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When it comes to achieving big goals, a lot of the conventional wisdom is flat wrong. In Your Best Year Ever , Michael Hyatt lays out a simple program, backed by the best modern research, to reach your dreams!
TONY ROBBINS #1 New York Times bestselling author, Unshakeable
Generous goals work (if you write them down) and powerful books work (if you read them). Michael Hyatt has created a fun, fast way to find your dreams and then turn them into reality.
SETH GODIN author, Linchpin
Your Best Year Ever is full of compelling, real-life stories of average people who have achieved extraordinary results. Please take my advice and buy this book only if you want to be able to look back in twelve months and say, Now that was my best year ever!
JOHN C. MAXWELL author, speaker, and leadership expert
Lets be honest... resolutions just dont work. Thats why a lot of gyms are empty and even more budgets are blown by Valentines Day every year. If you really want things to change over the next twelve months, look at what Your Best Year Ever has to saythen do what it says.
DAVE RAMSEY bestselling author; nationally syndicated radio show host
Michael has been a trusted friend and guide of mine for a long time. This is a playbook for success in the relationships, endeavors, and beautiful ambitions you have for yourself and the ones you love the most.
BOB GOFF New York Times bestselling author, Love Does
There are many people who talk about goals, but listen to Michael. He grounds this advice in sound research. A great guide.
DR. HENRY CLOUD psychologist; New York Times bestselling author
Not only am I having our whole team at FranklinCovey read Your Best Year Ever , I am having my three college-age children read it as well. Michael gives us a profound road map for both hope and achievement! This is rare wisdom from an extraordinary leader whom I am grateful to call a friend!
CHRIS MCCHESNEY coauthor, The Disciplines of Execution
Throughout your life, youll meet three types of leaders. The first inspires ambition, without results. The second improves results, but ignores the spirit. In Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt proves he is the rare third type of leaderone who both raises our performance and lifts our soul.
SALLY HOGSHEAD New York Times bestselling author; creator, How to Fascinate
Over the last few years, Ive referred hundreds of people to Michael Hyatt to help them create their best year ever. Why? His work is based on the best science available, plus the real-world experience of helping more than 25,000 people design their ideal year. I love that hes distilled the best of his work into this book.
JEFF WALKER #1 New York Times bestselling author, Launch
For more than a decade, Ive known Michael as a successful leader and entrepreneur. Now in Your Best Year Ever he shares the simple, proven system he uses to achieve his most important goals. This book can help you achieve even more than you thought possible.
ANDY STANLEY senior pastor, North Point Community Church; author, Visioneering
Twenty-five thousand students. Twenty years of insight. Fifteen carefully curated chapters. Five unconventional steps. All in one book that will lead you to your best year ever. What could be more essential than that?
GREG MCKEOWN New York Times bestselling author, Essentialism
Michael Hyatt has written a smart, evidence-based, and often surprising treatise on how to set the right goals and then see them through to completion. A must-read for anyone looking to take systematic steps toward improving their life.
CAL NEWPORT New York Times bestselling author, Deep Work
Michael Hyatts Your Best Year Ever is the best resource on goal setting Ive read. It also helps you emphasize your core purpose, which is important because purpose-driven goals are much more likely to be achieved. Get this book. It will show you how to turn your goals into reality.
JON GORDON New York Times bestselling author, The Energy Bus
We all want good things: a rewarding marriage, business, family, spiritual life. Getting them is another story. Thankfully, Michael Hyatt shares what works not only for him, but for the tens of thousands of his Best Year Ever students. Ive used this system for years for one simple reason: its the best available.
DONALD MILLER New York Times bestselling author; founder and CEO, StoryBrand
Michael Hyatt has a knack for making the complex simple. Even better, he makes it useful. Nothing exemplifies that better than Your Best Year Ever. Anyone can put these five steps to work in their own lives today.
DAN SULLIVAN president, The Strategic Coach Inc.
I am a Michael Hyatt follower. I have lived out as much of what he teaches as possible. I have paid off all of my debt, written books that would have never been published without his inspiration, and taken his advice in many other areas of my life. Now you can do it too. The price of Your Best Year Ever is extremely cheap for the best advice ever .
STEPHEN ARTERBURN New York Times bestselling author; founder, New Life
The best part of this book is that before he wrote it, Michael spent decades living it. This is Michael Jordan writing a book about basketball.
JON ACUFF author, Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done
As a student of Michaels Best Year Ever program, I can honestly say that following this process has led to my most successful and fulfilling year ever.
PAT FLYNN author, Will It Fly? ; host, Smart Passive Income podcast
Hands down, the best goal-setting program I have ever seen.
JEFF GOINS bestselling author, The Art of Work and Real Artists Don t Starve
Say goodbye to #goalfailure once you learn Michael Hyatts Best Year Ever goal-setting system. His teaching is rooted in the best science available, and the proof is in the gritty, real-life stories of average people who have achieved extraordinary results.
AMY PORTERFIELD host, The Online Marketing Made Easy podcast
Helps you build a very solid framework for setting better goals and then achieving them. Youll benefit from his research and the great ideas hes synthesized here for your success. Dig in!
CHRIS BROGAN New York Times bestselling author, It s Not About the Tights
Many people equate goal setting with the old cliche Fake it till you make it. Your Best Year Ever replaces any pretense or phoniness with a step-by-step process of simply speaking the truth in advance.