The printed version of this eBook is the Guilt: Living Guilt Free book, ISBN-13: 9781596366961
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Guilt: Living Guilt Free
Copyright 2013 Hope For The Heart
All rights reserved.
Aspire Press, a division of Rose Publishing, LLC
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Living Guilt Free
This handy eBook:
- Gives practical advice and Biblical wisdom from June Hunt, a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program Hope For The Heart is heard on more than 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 25 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for todays problems.
- Explains the difference between guilt and shame, how to get rid of false guilt, how to recognize the lies of the enemy, and how to forgive yourself.
- Shows how to move past the legalistic Dos and Donts of life into the freedom found in Christs love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
Dear friend,
The thrill of victorythe agony of defeat. In North America, this saying dominated the sports world for many years. Yet on a personal level, I know what its like to experience both extremes.
Never will I forget the crisp, fall evening when a dear friend and I attended a Dallas Cowboys football game. Coach Tom Landry executed the game plan perfectly. Quarterback Roger Staubach was never better. This night truly epitomized the thrill of victory.
Instead of scurrying away with all the fans and fighting the traffic, Barbara and I decided to stay in our seats and simply talk. As we watched Texas Stadium empty, we saw 65,000-plus vacant blue stadium seats in bright contrast to the brilliant green AstroTurf. But as Barbara and I continued to talk, instead of maintaining that thrill of victory, I began to feel the agony of defeat. My mind became crowded with guilt because of my own wrong choices in the past.
I remember saying to Barbara, I dont deserve to have you as my grace friend. (She always gave me grace when I didnt deserve it.) And then I began a litany of wrong choices that I had made over the years. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about certain people whom I had hurtpeople including Barbara.
How could I have done that? I lamented. How could I have thought that way!
After I had poured out my heart, Barbara took my hand and said something that stunned me. June, I dont think you really understand what grace is all about.
What? I thought. I understand grace. Ive even taught others about grace.
Then Barbara reiterated, I dont think you understand the grace of God for you.
Could this be true? Could I know grace in my head, but not in my heart?
Barbara continued, June, you apply grace to others, but not to yourself. To be candid, I had no clue that this was true.
Ultimately, she shared truth that I knew was accurate, but truth that I wasnt appropriating in my heart. She reminded me:
Weve all been guilty of breaking Gods law. June, you are no different (Romans 3:23).
Since you confessed your sins and have given your life to Christ, God was faithful to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Youve already received Gods gift of gracegiving you the forgiveness you didnt deserve (Ephesians 2:89). Jesus forgave all your sinspast, present, and futureso that you could be saved and live guilt-free (Hebrews 10:10).
I knew Barbara had spoken the truth, and theres nothing like truth to set us all free. What relief. What a load off my shoulders!
Unquestionably, Barbara was right. I hadnt applied grace to my own life. I needed Gods grace like a blanket over my heart so that I wouldnt live with the coldness of false guilt.
If thats your need, may I encourage you to embrace Gods heart on living guilt free. Being free of guilt has everything to do with grace. Theres a very good reason why grace is called amazing.
Yours in the Lords hope,
Living Guilt Free
Two men experience an immense amount of guilt and their lives are changed forever. One mans guilt leads to repentance, allowing him to live guilt free the rest of his life. The other mans guilt leads to gut-wrenching grief, compelling him to take his own life.
Though tethered together by bad decisions, the two couldnt be more different. One we call Davidbut God calls him, a man after my own heart ... (Acts 13:22). The other we call Judasbut Jesus knew him as the one who would betray him (John 6:64).
Obviously, God uses guilt to get our attention, but He never designed guilt to distress us forever. God created guilt to prick a calloused conscience, to move us to repent, to convict us of our wrong, and to convince us to do right.
The Bible gives this assurance: When we confess our sins with complete humility, God purifies our heart and forgives our every sin.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss? (Luke 22:48).
The question should send shock waves through his conscience, stopping him dead in his tracks, challenging him to change his diabolical plan. Betraying a friend is two-faced, but to do so with a kiss is nothing less than cruel.
Meanwhile, the jealous religious leaders cant wait to rid themselves of Jesus. After all, the crowds keep coming to Himthe One with purest motivesbut His truth-filled teachings keep shining a spotlight on their own spiritual darkness.
So for 30 pieces of silver, Judas agrees to deliver Jesus into the leaders murderous hands. Perceptively, Jesus speaks boldly about His betrayer and the guilt that will beset him.
Woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born. (Matthew 26:24)
WHAT IS True Guilt?
One day, true guilt grabs hold of Judas. Yet his consuming sense of regret becomes a roadblock to repentance and life change. Thats not Gods game plan for guilt.
As a member of Jesus inner circle of 12 original disciples, being a betrayer seems inconceivable. After all, Judas was there when Jesus calmed the storm and walked on water. Judas was there when Jesus multiplied a few fish and bites of bread to feed over 5,000. Judas was there when Jesus drove out demons, healed the sick, and raised the dead.
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