriptures that this book is based on. When I had gonethrough all these teachings, He said to put them together, thatthis was to be my first book.
So that is how this book came to be. All theglory to God! I know this book is for healing those of you who havebeen hurt, irrelevant of how you were hurt. I was sexually,emotionally, verbally and physically abused over a period of 35years. Gods word has the healing answer. I am only a vessel thathas walked through it, and seen the miracle of healing oldwounds.
If you are one of the Walking Wounded, thisbook is for you. If you allow the Lord in, He will minister to you,no matter how your wounds were afflicted. Remember Jesus was alsowounded, for us, so that we could be set free!
In His Service
Are you hurting? Angry?Walking in unforgiveness or hatred? Do you have a spirit ofrejection? Has there been trauma in your life that has not beenhealed? Divorce? Have you been physically, emotionally mentally orsexually abused? If your answer is yes then you have wounds in yourspirit, and God wants to heal you.
There are people in the church with wounds,what I call the walking wounded. Those wounds may have come inthrough any of the items listed above, or countless others. Anytraumatic event in your life can and probably did cause a wound,maybe even losing a loved one. Another way wounds come in isthrough a dysfunctional family. We can be set free from our woundsbecause Jesus was wounded for us. (Isaiah 53:5)
No matter what caused the wound, the onlytrue way to be totally healed is through scripture, not throughpsychiatrists, psychologists, or hiding behind the effects ofprescriptions. Man can help to a degree, but only God can completethe healing.
Remember there is a light at the end of thetunnel, (Jesus).
As these teachings bring forth painfulmemories of your past, do not stuff them back down but allow theLord to minister to you. He can do it. He will not give you anymore than you can handle at any given time. Trust Him. He wants youhealed, whole and restored, more than you do!
A situation or circumstance today cantrigger a memory and wound from yesterday. God does not want you toreact to things triggered by old wounds. He wants you to respond toHis love and His healing of those hurts so you can live a fullerlife with Him.
Are you a good person, a partying person, ora tough person? Are any of those things a mask for the personinside that hurts so? We should be so transparent that only thefruits of the spirit show through. As your walls come down, youwill walk closer to the Lord.
I always thought I was the black sheep ofthe family. I believed that. The Lord spoke to me and said "No, youare not a black sheep, you are one of My white lambs."
In starting on this healing journey, thefirst thing the Lord gave me was a vision. He showed me a perfectrosebud, (I wont tell you the color because you should have yourown). What color is yours?
He stated that He sees me as a perfectrosebud, and to keep it in mind, especially when I was feeling downon myself. He said for me to share this vision with others, becauseHe sees us, not as hurting children, but through the blood ofJesus, as perfect rosebuds.
The Lord said that as the healingprogresses, the rosebud will open until you are a perfect rose, asweet aroma unto Him. When it is in full bloom, you will havebecome the Godly person He would have you be, that mighty man orwoman of God.
Then your gifts will be in operation as theyshould be, not hidden behind walls and masks that hide the realyou, and show only the part of you that you think others willaccept. Remember there is no guilt nor condemnation with theLord.
Who are you in Christ? If your self-imagedoes not line up with the word of God, you are believing a lie.
You know if you hear that you arent goodenough, or smart enough, or ________ enough (you fill the blank),you begin to believe it. The spoken word can either curse or bless.When something is confessed over you enough, you begin to believeit.
I even believed that I didnt deserve anybetter than I was getting. That statement is from the pit! God saysNO MORE! Those of us who have been battered, abused and misused,etc., have a very low self image, but God has an answer.
Mark 3:24-25 If a kingdom is divided againstitself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided againstitself, that house cannot stand.
YOU can not stand in faith (not the faiththat we are supposed to have) if your version of self worth doesnot line up with the Word of God. I repeat, you can not stand inGods kind of faith if your version of self worth does not line upwith the Word of God. If your version is anything less thanco-heirs with Christ, child of God, lovely in His eyes, then youare not lining up with the Word, you are divided against yourselfand can not stand in faith.