The Bible andHomosex
Sexual truths for a modernsociety
Expanded Edition
Copyright 2014 by NewLiving Way Ministry
All rights reserved
Permissionis hereby granted to any church, mission, magazine or periodical to reprint or quote from any portionof this publication on condition that the passage is quoted incontext, that due acknowledgement of source be given and a copy ofthe article be emailed to . This book is free and may be distributed for free, BUTunder no circumstances be reproduced in any form or format forfinancial gain by any person or institution.
This bookis presented as a fusion of two books byDr Botha: The Bible andHomosex Sexual truths for a modern society and The EmptyTestament Four Arguments Against Gay Theology. Every effort was made to eliminate repetitions and someparts were exchanged between the two books in order to present aflowing order with some revision where it was deemed necessary. Thefirst eight chapters explore the Bible hermeneutically andexegetically for its views on homosexuality, while the laterchapters are mainly concerned with the four arguments against gaytheology. The two appendixes are written by Andr Bekker, founderof NewLiving Way Ministry .
The reader is also encouraged toread the Notes on each chapter, which contain valuableinformation aiding in a better understanding of the subjectdiscussed. These note were expanded extensively with relevantinformation and over thirty references to applicable articleswritten by Dr Robert Gagnon.
Dr Bothasv ideo presentations on the materialcovered in this book, can be viewed online under the followingtopics:
Ancient Cultures andHomosexuality .
The Bible, Early Church andHomosexuality .
Contemporary Times andHomosexuality .
Science andHomosexuality .
Complementary to this book, I highly recommend the readerto obtain Dr Robert Gagnons book: The Bible and Homosexual Practice:Texts and Hermeneutics and to read hisnumerous valuable ONLINE ARTICLES .The reader can also view his VIDEOPRESENTATIONS under theheading Dr RobertGagnon.
Another mustread book for our day and age is Dr Michael Browns Can You Be Gay and Christian?:Responding with Love and Truth to Questions aboutHomosexuality.
Making Gay OK: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is ChangingEverything by Dr Robert Reilly, will helpthe reader understand the dynamics of the rationalization of sexualmisbehaviour
2. What were the early teachings onhomosexuality? 106
3. Is it possible to accept the authority of theBible and at the same time practice homosex? 108
4. What did Jesus say about homosexuality?109
5. Is homosexual marriage a tolerable option?110
6. Is heterosexual marriage and homosexualmarriage the same? 111
7. Are homosexual families acceptable? 112
8. What about homosexual people in the church?113
9. Are there not examples of loving, monogamoushomosexual relations? 114
10. Why should homosex be compared to bestiality,incest, adultery and prostitution? 116
11. Should we not only reject promiscuity in bothhetero- and homosexual relations? 117
12. The whole body is holy unto the Lord: Why notthe anus as well? 117
13. Is the cause of homosexuality not ahomosexual gene? 117
14. Can homosexual orientation change? 119
We live intimes of change, especially in South Africa, but then also theworld . Change brings with it uncertainty,particularly when the foundations of our world view and beliefs arechallenged.
AsChristians, we have experienced the relentless attacks on theoriginal, God-inspired and unfailing source of truth, the Bible.Few things bring about more emotion to believers than assaultsundermining and eroding the foundations of our belief. Thechallenge on the question of homosexuality is one such tremor,shaking the foundation of our belief.
Thetheological flood of re-interpretation and re-evaluation to placethe words in the Bible within a new context is evident everywhere.We are also on the homosexual issue challenged to accept are-interpretation of the biblical injunctions. This is based onmodern time insights and experiences. The fact is that homosexualpractices are not new and have been around for a very longtime.
Thechallenge to take a stand, reminds one of the question regardingthe authority of Jesus in Mark 11:28. Jesus did not responddirectly to the question asked, but tested the motives of thechallengers by asking a question directed at the root motivation oftheir challenge. The outcome affects the choice every man and womanhas to make regarding either inspiration by God or influence byhumans. The challengers to Jesus were not prepared to give ananswer and therefore elected to say, We dont know. This they didbecause they were in two minds between obedience to God and thefear of the people. May we not at this critical point of time andon this critical issue, the issue of homosexuality, refrain fromtaking a clear biblical position.
Andr van Niekerk (PhD)
Did Godsay...? The question that was asked in the Garden of Eden hashaunted generations of Adams ra ce. In away, Dr Bothas Bible and Homosex seeks to answer the question,Did God say that homosexual conduct is a sin?
These areindeed extraordinary times, with secularisation of societyadvancing like a desert onto what was once well-watered fertilegrassland. How often dont we get told: Come on, keep religion outof this debate? In reality, is there anything worthwhile in anydiscussion on moral issues that excludes religion?
However, the crisis gets worsewhen professors of the Christian faith with Bibles in their handsfail to speak out clearly on matters where God has left us in nodoubt as to what His mind is. The terrible irony is that when theChurch succumbs to the temptation of adjusting its message to suitthe worlds changing tastes, thereby hoping to remain relevant; itends up losing its authority and relevance. Regardless of all thenoises made in the media and other platforms there remains a deepyearning for the truth and nothing but the truth.
After athorough study of the key passages in relation to homosexuality inthe old and the New Testaments, Dr Botha leaves an honest inquirerwith no other option but to accept that God definitely condemnshomosexual conduct. The sooner churches understand that no amountof theological revisionism will alter that fact, the better it isfor them, the parishioners, society at large and governments ofcountries where they operate.
A church that submits to Godsview on homosexuality is also in a better position to understandand proclaim the message of hope and freedom to those in bondage tothe perversion. There are numerous witnesses to the fact thatChrist has come to set captives free in this regard too.
MayD r Bothas Bible and Homosex dispelsthe confusion about this critical issue for this generation andcoming ones, stabilise wavering hearts, strengthen weak knees andreinvigorate our faith in God and His Word.
I dontthink that anyone would choose to write a book on the topic ofhomosex unless some sort of impetus to do so exists. In my case theimpetus came when the 2004 Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)in South Africa acknowledged that theological confusion on theissue of homosexuality andthe Bible reigns among their ranks. Thisdid not come as a surprise as the DRC had been drifting towards apro-homosex stance since 1998 when they first undertook a newtheological and anthropological study into sexuality in general.The results of that study culminated in the pro-homosex decisionstaken at the DRCs Hartenbos Synod (2004) meeting.
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