7 Laws
Human Nature
The Oneness of
Universal Love

Copyright 2017 Conrad Spainhower.
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Balboa Press rev. date: 04/24/2017
Table of Contents
A life of Healing, a life of He alth,
A life worth living is a life of We alth .
I have practiced over 25 years as a chiropractor and I have learned that most people come to me to treat their pain. Im sure that most doctors and therapists have the same experience, people want to receive a treatment that will cure their illness. As I treat my patients Im also analyzing how their problem was created. Im looking at various factors like diet, lack of exercise, injurious repetitive movements or anything else that could provoke the problem. Im trying to get the patient to take responsibility for their problem and help me with their treatment.
It appears that Im treating their physical illness but over the years I have come to a new realization, that a persons emotional, mental and spiritual side can also affect their health. The reality of the situation is that we cant separate an illness into a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ailment, because everything works together.
I now understand that attitudes play an essential role in our health and wellbeing. Attitudes have characteristics that are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In psychology attitudes are labeled as behavioral (physical), affective (emotional) and cognitive (mental). In this book attitudes have a spiritual side as well, attitudes will have a positive spiritual value or a negative spiritual value. Attitudes that bring people together and unite them has an energy with a positive spiritual value and attitudes that are divisive and cause separation has a negative value.
If we have attitudes with a negative spiritual energy then they will cause illness; physical illness, mental illness and emotional illness. We need to adopt attitudes with a positive spiritual energy if we want to stay healthy and grow spiritually. Spiritual growth is there for all of us but we have to make the effort, no one can make us grow spiritually. Looking for someone to cure our ills is a short term proposition, the long term cure is when we discover what is causing us harm and create a healthy lifestyle.
The 7 Laws of Human Nature is a scientific philosophical study into the human consciousness, the 7 chakras and the human aura. We use theories to make sense about what we are observing in life, to explain ideas and interpret facts. The 1 st chapter is the Theory of the Oneness of Universal Love, which will present 7 hypotheses. These hypotheses will present facts and suppositions of facts, which will be followed up by a theory. This is all happening on four energy levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Life on Earth has to have a reason, our lives arent an accident and this book presents a logical theory on the how and why of life. This is a book on love and how love works in our lives.
With Love and Devotion to All
Conrad Spainhower
Chapter 1
Theory of the Oneness
of Universal Love
God gave us our heart to feel the love.
He gave us our mind to see the t ruth.
He gave us our lives to build a w orld,
Full of His Love and made of His T ruth.
Old School, New School and New Age
There have been thousands of philosophies throughout history presenting their own version of how life functions on Earth. Some of the earliest philosophies had their beginnings over 3-5,000 years ago and many of them became religions. In most cases these philosophies have been evolving in the same way that humanity has been evolving. While almost all philosophies share some of the same values and principles, they also have some major differences that separate them from each other.

In order to grasp these different philosophies more easily we have created three broad categories; the Old School, the New School and the New Age. Divide a circle into three pie shaped wedges and the first wedge is called Old School. This group represents the established religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other smaller groups who use ancient texts or teachings that are passed down from one generation to the next. They all share a belief in one God and most believe that if their members follow their religious teachings then they will go to heaven or something of that nature.
The next wedge in the circle is called New School. This group primarily represents the scientific community. This has always been a small group but with the birth of physics almost 500 years ago it has grown tremendously. Many in this group declare themselves to be atheist or agnostic. They believe in science and that the true reality can be observed and proven. They are driven by discovering the truth and most people in this group dont believe in spirituality.
The third wedge represents the New Age group. This is a very diverse group in the sense that they represent many different beliefs and philosophies, which is a mixture of spiritual experiences, scientific studies and traditional philosophies. New Age would include self-help psychology, chakra work, working with the human aura, past-life regression therapy, out of body experiences, communicating with spiritual beings and a wide range of other techniques and philosophies. In Old School people are usually members of one religious group for their lifetime but in New Age most of them will belong to one group for a while and leave for another, or they may participate in several different groups at the same time. The one thing New Age people have in common with each other is that they are continually searching for more personal and spiritual meaning.
There are many people on the fringes of these groups and this is represented by arrows that pass from one wedge to the other. There will be medical doctors who believe in the scientific evidence of their profession but they will also belong to a Christian religion. They may entertain doubts as to the existence of a soul but they would still remain a member of their religion. In the same way there are people who are experimenting with New Age techniques but they belong to an organized religion. And of course there are lots of people who are right in the middle of their wedge; people who believe without a doubt that their religion is the right one, or atheists who just know that there is nothing else beyond this physical universe.
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