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I would like to dedicate INSTINCT to the TDJ Enterprise staff and team who allowed me to learn to lead while leading them. To the Potters House familyyour hunger to know drove me to dig deeper in life. To my many friends who challenged me, inspired me, prayed for me, and encouraged me along the way. I always tried to make sure you knew who you were and your value to me.
To my loving wife, Serita, and my six gifted children, Jamar, Jermaine, Cora, Sarah, Dexter, and Itzy. To my siblings, Ernest and Jacqueline. You are all my family, I love you dearly! Ive learned so much from you all about life and love and what matters most. Im sure I couldnt have survived without you giving me a reason to grow on! Thank you for giving me the gift of having you in my life!
O ur instincts are the treasure map for our souls satisfaction. Following our instincts can make the crucial distinction between what we are good atour vocation or skill setand what we are good forthe fulfillment of our purposeful potential. When youre truly engaged with your lifes calling, whether in the boutique, the banquet hall, or the boardroom, you rely on something that cannot be taught.
Im convinced that our instincts can provide the combination we need to align our unique variables with our callings and release the treasure within us. When harnessed, refined, and heeded, our instincts can provide the key to unlocking our most productive, most satisfying, most joyful lives.
We often recognize people who seem to thrive by instinct. Fashion designers who do what they do beyond the training they received, with a flair for the latest trends thats inherent and instinctive. Interior decorators and others in the graphic arts may wield this gift as well, but they are not the only ones. Athletes in the zone, or investors with a keen sense of timing, performers with the courage to audition for a role outside their fans expectations. They all know what it means to function by their own unique internal compass.
If you have ever had the privilege of working with someone like this, then you know they can take the mundane and make it magical. They can take the most simplistic equipment and produce the most superlative results. Often they maximize their training with their unique flair. No matter what you call it, the truly gifted simply have that extra something that seemingly others dont have or dont tap into the way they should.
Unfortunately, much of what I see today isnt about fulfilling ones true potential as much as it is about appearing to fulfill what other people expect. Too many people want the appearance of winning rather than the practices and hard work that create a true champion. They mistake the prize for the art of winning and will ultimately buy a trophy without ever running a race. They didnt take the class; they bought the diploma. They arent successful; they just have the props. They arent driven to achieve something; they just bust their gut to appear busy to everyone around them.
The irony is what these people fail to realize. When youre living by instinct, then you will naturally enhance everything and everyone around you. In other words, success will come naturally! When both your intellect and instincts are aligned, then producing the fruits of your labors brings satisfaction beyond measure.
Now, it will still require hard work and dedication on your part, but the internal satisfaction will fuel your desire to achieve even larger dreams. Based on the fact that we are all inherently creative people, if we are in touch with our instincts, then we will naturally increase our endeavors. When you dont become fixated on winning the prize or appearing successful, and instead pursue your passions, then you will discover the fulfillment that comes from living by instinct.
Feel the Rhythm
Consider this: scientists tell us that even our cells have instincts. Imagine my amazement when I spoke with physicians who revealed the way our physical cells operate. They say even our cells function based on what has been genetically programmed within them. Instinct is interwoven into the very fiber of our DNA.
We all begin as a single cell, a product of an egg and a sperm. They unite to form a zygote, the result of the fertilized egg, the single cell that will evolve from a human forming to become a human being. This new cell undergoes a series of rapid divisions that produce a blastocyst, the initial ball of new cells. The blastocyst then multiplies into many daughter cells. One expert describes these cells as being pluri-potential. In other words, each of these cells has the potential to differentiate into new cells of many different varieties. Some daughter cells instinctively become skin cells, bone cells, spleen cells, and cardiac cells or brain cells. The inherent imprint of these cells activates them to become what they were predestined to be.
This inherent sense of identity based on function is truly astounding. Doctors explain that the cardiac cells are auto-rhythmic cells. They actually vibrate and beat together instinctively at the same tempobefore they ever unite with each other and function as the heart! Even drummers in an orchestra need a conductor to set a rhythm, but these cells instinctively catch the same beat and have the same rhythm. They draw together and beat together to the same rhythm.
Learning about these cell instincts made me think of the old camp song taken from the Old Testament book of Ezekielyou know, the foot bone connected to the leg bone and the leg bone connected to the hip bone and so forth. Now, Im not a doctor, and Im sure not here to sing around a campfire. But what I want you to see is that the body develops by cells that find their rightful place because they know what they were made to do! These cells vibrate to the tempo of their purpose even before theyre operating and performing their function.
So how about youare you in sync with your inner wisdom about your strengths, abilities, talents, and unique contribution to the world? Or is your life somehow offbeat to your inner melody? Have you lost your rhythm because you have not found your place to define and activate your unique contribution? One of the great tragedies of life is not discovering the people, culture, and careers that are part of your tribe and moving to the same beat.
You may have experienced the discord that comes when those around you move to the beat of a drummer different than your own. Successful businesses, healthy relationships, and most collaborative endeavors require a syncopated alignment of roles, responsibilities, and rhythms. Entrepreneurs often need employees with a work ethic and flexibility similar to their own. Its frustrating when you have an urgent idea that requires execution at midnight and a team member who cannot be reached until the following day. Its not wrong to set boundaries and limits on work, but people need to be on the same page of music so the orchestra can play together. Similarly, romantic partners often discover theyre out of step because one desires a waltz while the others leading a tango.
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