Unholy Matrimony: Healing for the AbusedWoman
n d Ed i t i o n
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
And the Lord God said, it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.
Genesis 2:1
Smashwords Edition
ISBN: 978-1-301-86070-8
Published by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks at Smashwords.com
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Scriptures taken from The Nelson Study Bible, New King James Version, 1979, 1980, & 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.; The Life Recovery Bible, New Living Translation, nd Ed., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1998; Women Devotional Bible, New International Versions, 1973, 1978, & 1984, and King James Version from www.bible.com .
Excerpts and Unholy Soul Ties prayer takenfrom www.b4prayer.org (no longer available on site).
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Copyright2007 by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks,PsyD
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I thank God for allowing me to go throughthe trials and tribulations to obtain the wisdom and experience towrite this book; to make me who He called me to be and to fulfillmy destiny.
This book is dedicated to, Apostle MarciaCarter, Household of Faith Ministries, for her prayers and support,and Pastor Ver- nell Carter, Prayer, Preach, Praise andDeliverance, for her sup- port and prayers, both of Americus, GA.,to Elder Sue Graham, and Pastors Haywood & Joy Richardson,thanks for being there for me when I needed you all the most, to mydaughter, Chandra Garry for her support and help to me, of LadyLake, FL., to my Mommie, Helen Nesbitt and my sister, DeborahNesbitt, of Nassau Bahamas, I love you, and everyone else who wasinvolved in helping me through the difficult times of the pastwhose name I did not mention; I love you all.
This book is also dedicated to all the womenwho have been abused in their relationships and to those who havenot been abused. To those who have been abused and are not freefrom soul ties, this book can give you hope and show you how Godcan bring you out too.
Through my experiences, you will see how Godbrought me out of bondage, healed me, restored me, and today I amallowing Him to have total control of my life.
To the ones who has not been abused, thisbook will teach you how not to be abused. God wants us women toarise and know the tactics of the devil. The devil wants to make usthink we have no self-worth, but he is a liar. God loves us and weare worth something to Him. If we think we are not worth anything,we will accept any treatment from a man (abuse, un- faithfulness,lying, etc.) to keep him. It is time to rise, shine, and give Godthe glory.
I thank God for giving me the wisdom,strength, and courage to write this book. In this book, I amspeaking from experience not from what I heard. I know first-handwhat will happen if you do not wait on God to send you a mate; themate God knows is compatible to you. God does not force us to marryanyone, He presents the person to us and it is our choice to acceptor deny that person. I did not seek God first before I got marriedand that caused my relationship with Him to be up and down like aroller coastal. It was a long cycle of abuse that took me on a25-year downward spiral until God, through His true love for me,delivered me from the hurts of my childhood and the old soul tiesthat I had formed through unholy relationships and marriages.
This book is titled UnholyMatrimony because when you marry out of the will of God,you enter something that is unholy. It is unholy because Godsblessing is not upon it. In Deuteronomy7:3, Godwarns the Israelites not to marry the Canaanites. This was becausethe Canaanites did not serve God; they worshipped false gods. Goddid not want His people to be corrupted by them.
In the same way, God does not want us to becorrupted by an unholy person.
Amos3:3say,Cantwowalktogether,unlesstheyareagreed? The answer is no, theycannot. How can God and the devil agree? God stands for holinessand the devil for unholiness. This is broken down for us in Corinthians6:14-18(NKJV) whichstates:
14Do not beunequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship hasrighteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light withdarkness? 15And what accord hasChrist with Belial? Or what part has a believer with anunbeliever? 16And what agreement hasthe Temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the livingGod. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. Iwill be their God, and they shall be My people. 17Therefore Come out from among them and beseparate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I willreceive you. 18I will be a Fatherto you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LordAlmighty.
My Background
I will give you a background of whathappened in my life so you can understand better the consequencesof not waiting on God. Telling these things is not easy for me butit is not about me it is about helping all women who has been orare being abused and those who has not been abused.
NOTE:Inthisbook,Iamnowayimplyingthatallmenarethesame.NoramItryingtoattack,defame,orharmmeninanyway.IamspeakingonlyaboutthemenIhaveencountered.AndeventhoseIhaveencountered;Iamnottryingtodefametheminanyway.Mygoalinwritingthisbookis asstatedabove(tohelp women).
I am not sure when my mother and fatherseparated, but when I was about 2 years old, I was taken from mymother and given to my great grandmother, Lula McGrady, who raisedme until I was 17 years old. I felt rejected by both of my parents,so I did not want to form a relationship with them. Although I didnot know it at the time, this would traumatize me in adulthood;this rejection caused me to be angry as a child, which spilled overinto my adulthood.
As a child, I use to get so angry, that Iwould tear up my clothes or other personal property. I could nothold a conversation with my mother for long periods of time becausethe anger would rise in me and we would start arguing.
My father was in the military when I was 2years old so, I only saw him every now and then. When I graduatedfrom high school at the age of 17, I went to Florida to live withmy father. I had not seen him for 14 years. I did not even rememberhow he looked; I felt as if I was meeting a stranger when we met atthe bus station.