Personal Evaluation
by Jose Silva
Founder of
The Silva Mind Control Method
and author of the Simon and SchusterBestseller of the same name, whose Spanish version won a GoldenDiana (an Oscar).
Originally Copyright 1979 by Jose Silva.
Revised and reprinted 1981
All rights reserved.
For information contact
Jose Silva Jr., Trustee
Jose Silva Trust
1007 Hill Place
Laredo, Texas, 78045-2051
U. S. A.
Smashwords edition Copyright 2010 by
Jose Silva Jr., Trustee of Jose SilvasEstate
Coincidence is the pseudonym of God whenHe does not wish to sign Antole France
Jose lost his father at the age of four.Since he was the eldest male child he dedicated himself to thesupport of the family. When he was six years old he used to work asa shoe shine boy, and also at selling newspapers and runningerrands. He never went to school and it was his brothers andsisters, to whom he gave the opportunity of getting an education,who taught him how to read and write.
During the time of the depression years, in1929, at the age of fifteen, he already had organized a sales team,composed of children between the ages of nine and twelve. In theafternoons when school was out this extraordinary group would movearound through some of the streets of the city o Laredo, knockingon doors to sell combs, needles, buttons, razor blades, shoe lacesand aspirins. Ever since then it became clear that Jose had a greattalent for being Lucky. He and his exemplary team would earn morein one day than many adults did in one whole week.
One day while Jose was waiting his turn atthe barbershop, he began to read a correspondence course forelectronics and radio repair. Jose asked if the lesson could belent to him, but they only offered to rent it to him on thecondition that he would fill out the exams under the name of thebarber. Soon, after several weeks of paying the rent fees, and ofhaving read the lessons and finishing the exams, one could see avery beautiful diploma hanging at the barbershop. The barber kepton attending to his habitual clientele, and Jose, at the other sideof town, dedicated himself to radio repair.
Jose Silva got married when he was twenty-sixyears old. Paula, his wife, had been his neighbor and was his firstchildhood love and girlfriend since the age of twelve. Theysubsequently had ten children. Besides being dedicated to hisfamily and his work, Jose always had and developed a special tastefor music. During his free hours he studied voice with the desireof becoming a professional tenor; his talent was outstanding, andbecause of it, he was granted a scholarship to famous school, inMilano Italy, the home of La Scala to complete his training.
However, because o other commitments, whichprobably were also for him incomprehensible at the time, hiscuriosity had already penetrated into the field of researchconcerning the human brain and its possibilities. Therefore, herejected the extraordinary scholarship that had been granted tohim, in order to initiate his even more extraordinary voyage thatwould culminate in the Silva Method of Mind Control.
Many coincidences were responsible forintroducing Jose to in depth research of the human mind,and, as a Christian, of the significance of the works of Jesus.
During the war, while he was doing hismilitary service, a small print that had on one of its sides animage of Christ and on the other a prayer under the name of OneSolitary Life, was given to him. For some strange reason the giftcaused him great emotion, so great an emotion that even today,almost forty years later, he still carries it with him in hiswallet.
Curiously, it was during his military servicethat he began his research concerning brainwave frequencies andtheir relation to electrical potential, which can be utilizedconsciously and under the control of man himself.
After several years of searching and afterundertaking studies of psychology and hypnosis, Jose felt himselfdisheartened as he found no support of any kind, not even from hisfamily; on the contrary, what he had received, most of all, wasreproach because his belief in the un-actualized capacity of humanbeings was misunderstood as tampering with the unknown and was seenas a threat to the established order by pillars of that order.
One day, in the year 1949, he decided toabandon his work by putting away his books in the most obscurecorner of an attic. That same night Jose dreamt of a brilliantlight, and two sets of numbers. As he did this, he recalled theOne Solitary Life of Christ. Surprised because of the clarity ofhis dreams, he related his experience to an old friend, who excitedbecause of old traditions, convinced Jose to buy a lottery ticketin Nuevo Laredo on the other side of the river from Laredo. What acoincidence that part of the number that had appeared in the dreamwas on sale in that city, from all the cities in Mexico! What acoincidence that Jose would win ten thousand dollars with thatparticular lottery ticket! Immediately Jose started to dust off hisbooks and continued ahead with his work.
Research was very costly and after a fewyears, pressure started to manifest again, worsened by theinquisitive judgment of authorities who would point to Jose as afraudulent sorcerer.
Books and documents returned to the attic;When, one morning in 1952, Jose tells us, it rained, it rainedwithout a pause; the streets around us without pavement had turnedinto flooded ditches. While the children were playing in the water,all of a sudden one o them, Ricardo, who was nine f years old, raninto the house; he found a piece of paper that looked like rolledup fine cardboard. The water current in the street had beendragging it along together with wood sticks and empty cans. I hadno time to say anything because as soon as he handed me hisdiscovery he ran out to play with his brothers and sisters oncemore. It was not until I heard the slamming of the door behind him,that I realized that whatever it was that I held in my hand wascompletely dry. Intrigued by that fact I immediately unrolled thesmooth cardboard. I found on it the print of a painting of Christ.After looking at it carefully I returned to my books and documentsin order to continue along my pathway.
That painting has remained in my office eversince. Its reproduction is the one that is included in this book.Many people, experts in art as well as authorities on religiouspaintings, have seen it, without being able to explain to me whocould have been its author and how it ever reached Laredo. Maybenow that its reproduction, through this book, will be widespread,someone will be able to identify it and give an answer to myrestless inquiry. I must add that ever since that fortunate day myresearch has never again gotten dusty.
Jose Silva, an incessant traveler, keeps onparticipating actively in the growth and lecturing of the MindControl courses. His research has not concluded and his strugglerepresents for the instructors and graduates of the Silva Method,as well as for the whole world, and example of faith, dedicationand humility. His work signifies and has become one of the firststeps taken toward the second phase of human evolution on thisplanet.
Jose Silva lived for 50 years in the samehouse that he bought in 1943. What a coincidence that thatparticular site had been, according to the old legends of Laredo, aplace of provisioning for travelers, back a hundred and some oddyears ago, who would stop over, trying to find rest, water, andfood during their long and difficult journeys throughout the Texasterritory.
The 1110 number of Cedar Avenue remained as aplace of provisioning for millions of human beings, who try to findinner peace and the revitalization of energies, for this longjourney that has as its foundations, faith in God and hope in thedignity of mankind.
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