Unfortunately, youve fallen victim to the biggest lie out there: that creating a life of dreams is hard and nearly impossible. Its nearly impossible because without the right connections, a good early education, and financial wealth to back you up, you might as well sit on the sidelines and fold your arms. When you have nothing going for you, and/or obligations to tend to, shackling you to the ground (money doesnt grow on trees), you might not even see the point in starting, because creating a life of dreams must surely be for the 1%.
If you think creating a more desired life is costly, you are right - its not easy. It requires dedication and a willingness to give up short-term satisfaction, and that means being prepared to give some of your happiness away for the greater, long-term good. However, if that all sounds a bit too much why would you want to sacrifice your happiness? then you need to take a step back and foresee a different kind of outcome that will inevitably unfold if you take the "road most taken": a future of unrealized potential; an underlying, constant inner-discomfort; and, the most horrid of all, regret. And what is the "road most taken"? Its the easy road out. Its the road most people take in life, the one that appears comfortable and easy, but is actually laden with nightmares and discomfort. If youre ignoring your dreams to pursue something more acceptable or less risky, you are taking the road most taken.
Fortunately, there are things that you can do in life that will immediately snap you back to what is important: you and your magnificent potential. What is perhaps the most powerful tool of all that will help you get back on track? Its learning from people who have gone beyond what is humanly thought possible, like Albert Einstein, a man who once thought he was worthless (who wrote a letter to his parents telling them that he should never have been born, because he was useless), but who ended up being a legend among people, an inspiration who unlocked the very secrets of life.
There is so much love, power, and potential in you, and you dont even realize it. However, you can bring these things out in yourself by studying the great. When you study great leaders, like Albert Einstein, you are essentially absorbing their wisdom, something that will radically change your life not years from now, but now, the moment you start reading the coming chapters. What follows are the greatest life lessons from Albert Einstein, wisdom that can easily be applied to your own life. They were carefully selected and dissected in meaning to help you gain the most out of them.
There is a powerful reason why Albert Einstein was so great: he was human, and he realized it.
Information is not knowledge. Albert Einstein
The need to consume information is as strong as the need to consume food and water. Your life wouldnt feel complete without information, and theres good reason for that. Information - of any kind - isnt some whimsical data to make the time go by, but something far more important, especially for your primal brain. Why? Because information equals survival. Theres a reason why your ears perk up when someone gossips. Theres a reason why you cant help but look when theres breaking news on the TV - that big, red box.
Humans cant help but share information. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, information was shared around a fire camp, and that information equaled survival. A member told the rest of the clan about poisonous plants around the corner, maybe about a dangerous animal lurking nearby, or perhaps about a dangerous tribe. That information could be used to increase chances of survival.
You now know why information can be so addicting, and its important to know what information is doing to you in todays era. We dont live in small tribes of thirty anymore. Today, weve access to an unlimited amount of information through the internet and social platforms. Even though there are many boons to having the internet, theres a much darker side to technology: information overload, and that abundance of information is drowning you. There is so much of it that you dont even know what to use anymore. To make things worse, your primal mind cant help but consume information, because it needs information for survival. Its the reason why you find yourself buying an endless amount of information and barely using five percent of it - if not only a mere one percent. Just think about all the news networks. You keep hearing all that information, but what is really important? Fifty percent of it? Forty? Thirty? Ten? One? What about consuming knowledge, does it really help?
Albert Einstein said, information is not knowledge, and he was on to something extremely important. You can consume an endless amount of information, but it will never equal knowledge, or wisdom. Turning information into knowledge requires two things: (A) you need to consume information, and (B) you need to execute what you have learned. That is the secret to unlocking knowledge out of information. Unfortunately, most people only do (A), consume an endless amount of information, which never turns into true wisdom, because they never gain real-life references from the information. For example, reading a book on fitness isnt going to make you healthy. Its only when you execute the things you have learned in the book that you gain health benefits - when information turns into knowledge.
There is a gigantic difference between knowing everything and knowing only some things but having experience with them. You want to be the latter. You dont want to be the guy who is in massive debt, yet giving other people advice on how to get out of debt. No one is going to take you seriously. You might sound smart because you have read a few books on financial wealth, but if you havent executed any of the information and gained real-life experience for yourself, you will always remain stuck, and people wont take you seriously.
Instead of consuming an endless amount of information, and going from product to product (the latest technique), stick to one product and use the information to gain real-life references. That is a hundred times better than using the product, putting it away, and reading something else. It doesnt matter if you fail using the information you have learned, because failing is a key ingredient for success. You cannot have success without failure. So, the more you fail, the closer you get to success.
You now know the secret to unlocking wisdom out of information. Stop doing what most people do: consuming an endless amount of information that is never used. Not only is it a waste of your time and energy, but you will feel as if you arent getting anywhere in life. Instead, stick to one product for the time being, use the information and techniques to gain experience, and you will be ahead of most.
Dont get addicted to information. If you find yourself glued to the screen, watching news networks, ask yourself if you could be doing something else with your time and energy, something that will benefit you in the long-run. There is a reason why news networks flourish, and its because our primal minds cant help but look. You have to override this primal need with logic and willpower. There is nothing wrong with watching news now and then, but if you find yourself glued, it might be better to start spending your energy more wisely. Go write that novel youve always wanted to. Go build that business. Go spend time with loved ones.
Dont be afraid of failing or making a fool of yourself when using and trying information. There is nothing worse than hoarding information, thinking that youre getting somewhere, when in reality you're staying stuck because you arent using any of the information. Even if you only use one technique from a book, you will be ahead of most, who rarely use anything at all, only consuming an endless sea of information. Dont drown yourself in information. Heed the words of Albert Einstein, and gain experience from the information instead. When information becomes part of your nervous system (only possible through gaining real-life experience), you will see things differently, more vividly, and instead of being the unfit person telling people how to get fit, you will live a healthy lifestyle, and people will naturally be drawn to you, and they will come to you for advice.