Praise for
Youre Gonna Make It
A good plan almost never survives the blow of the enemy. We need more than a plan; we need a strategyand the resilienceto keep going when our plan capsizes. Strategy is exactly what you will find in the pages of this book. Daniel will hand you the tools to persevere when life hits so hard you want to quit. Youre Gonna Make It will give you the kind of resilience that doesnt just help you survive hardship but also helps you bounce back even stronger.
Levi Lusko , lead pastor of Fresh Life Church and bestselling author
Sometimes life seems so unfair, so hard. Maybe youre terrified of the future or find it hard to believe that you will ever really be happy again. If thats you, then Youre Gonna Make It is a must-read. Daniel Fusco lays out a thoughtful, practical guide to finding true hope in the suffering, fear, worry, and everyday pressures of life. In a time when hope seems to be in relatively short supply, Daniel encourages us to lean into the hope we have in Jesus, despite our circumstances, and reminds us that God is still in control. Jesus will get us through whatever we are facing today.
Greg Laurie , senior pastor of Harvest Church and evangelist for Harvest Crusades
Daniel Fusco has written another timely and practical book that can lift a person from the deepest low to a thrilling triumph. He teaches us a hope that puts the grit in perseverance!
Bishop Dale C. Bronner , DMin , founder and senior pastor of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral and author of Power Principles
Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. My beloved friend Daniel Fusco expertly guides us, in a thoroughly biblical way, in what it looks like to break free from our what-if mental prisons. Youre Gonna Make It is a compelling read, spilling over with gospel truths. This book gives so much hope for true, God-honoring change.
Rashawn Copeland , founder of Blessed Media and author of No Turning Back
This incredible book leads us on a journey of trusting God in chaotic seasons. Daniels insights and experiences are perfectly woven through the threads of this book. If you desire to unlock the resilience inside you and learn about Gods path for your life, Youre Gonna Make It will not disappoint!
Tim Timberlake , bestselling author of The Power of 1440 and senior pastor of Celebration Church
Youre Gonna Make It is a ray of light. Daniel unveils the secret to finding hope in the midst of lifes uncertainties. If youre wondering what it takes to become resilient for times like these, read this book!
Carey and Toni Nieuwhof , podcasters, speakers, bestselling author (Carey) of At Your Best, author (Toni) of Before You Split
Daniel Fusco, as only he can, brings a timely message in Youre Gonna Make It. It will encourage and challenge you in the most life-giving way. All of us have experienced the mess of life. The gift of resilience is the key to not just surviving but also thriving through it all. Daniel is one of the most brilliant pastors and Bible teachers I know, but what I love most about him is his heart to encourage people. This book will unlock resilience and release hope in your life.
Banning Liebscher , Jesus Culture founder and pastor
I wish I could tell you that once you become a Christian, life is easy. But thats not true. Life is still hard, but God is still good. In Youre Gonna Make It, Daniel Fusco teaches us to be resilient like Jesus. This book is chock-full of powerful life principles that will transform your hard seasons into miracles.
Matt Brown , evangelist, author of Truth Plus Love, host of Think Eternity with Matt Brown podcast, and founder of Think Eternity
In a world embroiled in chaos, consternation, pain, and uncertainty, Daniel Fusco serves up gospel-driven joy for life and hope for the future. At a time in our culture when many are suffering and grappling with so much, Fusco offers a powerful reminder that God can do extraordinary things with our lives when we trust Him to navigate us through the storms. Youre Gonna Make It is a must-read for the times in which were living.
Billy Hallowell , author and digital host, CBN News
Youre Gonna Make It is a how-to guide not just for surviving hard times but also for thriving in the midst of them. Daniel Fusco offers practical wisdom that will keep you anchored to unconditional hope no matter what youre facing. Whether its a financial mess, health crisis, or difficult relationship, this book will offer you hope and joy for your journey.
Roma Downey , Emmy-nominated actress, producer, and New York Times bestselling author
Youre Going to Make It by Daniel Fusco is the book everyone needs right nowa perfect antidote for those who feel stuck in the middle of life and dont know which way to seek help. Daniels own story, along with his biblical perspective, is sure to bring you to a place beyond what you could have imagined: Ephesians 3:20. While reading, I thought about past times I could have used this book and applied it to my own life, to gain the wisdom that comes from this kind of perseverance. Thank you, Daniel, for writing this book. Everyone needs to read it!
Shawn Bolz , author, pastor, TV host, podcaster, @shawnbolz,
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Scripture quotation moved into the neighborhood in chapter 8 is taken from The Message, copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by WaterBrook, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.
WaterBrook and its deer colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.
Names: Fusco, Daniel, author. | Jacobsen, D. R. author.
Title: Youre gonna make it: unlocking resilience when life is a mess /Daniel Fusco with D.R. Jacobsen.
Description: Colorado Springs: WaterBrook, [2022] | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021058271 | ISBN 9780593192689 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9780593192696 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Resilience (Personality trait)Religious aspectsChristianity.
Cover images: Bohdan Populov/Shutterstock (stones); white snow/Shutterstock (watercolor)