This book does not contain formal chapters per se; the book is divided into learning segments listed below.
Introduction:what they dont want you to know!
Book1: How to hypnotise anyone taught you the simple basic building blocks of hypnosis.
Book2: Mastering hypnotic language - taught you how to use hypnotic language with more precision.
Book3: Powe rfulhypnosis taught you how to start using hypnosis for some usefulpurpose, what to do and what not to do: it showed you many methodsand techniques that any hypnotist or therapist can use to make theirwork more successful, which I called hypnotic d eprogramming.
Ifyou are a regular.
Beforewe start on book 4 I would like to thank anyone that has bought anyof my other books and anyone who has kindly said nice things aboutthem: I appreciate this greatly. I hope I have produced somethingjuicy f oryou is this volume.
Ifyou are new.
Myapologies to people who have read my other books but I just have toexplain who I am to newcomers; this may be the first book of minetheyve purchased.
Iam a highly experienced, top Master Practitioner of NLP andclinical hypnosis working reasonably successfully in London, UK. Ican rid clients of problems in one, one hour session 99.9% of thetime. I have cured people of addictions, depression,OCD, IBS, PTSD you name it; with words alone! I have studied thi ssubject for over 20 years. I havehelped TV personalities, millionaires (if you care about this sort ofthing, most do unfortunately); primarily I have helped ordinaryfolk like YOU. In the first few years of practise I had about a 97%success rate, no wit is 100%.
Unlikeall the losers, second raters, bold morons and freaks who learnhypnosis and NLP to mind control people (yawn) I learnt this stuff tohelp people. Thetest of a mans character is what he does with any power orinfluence he may accru ein this life.
Idecided in late 2013 to give away everything I have learnt; whatworks, what doesnt in the realm of hypnosis so that yourwouldnt waste the time I have youd get thecentral essence of what I know. I know it works because Iveactu allydone it. I teach you in a highly informal and non-academic,non-anaemic style. My books are (I hope?!) fun and no NLP/hypnosis isdone to you by reading it. Iwant you to think critically about the information I present.
Iam giving this information away for nothing more or less because theso-called self-help elite are rip-off artists who charge people hugetons of cash; most are running therapy cults. Mostpeople are so gullible, so nave about such hucksters that wemay safely call them the hard of thinking.Hypnosis wont make you powerful.
Unlikeother twee-minded teachers I go to the places few dare to tread toexpose how, shall we say influence is beingused against you. Infact dont think of me as a teacher, it has toomany ne gativeconnotations and associations. I am just someone who has acquireduseful knowledge from trial and error, and I wish to share thesecrets of hypnotic success with you fornext to nothing, this book is worth 100 live seminars rolled intoone. Thefact sare stripped back to give you the essence of successful hypnoticpractise in a B-S free zone.
Withthat in mind on with the show. Of course I still remainanonymous for my own reasons. Success leads to many forms ofjealousy.
Nowits book 4: So what are we going to cover???!
Wellthisbook is primarily about waking hypnosis in all itsguises. By the end of it you will be far more knowledgeable about itthan most if not all psychologists, shrinks and even MasterHypnotists. Whatever a Master hypnotist is.
Ihope this book is a one stop hub for all you really need to know tolaunch successfully into creating waking hypnosis; the rest you candevelop and discover for yourself. It also covers parts of the weirdand wacky world of hypnosis that yo uwont find on the usual hypnosis courses. Itis, in a way a large but interesting footnote to the first 3 books Ihave written on hypnosis. It will breakdown and drill into you thevery specific component parts of most hypnotic phenomena so that youcan createyour own hypno-tricks, scripts, inductions buttheres more! After reading this book you will be able to craftyour own hypnotic phenomena because you WILL know the underliningprinciples fully; and when you know that youre off!!!
Itsa bit of a troubleshooting manual too with a few extra tips onlittle, often left alone techniques and methodologies that can helphypnotherapist, hypnotist and amateur enthusiastalike. Ill cover some ways hypnotists can use symbology(the use of symbols) to deepen trance and to help people feel goodby getting rid of anxiety etc. Also how you can specifically elicitpowerful and wonderful emotions using symbols.
Thisbook will provide detailed analysis and proof of the core principlesof hypnosis stripped of t heirhistorical and cultural trappings to a crystallised core that youcan use. Ethically folks!!!! If someones product is good, intime it will sell itself others things being equal, dont conpeople using influence technologies and then fail to deliver what youpromised: you just get buyers remorseand a bad reputation. Reputationis everything for the small business.
Wellalso start to cover cults and brainwashing in this book: youllsee how cults and the techniques of brainwashers are actually in useALL around you in wider society. Cults are an intense, perverse,destructive microcosm of the macrocosm that surround them.
Youlllearn a very (and amusing) potted history of hypnosis; this is essential to putthe methods in historical context: its alsoweirdly interesting, revealing much to the more penetrating mind.
Illteach you the very few NLP patterns that are worth knowing in orderto help your hypnotherapy clients, with my little Rogue Hypnotisttwist thrown in of course.
Illteach you multiple pain control techniques including my own 100%successful pain management triple layer treatment for injuries.Hypnosis is THE best pain control technique available to man on thisplanet: end of story. As a hypnotist removing, lessening pain is amust.
Iwill teach you how to cure 99.9% of phobias and low level anxiety.
Illexpose seductive hypnosis how sexual themesand sexual languaging are used in several fields to hypnotise menand women .I will show you how to induce any pleasurable feeli ngstate on demand conversationally and otherwise; by doing so wellbriefly analyse how sex sells. Thefact is youve been exposed to sexual hypnosis ALL your life you just didnt know it till now. Ill teach you how certain NLPers and hypnotists us esex trances to make women who dont find themattractive, deeply desire to be their sex toys in very short order. Wellanalyse the hypnotic languaging of international bestseller 50Shades of Greys first 2 pages alone to identify why women hadno cho icebut to read it!