Copyright Page
2017 by Jerusha Clark
Published by Baker Books
a division of Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Printed in the United States of America
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4934-0925-9
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Scripture quotations labeled NLT 1996 are from the Holy Bible , New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
For every woman whos ever believed something false, for every one of us who longs to be known and loved, Jerusha Clarks words and wisdom will lead you on the path to living more fully and beautifully. You will be left challenged and inspired to walk with Jesus in a whole new way.
Jill Savage, founder, Hearts at Home; author, No More Perfect Marriages
If you have ever doubted your worth, struggled with fear, or longed for a dynamic, satisfying faith, read this book! Every Piece of Me will help you to identity wrong thinking and lead you to a better understanding of who you really are as a follower of Jesus Christ. Jerusha Clark honestly shares her own toxic beliefs and vulnerably points her readers to transformed thinking based on a biblical belief system. I highly recommend this book for personal study and for small group use. An added bonus is an outstanding list of recommended books for going deeper on the subjects covered in each chapter. Dont miss this remarkable resource!
Carol Kent, speaker; author, Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith that Will Endure Anything
Jerushas chapter on satisfying your true hunger is so relevantI can use this right away with the women we serve! Thank you, Jerusha, for sharing Gods truth in such a practical way to bring freedom and balance to so many who need it.
Constance Rhodes, founder and CEO, FINDINGbalance, Inc.; author, Life Inside the Thin Cage
If youve ever wanted to have a wise counselor or big sister walking with you through the challenges of life, this book may be the answer. Jerusha writes like a friend who is beside you and who has been there, tackling the tough questions that plague every woman. There is true spiritual food and encouragement to be found in Every Piece of Me.
Dr. Juli Slattery, psychologist; co-founder, Authentic Intimacy
In Every Piece of Me, Jerusha invites us into a deeply honest, refreshing story that speaks to every woman in search of her true identity, worth, and purpose. This book reads like a dear friend, getting real next to me on the couch, curled up in a blanket, with a cup of hot tea or coffee, and a box of tissues between us. As a reader, I exhaled as I discovered that Jerushas journey, like mine, has been rugged at times, and yet it has led her to the same place the Lord has led me: to look at God, the Great I AM, for all that I am and all that I am meant to be. Thank you, Jerusha, for this poignant, beautiful book. It will no doubt help women everywhere discover the peace of knowing what they look like in Gods heavenly eyes.
Jennifer Strickland, founder,; speaker; author, Myths ( Even Good) Girls Believe About Sex, Beautiful Lies, and More Beautiful Than You Know
This book is dedicated
to my beloved Jeramy Alan,
for faithfully loving every piece of me
to my dear friends
Lynette Fuson and Rebekah Guzman,
who believed in these words when they were just impassioned ideas.
Title Page
Copyright Page
1. Since You Are Precious and Honored...
2. Do You Want to Be Well?
3. From Fear to Freedom
4. Youre Always In
5. Satisfying Your True Hunger
6. Im Not Afraid of the Dark Anymore
7. The Unforced Rhythms of Grace
Selah: Introducing the Way, the Truth, and the Life
8. Making Good Decisions in a Choice-Crazy World
9. Discovering (and Loving!) the Real You
10. Giving Your Life So That Others Might Live
11. So Much More to Life than This
About the Author
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Abba, Jesus, Spirit of God, thank you. Be exalted in these words and do your kingdom work through them. I am so grateful that you called me out of darkness and into your marvelous light.
Jocelyn Alexandra, you are a fabulous, fiery, and flat-out fun girl! God did such a phenomenal job making you, my sweet Love Bug. I love you Until the very end .
To Jasmine Alyssa, my precious Friendbeak: You bring red sunshine into my life every day, and I thank God that he made me your Mama. Dont forget Robin!
Mom and Dad, you have supported me in every possible way. You give feedback, read drafts, discuss endlessly, and continue to shape my adult life in godly ways. Thank you for being the kind of parents I love spending time with. You also rock at being Mimi and Babbo!
To Kathy Moratto, your influence has shaped me more than you can possibly know. I think you are absolutely wonderful and know that God does too!
Megan Donovan , you are a tenacious and faithful sister in Christ. I love spending time together and watching God work in and use you for his glory.
To Jenn Paul, in whom the Living Water runs deep: I count it a privilege to share life with you, my beloved friend.
Cameron Germann, through the years your fellowship has uplifted and refined me again and again. I am so grateful to know and be known by you.
To Michelle Ballou, my precious sister, who serves God with passion and challenges me to do the same: Snoopy forever!
Lynette Fuson, your friendship is a gift from God. I love that we can have deep conversations and crazy fun at the beach on the same day. You are a treasure!
To Betsy Yphantides, for so many years and so many amazing memories (perhaps not including 2:00 a.m. wake-up calls at Newport!). I am grateful to God for you in my life.