Slavery,Terrorism and Islam
The HistoricalRoots and Contemporary Threat
Revised and ExpandedThird Edition
Copyright 2013 byPeter Hammond
Published by FrontlineFellowship Publishing at Smashwords
Permission is herebygranted to any church, mission, magazine or periodical to reprint,or quote from, any portion of this publication on condition that:the passage is quoted in context, and that due acknowledgement ofsource be given. Please also mail a copy of any article to:Frontline Fellowship, PO Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, SouthAfrica.
Typesetting - ColinNewman
Unless otherwiseindicated, Bible quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New KingJames Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, used withpermission
This book isdedicated to the Christians of Nigeria,
Southern Sudanand the Nuba Mountains who have suffered such severe persecutionfor their faith. In particular it is dedicated to Bishop BullenDolli of Lui Diocese whose cathedral endured ten aerialbombardments by the Sudan Air Force and whose brother diedcourageously at the hands of Muslims for refusing to renounce hisfaith in Christ.
M Slavery,Terrorism and Islam m The Historical Roots and ContemporaryThreat
Foreword: TheGreatest Conflict by Dr. George Grant
Introduction:Setting the Record Straight by Rev. Fano Sibisi
Chapter 1.TheScourge of Slavery
Chapter 2.Uprooting Terrorism
Chapter 3.Resisting Sharia in Nigeria
Chapter 4.Jihad - Islamic Holy War
Chapter 5.Islam According to The Reformers
Chapter 6. TheSources of Islam
Chapter 7.Muhammad, the Caliphas and Jihad
Chapter 8.Women in Islam
Chapter 9. TheChallenge of Islam
Chapter 10.Comparing the Bible With the Quran
Chapter 11.Challenging Muslims
Chapter 12.Guidelines for Muslim Evangelism
Chapter 13.Slavery Today and The Battle over History
Chapter 14.Muslim Evangelism in Universities
Chapter 15. TheCrusades and Jihad
Chapter 16. TheEnd of Islam
Appendix I:Glossary of Islamic Terms
Appendix II:Who's Who in Islam
Appendix III:Proselytizing to Peace - Jihad in Action
Appendix IV:The Spread of Islam According to Islamic Sources
Appendix V:Percentage of Muslims by Country
Appendix VI:Population Density of Muslims
Appendix VII:Muslim Population by Country
Appendix VIII:Muslim Growth Rate
Appendix IX:Military Spending and National Prosperity
Appendix X:Churchill on Islam
Appendix XI:Death Threats from Muslim Extremists
Appendix XII:Islamic Attacks on Christ and the Bible
Appendix XIII:Reformation or Islamisation
End Notes
About theAuthor
Pray for theMuslim World - Map
by Dr. GeorgeGrant
The GreatestConflict
The greatestconflict of the past century has not been between Communism andDemocracy. It has not been between Liberalism and Conservatism. Ithas not been between Socialism and Capitalism. It has not beenbetween Rich and Poor, Proletariat and Bourgeoisie, Industrialismand Agrarianism, Nationalism and Colonialism, Management andLabour, First World and Third World, East and West, North andSouth, Allied and Axis, or NATO and Soviet. All of these conflictshave been important, of course. All of them helped to define themodern era significantly. None of them should be in any wayunderestimated.
But while everyone of these conflicts has pitted ardent foes against one anotherand as a result, has actually altered the course and character ofrecent history, none of them could be characterized as the mostconvulsive conflict of the past century. The most convulsiveconflict of the past century, and indeed the most convulsiveconflict of the past, millennium, has undoubtedly been betweenIslam and Civilization; it has been between Islam and Freedom; ithas been between Islam and Order; it has been between Islam andProgress; it has been between Islam and Hope. While every otherconflict pitting men and nations against one another has inevitablywaxed and waned, this furious struggle has remained all tooconsistent. The tension between Islam and every aspiration andyearning of man intrudes on every issue, every discipline, everyepoch, and every locale - a fact that is more evident today thanperhaps ever before.
Despite thisinescapable fact, most people today actually know very little aboutIslam. Certainly, most Christians know only the most rudimentaryfacts about this extraordinarily potent adversary, this extremecultural threat to everything they hold to be good and right andtrue. The conflict between Islam and the rest of the world maydominate the headlines, define our foreign policy, and give newurgency to the day-to-day mission of our churches, but why that isthe case, is still not very well understood.
It is for thatreason that Frontline Fellowship has produced this vital new studyof one of the most neglected aspects of Islam. Born out of thedifficult experience of missionaries on the front lines of thebattle for the soul of Africa and indeed, the world this book isdesigned to present the ideas, history, and aspirations of Islamthrough the lens of a Biblical worldview perspective. It isdesigned to equip ordinary Christians from every walk of life towisely and Scripturally minster in a world where the conflictbetween Islam and civilization is all too obvious.
I am gratefulfor the commitment of Peter Hammond, and the entire team ofFrontline Fellowship to make this practical and understandablestudy available. In this day and time we most assuredly need tounderstand rather than simply emote; we need to lay firmfoundations rather than simply react; we need to be ready, willing,and able to present the eternal truths of Scripture in the contextof the temporal realities of our poor fallen world. And that isjust what this study enables us to do. May God be pleased to use itto that end and for His glory.
George Grant,PhD
by Rev. FanoSibisi
Setting theRecord Straight
"Slavery, Terrorism and Islam" is a well-researchedaccount of the historical events that impact directly on presentdevelopments.
For the sake ofthis generation, and coming ones, someone had to do what Dr. PeterHammond has just done; setting the record straight on the differentrole players in the slave trade.
It is onlyright that shining stars of Christianity who campaigned tirelesslyfor the abolition of slavery should receive their rightful place onthe roll of honour. Dr. Hammond highlights the spiritual basis fromwhich they drew their motivation.
In Muslimcountries tragic stories of persecution and killing of those whodare to turn to Christ abound, yet where there is freedom ofreligion, Islam is driven with much fury.
In the wake of9/11 and international acts of terrorism involving fanatical Muslimextremists, people are struggling to understand what it is in Islamthat creates that kind of mentality. "Slavery,Terrorism and Islam" goes to the root of it all.