Quitting Smoking For Dummies
by David Brizer, MD
Quitting Smoking For Dummies
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About the Author
David Brizer, MD, chairman of psychiatry at Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk, Connecticut, has written half a dozen books on addiction, healthcare, and psychiatry. Dr. Brizer received his MD degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and his psychiatry training at the Payne Whitney Clinic in New York. He has been treating people with addictive disorders for two decades. Dr. Brizer also serves as medical editor of Mental Health News and publishes numerous articles, papers, and chapters in the field. He is currently at work on a book called Medical Kabbalah: The Ten Commandments, the Divine Comedy, and the Work of Dutch Schultz.
This book is dedicated to every person who wants something better in life to every hero who has or will quit smoking.
Authors Acknowledgments
The following people have inspired me by their example, their support, and their wisdom:
Carol Bauer George Bauer Alex Brizer Max Brizer Ricardo Castaneda, MD Frank di Costanzo Philip di Costanzo Helen Klisser During Max Ernst Marc Estrin Jonathan Fine, MD Claudia Fletcher Peter Green Margaret Haggerty, APRN Joris-Karl Huysmans Alfred Jarry Amy Levin Barbara McCormick Harry de Meo, MD Harry Mathews Solomon Moses Paul Nurick David Osborne Whitney Pastorek Professor Tammy Robert Ready Maura Romaine Raymond Roussel Gustav Vintas Marianne Williamson Stephen Winter, MD
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L ong before medical science came up with sophisticated explanations for addiction, people were using tobacco. Evidence suggests that the leaf was grown and used for both medicinal and nonmedicinal purposes on the American continents before it was introduced in Europe. Once tobacco made the transatlantic voyage, its popularity mushroomed. In 18th-century Europe, outbursts of enthusiasm and consumption quickly followed. Just as quickly, church and state efforts to suppress its spread got underway.