To be honest, when I read a book I usually skip the acknowledgment section, which doesnt seem to be much more than a compulsory but boring list of names and thanks.
However, while writing this book I saw how important the help from others was and I would like very much for you to know who helped transforming what was barely a dream a few years ago into the tangible reality youre holding in your hands right now.
In order to prevent you from skipping this section, I tried to make it short and entertaining. Also, if you read it to the end you will have a little surprise
First I want to thank Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a.k.a Read this book.
Through her (almost too numerous!) recommended readings, the articles she has written, the ideas she presented and the discussions we shared, Laura contributed tremendously to the realization of this book. In all fairness, many of the developed concepts (especially the good ones) are not my ideas but hers.
Arkadiusz Jadczyk, a.k.a where are the equations?
Ark is a renowned mathematician and physicist. His language, even his whole world, is made up of equations and numbers of which this book is almost totally devoid. Despite this unforgivable flaw (from a conscientious scientist perspective), Ark had the patience to go through some of the craziest ideas described in this book and check their scientific feasibility.
Neil Bradley, a.k.a Did you read this article?
Some people obsess about cleanliness or money, Neil obsesses about collecting editing and reading articles about all kinds of topics relating to the subject of this book (the above doesnt mean that hes not clean or rich). Consequently many quotes and sources come from his precious discoveries. Also, Neil proofread the whole book, substantially improving its clarity and fluidity. It was not an easy job.
Joseph Quinn, a.k.a When your only tool is a hammer, all you see is nails.
Indeed after spending quite some time studying electric phenomena associated with earthly and cosmic events, I tended to see electricity everywhere. Thats a fairly standard specialization bias that, fortunately, was challenged. Joe also has a keen interest in weather and climate and provided some very interesting ideas relating to those topics.
Scott Ogrin, a.k.a What is an electron?
In times of overly daring speculations, Scott knew how to bring out the painful reality check. Sadly but truly, despite tons of theories, we really dont know much about our Universe and some very basic but fundamental concepts like electrons, gravity, electricity. Scott was wise enough to repeatedly point out those limitations.
I also want to thank Myriam Kieffer who skilfully designed the cover of this book, astrophysicist Amokrane Berdja who helped calculating Nemesis parameters and Amelia Martin who shared Photoshop techniques and contributed to some of the illustrations youll find in this book. A special thanks to Juliana Barembuem and Michael Franzl for creating the layout and printing files.
Last but not least, a warm thank you to all the editors of the information website Signs of the Times who have built over the years an invaluable knowledge resource.
And now, here is, as promised, the previously mentioned surprise, namely the proposed titles that didnt make the cut.
As you can imagine, finding a title is quite a challenge. You want it to be short, catchy, never used before and meaningful. So, to find the ideal candidate you have to go through many trials and errors (especially errors). I dont know if the selected title is perfect but Im sure some of the others were much worse.
The presumptuous Why science is wrong
The latinizing Sol, Nemesis, Gaia et Homo
The apocalyptic OMG were all going to die
The enigmatic Sixth extinction and the human cosmic connection
The messianic The Mandate of Heaven
The extensive The approaching Suns companion and its cometary swarm, a human cosmic connection
The alarming Before its too late
The inclusive All and everything
The catastrophist Sinkholes, chemtrails and climate changes, several effects of one single cause
The provocative F*** you NASA
The Hollywoodian Return of the Dark star
The esoteric As above so below
The Gallicizing The sky is falling on our heads
The transcendental The celestial mandate
The not-so New Agey You thought you could create your own reality
[1] :
Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World, Book Three is an attempt to answer certain questions that were left dangling at the end of my last book, Comets and the Horns of Moses: The Secret History of the World, Book Two, specifically this idea that there is a dynamic interaction between the actions of human beings and the cosmos.
That hypothesis emerged over time as I continued to research history with an eye open for environmental catastrophes affecting the beginning, development, and end of civilizations. What I noticed, as I organized my material into tables, was a distinct correlation: in one column, I would place the archaeological evidence for catastrophic physical collapse, in another, the geological and astronomical (back calculated) evidence, and in a third, the historical narrative of what was going on. The results were compelling and an entire volume devoted to that tabular organization of the material is in preparation.