Text Copyright 2016 Matthew J. Schifferle
The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physician. The publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any websites or other sources. Readers should be aware that the websites listed in this book may change.
To my Mom, Dad, my Sister Jody and my closest friends, Nicki and Chris.
Thank you for supporting/ putting up with me all as I struggled to figure this stuff out.
This book is not just about fitness. It's not just a book about six pack abs, building strong muscles or decreasing your body fat percentage. This book is about something much more than getting in shape. This book is about Fitness Independence.
Freedom is the ultimate human pursuit. It's the rallying cry behind revolutions and civil wars. It's also the motivation behind dreams of wealth and financial independence. Just imagine what your life would be like if you never had to worry about money. What sort of work would you do? How would you spend your time? What burdens would you remove? It's not enough to have a lot of money. Without personal freedom, all of the wealth of the world still falls short in bringing personal happiness and fulfillment.
There is a lot of information available about how to become financially independent; to have both money and freedom. Unfortunately, there is almost no information on how to be fit and healthy while allowing personal freedom and lifestyle flexibility. While most people admit that compromising ones quality of life for wealth may not be ideal, this notion is not very common when it comes to fitness. In many ways, it's just the opposite. When you read magazines or surf fitness websites, the implied message is that living for the ideal body is the pinnacle of not only a healthy life, but a happy one as well. All around us, the message shouts out "if you dedicate your life towards staying in shape all of your problems will be solved. You'll be healthy, happy and everything will be great." Some experts even claim your diet alone should become an entire lifestyle in its own right! It's a very convincing sales pitch, but it's hiding a dark side. Just as only making a lot of money can't guarantee your happiness, having the body of your dreams at the cost of your quality of life will also be a hollow victory. There are plenty of folks who are in fantastic shape, yet they are still living a very high-stress lifestyle that handicaps their personal happiness. I should know as I used to live that way for many years.
My name is Matt Schifferle, and I once believed that getting in shape was the key to happiness. I fell for the idea that possessing a fit body would give me the life I wanted. Over the years, I realized that the more I pursued this fitness dream, the more my quality of life suffered. My goal of getting in fantastic shape had become my personal nightmare. It took me almost 15 years to learn what was missing. Sure I was lean and muscular, but that wasn't making me happy because it came at the cost of my lifestyle freedom. The more I tightened down my diet and forced myself to hit the gym, the more I felt caged in by my fitness habits. Eventually, I came to crave a different type of fitness lifestyle. I wanted both a fit body and a flexible lifestyle to maintain it. Finally, I learned that fitness is supposed to enhance ones life, not take it over. What use is becoming super fit if you have to dedicate your lifestyle towards struggling to exercise and eat right?
It's this underlying philosophy which motivated me to collect the information in this book. I didn't spend the past ten years writing these pages to help you get in the best shape of your life. I've written this so you can get in great shape without having to adopt habits that compromise your quality of life.
Just imagine what your life would be like if you never had to worry about missing a workout, or how long you could stay on a diet? How would you live each day if you didnt have to stress over how food is prepared at a restaurant? How much money would you save if you never needed to join a gym? How much time would you save if you no longer had to learn the latest fads and trends?
There are those who will say that such a thing isnt possible, that the straight and narrow is the only way, but this is not at all true. What Ive discovered is that not only can you get in shape while maintaining your personal freedom, but youll probably get even better results than ever before.
Personally, I don't practice most of the conventional rules of fitness. I don't do cardio, I don't stretch, and I don't even eat right. I don't need a gym membership nor do I use supplements or spend my time and money reading magazines. To the casual observer, I don't do all that much. The funny thing is I'm in the best shape of my life because I break the rules of conventional fitness rather than in spite of it. Results do not have to come at the cost of your lifestyle freedom. Instead, the more liberty and flexibility you enjoy the more potential you will gain!
This book is divided into three sections. The first section pulls back the curtain on the truth about what an exercise lifestyle costs you, and the real factors behind your potential to reach success. The second section is about the rock-bottom rules that govern the results you want. The third section teaches you how to apply those rules in your own way so you can get the best results possible in a way that fits you and your lifestyle like a glove.
Its a great privilege and pleasure to present this information to you. Everything in this book has given me both the fitness I want as well as the lifestyle freedom I need. Its my sincere wish that it can do the same for you.
Part I :
Deconstructing The Fitness Lifestyl e
1: The True Cost of Fitness
When I first started working out, I took advantage of low-cost methods like push-ups and jogged around my neighborhood. I even saved money since I wasnt buying junk food after school each day. With these habits, I thought fitness was a free ride.
As it turned out, my lifestyle ended up costing me a lot . Within a few months, my diet and exercise plans were consuming my time, effort, discipline, energy, and willpower. By the end of the summer, I was mentally and physically broke. I didnt understand it then, but diet and exercise habits can be incredibly expensive even if they dont hit your wallet. Theres a lot more to life
Can you spend your way to a fit body?
Each fitness habit taxes what I call lifestyle resources. These include any resource you have an infinite supply that influences your quality of lifefor example, time, physical energy, emotional energy, willpower, discipline, mental focus, money, and even your living space are all lifestyle resources. A weight machine not only costs you money to acquire it, but it also uses the time it takes to assemble it, maintain it, clean it, and use it. It also costs you the space in your home. So even if you get it on sale, you still pay far more than whats on the price tag.