Bringing Balance to the World, OneBrain at a Time!
Would you like to be able to control yourreaction to stress, reduce
pain, improve your health and performance,and feel great?
Reflexercise was created by physical therapist, Scott Musgrave,MSPT. His powerful combination of techniques provides astounding results,enabling you to consistently balance yournervous system, and inthe process, train your brain to be less reactive tostress,trauma, physical and emotionalpain!
When you balance your nervous system, you give yourbody a method to discharge your brains reactions to stress, anxiety, traumaand pain.Reflexercise actually produces a brain chemistrychange toward balance, and when your brain is balanced, so is your body!
With a little practice, you will be able to quickly(in less than 30 seconds!) and effectively perform these techniques in anysetting, even in a crowded room.
Over the course of your life, like most people, youhave learned to over react to stressful situations and hold onto thephysiological effects (anxiety, depression, tension, shortness of breathtoname a few).
Reflexercise is an active process that allows you to retrain yourbrain (and body) to react appropriately relative to stressful situations,recover quickly, and be calm and balanced the rest of the time.
Reflexercise is the first step in a 6 part treatmentapproach called, Associative Awareness Technique, or AAT. AATis a revolutionary new treatment approach designed specifically for complex,chronic conditions. One of the most important components of AAT isthat the entire treatment program can be successfully performed at home,independently (just like Reflexercise). To find out more informationabout AAT, click this link:
Reflexercise may well be one of the most important steps in the entire AATtreatment approach, because it is simple, effective and self applied in anyposition, anywhere. Whether you are starting this process on your own or underthe care of a trained practitioner, your consistency with Reflexercisewill dramatically influence your end result.
When Your Brain is Balanced, So isYour Body!
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Reflexercise is a powerful practice. Its like rebooting yourhard drive and establishing a life habit that allows your nervous system tobe less reactive and more effective.
Habits dontchange easily. Successful change requires repetition and time. Retraining your nervoussystem to be less reactive to stress is no different. With each repetition of Reflexercise,you actively train your brain to remain calm and relaxed during lifesstressful situations. With enough repetitions, your nervous systems habitualreactions will change with dramatic results!
Like anyhabit change, this life change requires an average of 21-28 days of consistentperformance to be fully accepted within your nervous system. Some of you willrequire additional time based on your current stress levels and accumulatedhabits, while others may experience more rapid results. Consistent practice,however, is the key to positive outcomes in life, and it is CRITICAL toyour success with the Reflexercise (and the AAT) program.
The Origin of ReflexerciseTM
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BringingBalance to the World, One Brain at a Time!
Scott Musgraves Story
I developed Reflexerciseas a self applied tool for my clients to maintain and improve theirprogress following our hands on sessions in the clinic. However, during about of low back pain in my own life, I refined the process to maximizeresults.
I began toexperiment with different individual exercises, achieving moderate results atfirst. I was pleased with these results, but kept searching for something moreeffective. One particular day I was running late, stressed out and hurting. Idecided to combine several of the individual exercises I had been performing(more out of a need to hurry than on purpose!). I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THERESULTS!
I experienceda powerful wash of calm and relaxation throughout my body that had neveroccurred before when performing the individual exercises. I immediately knewthat I had stumbled onto something that was very powerful, and I began toexperiment and re-sequence the components until I found the perfect combination.
Once I wassatisfied with the results I routinely achieved with Reflexercise, Ibegan to instruct my patients in the newly combined process. The resultsshocked me! Patients came back to the clinic with remarkable stories ofprogress after using Reflexercise, some after only a few days. Thesefolks experienced not only dramatic pain relief with their new exerciseprogram, but also significantly reduced stress, anger, and anxiety, as well asimproved performance on the job, at home, and on the playing field. Otherbenefits included decreased digestive difficulties, decreased use of long termpain, anxiety and depression medications, as well as increased relaxation,inner peace and happiness.
The Results Shocked Me!
Upon hearingso many patient reports of incredible change, I decided to really put Reflexerciseto the test. I challenged myself to drastically increase the number ofrepetitions I performed daily to explore the full potential of the program. Thelessons I learned through this experiment have significantly shaped Reflexerciseinto its current format.
At 12-20repetitions per day, I began to notice a very consistent decrease in myphysical pain. I still did not achieve the same kind of stress reduction andother benefits many of my patients were describing, so I decided toincrementally increase the frequency until I noticed improved results. For me,this required about 30 repetitions per day. At this frequency, Reflexerciseproduced fantastic results and changed my life.
I used the tools of AAT,starting with Reflexercise, to overcome a life history of trauma,abuse, PTSD and all the associated consequential behavior patterns of growingup in an unsafe environment. This personal knowledge inside my ownskin has been integral in the development of AAT, no doubt.
Once I began using Reflexerciseconsistently in my own life and with my patients, I began to understand newpossibilities. This pushed me to research the Central Nervous System in tryingto figure out how chronic conditions begin.
As I progressed in my own recovery, Ibegan getting deeper and deeper into the neuroscience of trauma and theremaining steps of