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Copyright 2011 World of Angels Inc.
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Faugrolas, Marie-Ange.
Angels : the definitive guide to angels from around the world / Marie-Ange Faugrolas.
Includes index.
1. Angels. I. Title.
I dedicate this book to my late father and to all the people who want to connect with the angels and enjoy their miracles.
I would like to thank my celestial companions and all those who inspired this book. Ive had a happy and productive time in their company.
My heart and thoughts go out to archangel Raphael. I shall be eternally grateful to him for giving me the joy of writing and living so happily among angels.
I would like to thank my five children for their love and unconditional support.
I would like to thank my French grandmother for having chosen my first name meaning Marie-Angel. Thanks to her, I came into the world with a special connection with the angels and the beautiful mission to spread out their powerful message of love, light, and peace.
Angels are our protectors and our guides. They possess real powers, and when we call on their services, they are only too happy to step in, providing us with love and compassion. Invoking the angels, or soliciting their reliable help, allows us to obtain results beyond all hope. I have confirmed it at various points in my life. That is why I have written this book with the encouragement and support of these celestial messengers. Angels are not imaginary creatures from an invisible world. They manifest themselves in the human world and participate in real interventions. They can change destiny, open the doors of the future, and transform negative energies into positive ones. Dont hesitate to invoke them or pray to receive their advice. Angels are loving and watchful. They bring about powerful and efficient help.
This book will allow you to get to know the world of angels better: their origins, their history, their hierarchical organization. You will find in it a number of practical rituals, prayers, and meditations. You will learn how to get in touch with the angels and how to use their powers in order to live happily and successfully. You will also familiarize yourself with the angels by using crystals, perfumes, oils, and colors that attract the angels. Calling on angels isnt complicated or difficult. Anyone can summon the messengers of God. Being sincere in your requests and welcoming them with open arms is all you need.
Because of the touch of angels, we experience the joy of never feeling lonely. Their presence is reassuring and comforting. Angels protect and guide everybody. Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is an angel watching over you. Fear not life, because angels are by your side. Open your heart and you will see them manifest more and more often on your life path.
The coming of an angel brings about a feeling of lightness, of joy, and of a spirit teeming with projects. Oftentimes, the angels begin to manifest through pleasant physical and emotional sensations. Once someone is accustomed to these sensations, they can appear in dreams, in visions, and then in physical encounters. Whatever their ways of communicating may be, they will bring the happiness and certitude of not being alone. Angels accompany humans throughout their existence. They dont judge their actions and are compassionate for their past mistakes. They are guides toward the future and infallible protectors. We can invoke them to obtain comfort in times of personal crisis or when confronted with sentimental or professional problems. The coming of an angel is an event that can happen at any moment when we invoke them regularly. Celestial creatures make apparitions, but they are often reserved for people accustomed to receiving the angelic touch. The most common manifestations are signs, surprising circumstances, unexpected encounters, or happy coincidences.
It isnt necessary to experience personal drama in order to call on the angels. We can invoke them when were tired or depressed. They bring about a renewal of energy and lightheartedness. We can incite the angels to manifest themselves regularly by installing an altar for the angels in a privileged corner of the house. Rituals and meditations are also an excellent way of getting in touch with angels.
Angels are celestial creatures, messengers of God. Their influence on destiny is always positive. We can count on their help and support in all situations, because they are enlightened by divine love. Depending on the person and the circumstances, they warn of approaching dangers, send signs to light the way, or provoke actual miracles and surprises that can truly transform existence. Opening your heart to the angels allows you to be graced with divinity, and never again must you feel alone.
The messages of angels frequently come to us in the form of repetitive images or signs. Sometimes, angels manifest themselves in the form of recurring visions of animals or objects. Other times its when two different people say the same thing. Whatever the circumstances, the state of openness that we find ourselves in will influence these forms of manifestations and angelic contact. The help of angels always brings about a sensation of psychological comfort, physical well-being, and security. Their reassuring presence discourages us from committing mistakes we may otherwise make out of fear and insecurity.
Angels remove negative influences and protect polluted or unpleasant environments. Their presence favors emotional and personal fulfillment. We recognize their assistance through miraculous encounters with soul mates, the healing of somebody we love, positive relationship evolutions, a new job offer coming out of the blue, tough or blocked situations that suddenly resolve, or new and enriching events that unexpectedly occur in our lives.