You were born rich! That title rings with truth on so many levels, but to really live and experience that which is your birthright, you must develop a prosperity consciousness. This is done, not through memorization but through a deep understanding and application of universal principles.
This important book, The Money Keys , offers vital information to help you expand into real financial power and mastery. Karen Russo is a powerful and intelligent teacher who weaves together an unusual blend of business education with timeless spiritual truths. She assists entrepreneurs, and business professionals to strengthen their understanding of spiritual principles and shares specific tactics for applying universal law to attain desired goals, regardless of past or present circumstances.
Have you ever wondered why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Its not just an old wives tale, for the most part, its a fact. Money is an idea, a concept. Theres nothing magical about getting rich; its a science. The only real requisite to earning a lot of money, to a life that offers financial freedom is the decision to do so.
When most people think about money, they relate it to lack and limitation, because of their conditioning or paradigm. They are their own prisoner, but theyre not aware of that so it never occurs to them they can set themselves free, that they have the ability to change anything they want in their life all it takes is a decision.
If we think back to all of the things we heard about money when we were growing up, its no wonder people have the hang-ups they do concerning money. Do any of these statements sound familiar to you? Money doesnt grow on ____. Money wont make you ____. Or, money is the root of all ____. I know for certainty you were able to repeat the last word of each of those statements from memory. It would almost appear that we were raised by the same parents!
In the blockbuster hit, The Secret , in which I was very fortunate to take part, it clearly explains that like attracts like, or we attract that which we are in harmony with. For centuries, all of the great teachers have agreed on this one point, yet very few people understand this truth.
I believe the world is experiencing a spiritual awakening that is unprecedented. Millions of people are becoming aware of the truth that our well-being isnt dependent upon anything outside of us; everything we need is inside. Weve been taught to live through our physical senses we can hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Well, so can animals! Why didnt anyone ever teach us that we were also gifted with a phenomenal set of mental faculties intuition, memory, the will, reason, and imagination. Its these faculties that allow us to live from the inside out. It takes the same amount of energy to live a life of lack and limitation as it does to live one of prosperity and abundance. Why not choose what you want! It only takes a decision to get out of survival mode into a life of magnificent abundance!
The late Eric Hoffer stated, To learn you need a certain degree of confidence, not too much and not too little. If you have too little confidence youll think you cannot learn and if you have too much, youll think you dont have to learn. I tend to agree with him.
In this book, Karen shares how you can find your way on your own Money Map toward a vision that is spiritually uplifting with a belief system that is mentally empowering and emotionally involving, and practical habits that help you to be the best you can be.
Spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression. Enjoy the full manifestation of the greatness that is within you.
Bob Proctor
Featured in The Secret movie
Author of You Were Born Rich
Table of Contents
Introduction Money and Our Quest for Spiritual Fulfillment
Chapter One Real Financial Power
Chapter Two Escaping the Money Traps
Chapter Three Your Money Map
Chapter Four Spirituality: Finding Permanent Peace of Mind
Chapter Five Beliefs: Choosing Freedom in the Money Game
Chapter Six Habits: Get Into the Flow of Giving and Receiving
Chapter Seven Your People: Money Models, Mirrors, and Mentors
Chapter Eight Your Partner: Sharing Love and Money
Chapter Nine Your World: What the Moneys Really For
About the Author
The Money Keys Resources
Money and Our Quest for Spiritual Fulfillment
Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.
Eric Butterworth
The Beginning
You must be a good girl and behave nicely to build up grace for yourself in this life, Sister Elizabeth said. We obey Gods rules here so that we can go to heaven when we die.
I was eleven years old, and I respected Sister because she was my teacher. I felt the grace that she was talking about. It filled my heart with a sweet sense of peace. But I also remember questioning her words. How could this peaceful feeling inside of me be something that I had to earn?
The grace plan that Sister described sounded like a savings plan. I had my navy blue bank book, in which the deposits of allowance, gifts from relatives and earnings from baby-sitting were tracked in my savings account. But the idea of applying this method to grace didnt feel right. Arent we already full of grace? Dont we come here that way? Why do we have to save up grace in the grace bank for a later time?
Something within me knew that in the midst of the traditional religious teachings were spiritual truths of freedom and possibility here and now, not just after death. I felt a sense, even as a child, that human beings are made in the image and likeness of a larger reality, and that our nature, being one with the universal nature, must be complete, infinite and whole already. I knew that we dont need to earn grace; we are grace!
At only eleven years old, I was not quite so lofty in my language and philosophy. But I sure didnt like starting from nothing and having to earn grace. It was a moment of divine discontent and the beginning of a contemplation of ideas that would emerge as this book decades later.
My Own Path
Today Im still interested in grace, banking, spiritual philosophy and how it all fits with money. With an MBA from Columbia University, Ive enjoyed years of accomplishment in corporate businesses and have created an interesting and diverse portfolio of real estate and financial investments. Im also an ordained minister in Religious Science, a teaching that synthesizes religious ideas, philosophical truths and scientific principles about how life works. My life is dedicated to practicing and sharing how universal spiritual principles express themselves in our everyday lives.
When it comes to our money, I firmly believe that cultivating our spirituality, beliefs and habits around money is as important as developing our capacity to earn, invest, exchange, grow and understand it. With my background, Im destined to speak, teach and write about the interconnectedness of money and its meaning in our lives.
I grew up in a family in which personal intimacy and our relationship to the world at large was expressed through education, work and money. Some families show love through food and cooking, sharing the family business or playing sports or hobbies together. We express our love, respect and interest in each other through noticing and appreciating what we know, what we teach and what we do. Many of those intangible concepts are tracked through earning, spending and saving money.
My father grew up on the East Coast as the son of Italian immigrants. He finished high school with a net worth of $500, which he invested in his own education. He was one of the first in his family to go to college and worked his way through school by taking jobs in railroad construction and translating for the Spanish-speaking workers at a food factory. After completing his education, my father worked in various jobs for the United States government as an economist.
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