Rob King and Eric Ferris invite you to have an easygoing conversation about the Holy Spirit. With clarity, deep insight and clever wit, they help us to take steps toward a faith that embraces the possibilities God has for us on this side of Pentecost.
Vincent Bacote, Ph.D., director, Center for Applied Christian Ethics; associate professor of theology, Wheaton College
An inspiring and helpful resource! For a topic that we often want to avoid rather than engage, Rob King and Eric Ferris demystify the Holy Spirit and provide a healthy framework for understanding how to truly live in the Spirit.
Effortlessly moving between biblical wisdom and practical stories, The Spirit Within puts into words the longing we have for more. Its honest about whats confusing and clear on how to move forward. It is accessible for believers at every point in their faith walk and doesnt alienate people based on their theological background. Its a tall order to write a book about the Holy Spirit thats encouraging, informative, challenging and invitational. These authors have pulled it off, and if we put into practice what they teach, well be a stronger and more powerful Church.
King and Ferris accomplish an incredible feat in the pages of their new book. Masterfully blending their own thoughts into one voice, with almost seamless execution, they offer fresh insights that help us delve deeper into our understanding of the Holy Spirit. Their winsome prose, coupled with their rich theological dialogue, make The Spirit Within a satisfying read from cover to cover.
Rev. Jason Brian Santos, Ph.D., mission coordinator for Christian formation, Presbyterian Mission Agency, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
Rob and Eric invite followers of Jesus to wrap their arms around Gods whole Jesus-gift. Written in an everyday, relatable style, The Spirit Within warmly and humorously guides readers to recognize, to engage and to depend on Gods Spirit for abundant living and empowerment for Gospel mission.
Joel Willitts, Ph.D., professor of biblical and theological studies and practical theology, North Park University
Copyright Page
2019 by Rob King and Eric Ferris
Published by Chosen Books
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
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Ebook edition created 2019
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4934-2049-0
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To Stephanie, DAnn, Jenna, Michael, Peyton, Courtney, Erin, Caleb and Katie.
Half Title Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Foreword by Jim Burns
Authors Note
1. The Quest for More
2. I Know a Guy
3. Defusing the Fear Factor
4. The Promise and the Package
5. Living Confidently
6. Living with Clarity
7. Living in Good Company
8. Growing More Like the Person God Created You to Be
9. Surviving and Thriving
10. Looking Good, Living Better
11. Walking on Water
12. Living in the Right Direction
About the Authors
Back Cover
I try to read at least one book a year on the Holy Spirit. This is almost embarrassing to write, but I need that gentle reminder regularly that the Holy Spirit of God actually dwells within me and that I have access to His comfort, counsel and power. Books and messages on the Holy Spirit tend to help us find our way when we have lost our compass. The Spirit Within is that book for me this yearand one of the best, well-balanced books I have ever read on this subject.
As a brand-new 21-year-old youth pastor, I worked for John Wimber at a church called Yorba Linda Friends. John later became the leader of the Vineyard movement, which will go down in modern-day Church history as one of the greatest movements of God in the twentieth century. His kids were in my youth group. I shared meals and life with him. And yet, he would say, it was not until he became totally open to the fullness of God through the Holy Spirit that he saw God work so strongly in his own life and then around the world. The Spirit Within reminds us that we have access to that same powerful Spirit within our lives.
Rob King and Eric Ferris have a most remarkable ministry at Vineyard Cincinnati Church. When you walk on the campus, you sense the presence of God in a beautiful and vibrant way. These men and this church demonstrate what the Vineyard movement calls the radical middle. When it comes to living our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit, these are leaders and a church that live out these words: Who says we have to go to one extreme or the other? To neglect the Spirit of God in our lives is to neglect what Jesus called the greater things. To be reckless with the Holy Spirit and turn the Spirit into a carnival sideshow is also not right. The right way is to lean into the power of the Holy Spirit and not be afraid of the Spirits work in your life and your church.