Mind Play
A Guide to Erotic Hypnosis
by Mark Wiseman (Wiseguy)
Mind Play
A Guide to Erotic Hypnosis
Kindle Edition
Copyrigh t 2013 by Mark Wiseman
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Published by Kindle Direct Publishing, USA
Cover by Chromeheart | Illustration
by Lady Ru'etha
For so many of us, in the beginning were the words.
Wonderful words: Compelled. Controlled. Obedient. Sleepy. Blank. Hypnotized.
Oh, they're just words to most people. To some of us, though, they are so very much more. They hold the promise of endless delight, of release, of deep and orgasmic and blissful heat. They are the essence of desire fulfilled.
I wasn't looking for those words in particular the night I stumbled onto the EMCSA, although whatever I was looking for was instantly put out of my mind. It was all there, and I spent an awed few weeks immersing myself in the words. I encountered blankpage, who is sadly no longer with us but whose words live on. I devoured Chewtoy's funny and panty-dampening stories of John and his dream girl Meg. The "What's New" page wasn't enough, though. I wanted more!
At the time, it was still possible (if slightly nutty) to read everything on the Archive in alphabetical order by author. And early on in the "a" section, I struck gold: a collaborative series called " Pleasure Cruise," primarily written by artie and Wiseguy.
Jackpot! This was what I had been craving: realistic, personal, consensual, insanely hot hypnosis, and here was a whole series of it! I immediately read everything both men had written and reached out in fan mail. Shortly after, I got responses, and fast friendships were forged.
(Side note: write fan mail! Not only did that get me friendships with all of the previously-mentioned authors, but it got me my beloved tranceslut, Jukebox. Plus, there are few things as vulnerability-triggering as putting out your fantasies for all to read. These folks deserve to know they're appreciated.)
I am honored to count Wiseguy and his wife Dani as treasured friends. They are funny, intelligent, knowledgeable people. Most important, they care. This book was written to share so that more people can have the same kind of fun they're having. Wiseguy's expertise comes through clearly, and where he offers advice you'd be smart to take it. The clarity of writing for which he is well-known makes this an easy, quick read. Most of all, he gives total newbies a good grounding in the basics of taking these fantasies into reality while being in-depth enough to enrich the practices of the more experienced.
In the beginning are the words. Isn't it delightful that the fun doesn't stop there?
Necessary Disclaimers
The content in this book is meant to be read and used by adults for education and recreational purposes only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as therapeutic or as instructions for doing any kind of therapy. The author explicitly urges every reader not to attempt any kind of therapy without the proper training.
Recreational hypnosis should only be practiced by and with consenting adults who are fundamentally in good mental health. Anyone diagnosed with a psychological disorder should not participate in recreational or erotic hypnosis.
You, the reader, are solely responsible for what you do with the information in this book. Neither the author nor the publisher take any responsibility for consequences arising from the use or misuse of the techniques contained in this book.
For the entire erotic hypnosis community, who have given me so much.
"She'll get over it," Claire told me. "I think seeing that Spanish lady get all worked up, Monica got a little spooked. She was probably afraid she'd find herself listening to your voice, close her eyes, and then suddenly she'd be up in your room, naked, with an overpowering urge to jump your bones."
Yeah, I thought, that would about fit with my stage persona. I looked at Claire, who was trying so hard to be a friend, and smiled weakly. "Wow. You aren't afraid I'd do that, are you?"
"Afraid? No," she said, lowering her voice and gazing deeply into my eyes. "I want you to."
from Busman's Holiday
About This Book
If you've ever watched a hypnosis scene in a movie or television show and found yourself leaning forward or shifting in your seat, then this book is for you.
All kinds of people are secretly (or not so secretly) fascinated by the erotic possibilities of hypnosis. Even after we find out that it isn't really mind control, many of us can't help but get turned on at the thought of either controlling someone, or being controlled by someone, into doing things we've been told we shouldn't do but really, inside, kind of want to.
Erotic hypnosis is all about fantasy: the fantasy of taking or giving up control, of seducing or of being seduced. It's about sharing not only our bodies but our minds with someone we trust deeply. There is nothing more intimate than letting another person get into your subconscious, look through your deepest fantasies, and then bring them out to play.
Within these pages you'll find instruction, advice, and perhaps even inspiration. A lot of the content is material I've presented at events such as Dark Odyssey: Fusion and the annual New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference (NEEHU). I'm putting it in writing now in hopes that it will find a wider audience than I can reach personally.
About the Author
Hi. I'm Wiseguy, and I'm a hypno-deve.
Like many in the community, I was hypno-kinky before I ever knew the term existed. As far back as I can remember I've always found myself sitting up and taking notice when a TV show or a movie featured a hypnosis scene especially if the hypnotee was an attractive female.
TV being what it is, I was usually lucky that way. From Marianne McAndrew in Hawaii Five-O: A Bullet for McGarrett to Patricia Crowley in Please Don't Eat the Daisies to Tanya Roberts in Charlie's Angels: Attack Angels , I watched those scenes and remembered them for years even without the aid of DVRs and DVD. And the daytime talk shows that came on after school liked having hypnotists on, and again they had an amazing propensity for choosing attractive women as demonstration subjects.
The interest in hypnosis went dormant in my teens when I picked up a new interest that was less likely to get me ostracized by my peer group for practicing it -- writing. I read voraciously and spent way too much time writing. I'd do articles for the school newspaper and yearbook and short stories for a literary magazine I started at the high school with help from a very indulgent English department. That lasted until I had to join the real world; I did a lot of technical writing in my day job, which left little energy for more writing afterwards.
Years later, as a married guy in my 30's with children and a stressful day job, I rediscovered both interests at once. I was looking on the Internet for self-hypnosis pages for stress relief, and stumbled into the Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive (EMCSA), also known as mcstories.com. I spent a lot of time there reading the stories I remember RC's Hypnotized was my first and getting hot. There were only two problems: most of the stories were atrociously written, and I quickly learned that my wife at the time emphatically Did Not Want To Know about my sexual fantasies.
Thus in 1999 Wiseguy was born. Writing hypnoerotic stories gave me an outlet for my creative impulses and a way to indulge my inner hypnokink while also providing high-quality reading material for other like-minded people.
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