I have personally had the joy of knowing James and the late Michal Ann Goll for more than thirty years. I commend to you these vintage writings, A Call to Courage. The Golls are among those who long to see Jesus receive the rewards for His suffering. I give a hearty amen to the lineage and legacy of Michal Anns ministry and to the teachings found in this book.
Mike Bickle
Founder of IHOP-KC, Kansas City, Missouri
Author of Passion for Jesus and many other titles
We loved our years ministering together with Michal Ann and James Goll. Their writings have impacted the global body of Christ. Beautifully, they have called us to take courage, dwell in the secret place, and to let compassionate love take action. These many anecdotes and examples from both the past and the present from those who made a difference in this life call us to follow in their footsteps. Michal Ann used to exhort us to have our own Hall of Heroes. As you read these Women on the Frontlines books, I am sure she will be added to yours. Now it is our turn to answer the call of the Holy Spirit and volunteer freely in the day of His power. Above all, like Michal Ann, let love have the final say.
Wesley and Stacey Campbell
Revival Now! Ministries
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
When seeking the Lord for a prophetic leader to move to our city to help in equipping the church, I searched the United States. The Lord highlighted James Goll to me. But in choosing him we got two for one: Michal Ann too! This couple exemplified godly living with a prophetic edge, prayerful actions, and an unusual partnering that still resounds across the globe yet to this day. The Holy Spirit chose well when he pointed them out to me. Now it is your turn to be impacted by their life and ministry.
Dr. Don Finto
Pastor Emeritus, Belmont Church, Nashville, TN
Founder of the Caleb Company
I have personally known the Golls for years, and I had the honor of commissioning them as apostolic prophets within our HIM global network. Sue and I cherish our years with them as a couple and cheer James on as he continues to carry the kingdom message of Jesus around the world. Together they birthed a fresh movement, now stewarded by others, called Women on the Frontlines. I applaud their work together and the distinct lineage and legacy of Michal Anns life message as expressed in COMPASSION ACTS.
Dr. Che Ahn
Founder of HRock Church and Harvest International Ministries
Chancellor of the Wagner Leadership Institute
With a balanced presentation, Michal Ann and James challenge women and men both to fulfill their potential in God without compromise. I have known this family well for years and had the pleasure of serving on their Encounters Network board of directors. They have lived their message well. In the Women on the Frontlines series, this Female Hall of Fame of courage, intimacy, and compassion will especially inspire our younger sisters, who have so few heroes and heroines to look up to as examples.
Elizabeth Alves
Founder of Increase International
Author of Mighty Prayer Warrior and other books
Michal Ann herself was a woman on the front lines as she became more and more courageous with each fresh revelation from her Lord. In my opinion, she stands alongside the nine ordinary women of this book as one who knows an extraordinary God, becoming strong, standing firm, and doing exploits for Him. May the Holy Spirit use this book to open each readers eyes to see her awesome potential in Him.
Mary Audrey Raycroft
Pastor of Equipping Ministries and Women in Ministry
Catch the Fire Toronto
Author of Releasers of Life
This book is intelligent, wise, inspiring, and warm because it flows from the life of the late Michal Ann Goll and her husband, James. Clearly, this remarkable woman was chosen to tenderly lead the women of this generation into their destined wholeness and kingdom impact. Michal Ann is one of the women I would tell my daughter in her formative years of growing up to follow as Michal Ann followed Jesus. I can give no higher praise.
Stephen L. Mansfield
Author and founder of the Mansfield Group
While reading the Women on the Frontlines series, my spirit was stirred, motivated, and encouraged to never settle for less than Gods purpose and call for my life. This first book will take the reader from feeling unimportant and ordinary to realizing that she is Gods chosen vessel with a powerful purpose. I believe the Holy Spirit intends us to experience more than mere enjoyment and inspiration from this books pages; He desires us to receive the invaluable impartation of Michal Anns zeal and heart to fulfill all of Gods mandate.
Shirley Sustar
Copastor of Heartland Worship Center
Author of Women of Royalty
Few people have touched my life like Michal Ann Goll. Her life, her love for God, her ministry, and her writings have left our lovely Saviors impact upon me. For years, James and Michal Ann have been friends of Life Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and of my husband, Charles, and I. Though Michal Ann has graduated to heaven, I continue to read these Women on the Frontlines series books over and over. You will want to also.
Anne Stock
Life Center, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC
Racine, Wisconsin, USA
A Call to Courage
Overcoming Fear and Becoming Strong in Faith
Copyright 2016 James W. Goll
ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5183-5 (softcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5184-2 (e-book)
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. Scripture quotations marked amp are taken from The Amplified Bible. Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Cover design by Chris Garborg at www.garborgdesign.com
Interior by Katherine Lloyd at www.theDESKonline.com
Printed in the United States of America
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We would like to dedicate this first book in the Women on the Frontlines seriesA Call to Courageto two groups of people: the pioneers and those who carry on the modern-day and future legacy of Women on the Frontlines.
First of all, we desire to dedicate this book to all the dear women from the pastcountless numbers of known but mostly unknown courageous saints who have paid the price of service and true devotion to our Lord. Thank you for passing along to us the baton of faith, hope, and love. Thank you for watching us and cheering us on as we fight our daily battles to win for the Lord the rewards of Christs suffering.
Second, we wish to dedicate this book to all those dear ones who have their future still ahead of them, who are ready and waiting to serve and love the Lord wholeheartedly. May you press forward and be courageous champions for God. Always give Him everything, for He gave everything for you.