Whatothers are saying about
ChangeYour Life with Self Hypnosis
If you have triedother hypnosis books that have you responding critically to thesuggestions, give this book a try. It contains numerous techniquesthat really bypassed my inner skeptic. One simple and powerfultechnique that I used helped me to reduce my "white coathypertension" allowing me to drop my systolic number byapproximately 10 and diastolic by 3. This significant drop occurredin just a couple of days. I have never had such pronounced and easysuccess with any other hypnosis tools.
This book isamazing! Michael not only writes a powerful book, but he walks youthrough everything. I was able to slowly put my past behind me, andstart working on the now and the future. I have learned to relaxand renew myself everyday, which is something I have needed foryears but could never quite get the hang of it with previous booksand cd's I had purchased in the past. You can't go wrong by readingthis book, it is powerful work in a simple and helpful way. Veryeasy to comprehend.
I very muchenjoyed your book, Change Your Life with Self Hypnosis.
Your book taughtme things I had never realized before, and highlighted some thingsI knew. I very much enjoyed the visualizations and techniques youuse.
I am using someof the different techniques, and would rate this book 5stars.
Thanks for awonderful new experience,
Change Your Life withSelf Hypnosis
Unlock Your HealingPower and Discover the Magic of Your Mind
Copyright 2013Michael Hadfield
Discover othertitles by Michael Hadfield at Self-Hypnosis-Mastery
All rightsreserved.
No part of thispublication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form withoutpermission.
This book iscopyright under the Berne Convention
The right ofMichael Hadfield to be identified as the author of this work hasbeen asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of theCopyright, Designs, and Patents Act, 1988.
The informationwithin this book is meant for your education. There is no intentthat this information be used for diagnosis, prescription, ortreatment of any mental, or physical, health problems.
This informationis not a replacement for consultation with a competent healthcareprofessional. The content of this book is meant to be used inaddition to a sensible programme of healthcare as suggested by asuitably qualified practitioner.
The author andpublisher are in no way liable for any misuse of thematerial.
For my wonderfully, kind,thoughtful, generous, and loving daughters,
Vicki &Jenny.
I love youboth.
Iwould just like to thank my LCCH tutor, JaneBannister, who, many years ago, ignited in me a fascination for thethings that I never imagined hypnosis could accomplish. I amespecially thankful to Jane for introducing me to that marvelloussubject - PsychoNeuroImmunology (PNI). PNI is at the heart of mostof the content in the Body section of this book.
My thanks also to RaffaellaBiscuso for the artwork of the pen.
This book has the power tochange your life.
Many peoplesuffer unnecessarily. Anxiety, stress and worry affect millions.Introverts live uncomfortably in an extroverted world. Peoplesuffering from chronic shyness end up lonely and isolated. Physicalproblems, for which there is no medical treatment, are endured whenit is possible to ease the discomfort and improve life quality.There are people who feel lost, without direction, and have no ideathat help is available because they themselves are unable tolabel the problem.
The real problem,of course, is what to do.
Medical expertseither prescribe drugs that ease the symptoms but do not cure, oroffer nothing more than ineffective counselling.
What is wanted isa solution.
But no one isproviding it.
The mistake is tolook for the solution outside of you. The answer lies within. I amsure that you have come across this idea before, and maybe eventried self-healing and had no success, but that can only be becausethe approach you tried was not structured appropriately.
The world ischanging rapidly. In the past the medics were in charge; drugsactually seemed to cure; hospitals were magical places where youwent in sick and came out well; but people are now realising thetruth. The truth is that much of what doctors prescribe is justmaking money for incredibly wealthy pharmaceutical companies. Thesecompanies abuse their power by playing on the fears and hopes ofthe ignorant.
People arelooking for new solutions. People are realising that there is anintimate connection between mind and body. This intimate connectionmakes it possible for you to use the power of your mind to controland direct your destiny. But with that power comes a new freedom the freedom to impact your own mental, physical, and spiritualhealth. When you learn how to use this connection, at the veryleast, it could mean the difference between suffering andpeace.
Along with thisrealisation that you can control your own destiny comes a freedomlike no other. The difficulty is recognising that this possibilityexists and then acting upon it in order to make it your newreality. You see, what you are about to encounter in this book areideas that many would dismiss out of hand simply because theystill believe in the old world where the power of life, death, andmedication lies in the hands of a few specialists.
The new world isone of personal power and the freedom to be who you want to be. Sowhat I am providing here is an opportunity for you to discover howeasy it is to use your own mind to impact your mood states, yourrelationships, your confidence and comfort, as well as your bodysnatural processes. All it requires of you is that you follow asimple process, learn some new skills, and make a commitment totake action, because without action nothing changes.
I know that thesethings are true because I have been helping to bring about positivechange in peoples lives for around 15 years now. But in my ownpast I suffered for many, many years from chronic anxiety, I wasalso severely agoraphobic - a shy introvert who never seemed toquite find his place in the world.
I was someone whonever seemed to fit in. My solution was to withdraw. I did this sowell that I experienced intense anxiety at the mere thought of asocial encounter.
I have seendoctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, been addicted totranquillisers, and even spent 6 months in a psychiatric hospital.None of that did anything at all until I realised that the onlycure was going to come from me. So the drugs only stopped when Idecided to stop taking them. And I started to find answers andsolutions when I started looking.
But it seemedthat, as soon as I took personal responsibility, doors magicallystarted to open and I was eventually led to hypnosis as a way tospeed up the whole process of healing. I quickly realised just howpowerful this technique was to solve problems like stress and lackof confidence. I was also very surprised to discover that hypnosiswas equally powerful with physical symptoms too.
I have areasonable expectation that if I can move from where I was to aplace of professional respect and social ease, then you can too.The only thing I had going for me, eventually, was the realisationthat I deserved better and that I was going to keep looking until Ifound it. If it is possible for me to find peace, enjoyment, andsatisfaction in life, then it is possible for you to do thesame.
What I am aboutto teach you in this book is what I have learned myself over theyears. I am not only sharing with you my insights and knowledge,but also a way to learn how to do this for yourself a way that issimple and easy. If you can close your eyes and daydream, then youcan do this.
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