Channel your positive energy to
reduce stress, promote healing, and
enhance your quality of life
Phylameana lila Dsy
![The Everything Reiki Book Channel Your Positive Energy to Reduce Stress Promote Healing and Enhance Your Quality of Life - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/443257/images/9781593370305_ps_0004_001.jpg)
Copyright 2004, F+W Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
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An Everything Series Book.
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Published by Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
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ISBN 10: 1-59337-030-X
ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-030-5
eISBN 13: 978-1-44052-273-4
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dsy, Phylameana lila.
The everything reiki book / Phylameana lila Dsy.
p. cm.
(An everything series book)
ISBN 1-59337-030-X
1. Reiki (Healing system) I. Title. II. Series: Everything series.
RZ403.R45D79 2004
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Dear Reader:
Whether you have already taken a Reiki class or you are just beginning to explore this natural hands-on healing system, it is my hope that this book will provide you with a broad-ranging scope and a clear understanding of the many nuances that collectively give Reiki its gentle healing power.
I am delighted to be able to play a contributing role in your exploration of Reiki through The EverythingReiki Book. My personal journey with Reiki began in January 1996 when I participated in a Reiki Shiki Ryoho class under the careful direction of Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Reverend Beverley Jean Voss. Before that time, I was already walking the path of a holistic healer. I am always seeking to gain more healing knowledge and am often looking to add more tools to my healers medicine bag. Reiki turned out to be an ideal complementar y tool. Its constant availabilit y, easy access, and great adaptability assist me regularly in treating others, as well as in my never-ending quest for personal well-being and spiritual growth. I am very pleased that you have chosen to read this book and, for a short while, walk along with me on this unique pathway t o healing.
Reiki blessings,
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To my husband, sons, and daughter
Reiki hugs and love, as well as my most heartfelt gratitude, go to all my friends and family members who provided me with the love, support, and encouragement I needed to undertake the writing of this book. This includes, but is not exclusive to, Amber M. Keith, Jonni K. Hecker, Morgan E. Wagner, Derric N. Wagner, the Reverend Beverley J. Voss, Mary J. Shomon, Norma J. Todd, and Linda S. Meyer. A very special thanks to my partner in life and sweetheart, Joe Dsy, for his patience and sensible advice that helped me produce the final manuscript for the publisher.
Top Ten Benefits of Practicing Reiki
Reiki is an effective self-help tool that promotes balance, relaxation, and overall well-being.
Reiki serves as an immediate first-aid response during times of trauma and injury.
Reiki is a community in which its practitioners automatically become members of its energetically connected family.
Reiki harms no one and serves as a complementary tool for assisting all other types of healing therapies.
Reiki helps practitioners develop stronger and healthier relationships with their loved ones.
Reiki helps practitioners bond spiritually with their environment.
Reiki extends its healing properties into all past, present, and future experiences that need soothing.
Reiki brings awareness, allowing practitioners to bring to light any innate intuitive abilities that have been buried or repressed.
Reikis restorative properties are especially helpful in the care that follows medical treatments or surgical procedures.
Our pets benefit from Reiki energies by becoming healthier and calmer under a practitioners care.
USUI REIKI IS A SIMPLE and natural system of touch healing that originated in Japan through the discovery of a Zen Buddhist named Mikao Usui. The history and healing techniques used in Reiki are continuously passed down from teacher to student through a unique attunement process. Today, there are a variety of different lineages, all of which stem from this one mans influence.
Although Reiki is a spiritual healing art, it is not associated with any one belief system or doctrine, organized or otherwise. For this reason, Reiki practitioners make up a very diverse community. Reiki can be practiced by anyone who is open to its love energies. All that you need to give yourself a Reiki treatment are your hands, your body, and a willingness to touch it. Regardless of the status of your health, whether you are as fit as a fiddle or troubled by dis-ease or injury, Reiki can offer great benefits. When you are ill, Reiki treatments can help restore you to good health. When you are healthy, Reiki treatments will reinforce your vitality and strengthen your immune system.
Reiki is a holistic healing modality that encourages relaxation and relieves suffering. Its gentle action makes it a perfect instrument to have readily available under all circumstances. As you learn and begin to use Reiki, you will discover that it is easily accessible in any situation because it turns on automatically whenever you place your hands either on your body or on another persons body.
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