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Sarkar - Learning AWS

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Sarkar Learning AWS

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Learning AWS

Learning AWS

Copyright 2015 Packt Publishing

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First published: July 2015

Production reference: 1280715

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78439-463-9




Aurobindo Sarkar

Amit Shah


Ji inura

Brian C. Galura

Mark Takacs

Robert Williamson

Commissioning Editor

Edward Bowkett

Acquisition Editor

Larissa Pinto

Content Development Editor

Anish Sukumaran

Technical Editor

Bharat Patil

Copy Editor

Merilyn Pereira

Project Coordinator

Mary Alex


Safis Editing


Tejal Soni


Sheetal Aute

Production Coordinator

Manu Joseph

Cover Work

Manu Joseph

About the Authors

Aurobindo Sarkar is a consulting CTO at BYOF Studios. With a career spanning 22 plus years, he has consulted at some of the leading organizations in the U.S., the UK, and Canada. He specializes in Software as a Service product development, cloud computing, cloud economics, big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, and web-scale architectures. His domain expertise runs across financial services, media, mobile gaming, public and automotive sectors. Aurobindo has been actively working with technology start-ups for over 5 years now. As a member of the top leadership team at various start-ups, he has mentored several founders and CxOs, provided technology advisory services, developed cloud strategies, drawn up product roadmaps, and set up large engineering teams. Aurobindo has an MS (Computer Science) from New York University, M.Tech (Management) from Indian Institute of Science, and B.Tech (Engineering) from IIT Delhi.

Amit Shah has a bachelor's degree in electronics. He is a senior manager at Western Outdoor Interactive. He has been programming since the early '80s with the first wave of personal computinginitially as a hobbyist and then as a professional. His areas of interest include embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), analog and digital hardware design, systems programming, cloud computing, and enterprise architecture. He has been working extensively in the field of cloud computing and enterprise architecture for the past 4 years.

About the Reviewers

Ji inura is an independent developer focused on clean code, language constructs, and databases, all applied to mostly backend-related stuff. He is a project lead for ADO.NET, a provider for the Firebird project, and the Entity framework support maintainer for the NuoDB database. He's currently creating custom applications for a living for various customers in Europe as well as companies from other countries. Other than that, he conducts training sessions and consultations about new technologies to provide customers with the best information possible to deliver applications in a shorter time and with better maintainability. When he's not programming or teaching, he spends time participating in ultrarunning races.

Brian C. Galura spent his childhood tinkering with subjects such as Java programming and Linux. His professional experience started with VoIP testing at 3Com in suburban Chicago. He then spent 2 years studying computer engineering at Purdue University, before leaving to pursue freelance consulting in Los Angeles. Following several years of freelancing, he developed his expertise in enterprise infrastructure and cloud computing by working for a variety of start-ups and large corporations. Later, he completed a bachelor's in IT while working at Citrix. He is currently working on Citrix's cloud engineering and systems architecture team in Santa Barbara, California.

Mark Takacs got his first job in the early '90s as the only applicant with HTML experience. Since then, his road to DevOps has spanned traditional MVC software development on LAMP and Java, frontend web development in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, network administration, build and release engineering, production operations, and a large helping of system administration throughout. He currently lives and works in Silicon Valley.

Robert Williamson is a senior software engineer working mainly on the development of a graphics engine for flight simulators; he enjoys designing and developing real-time solutions. Before that, he worked in the Computer Graphics and Image Understanding Lab at the University of Missouri Columbia while earning his bachelor's and master's in computer science. His other interests include data visualization, data mining, computer vision, and machine learning. During his spare time, he enjoys traveling and backpacking through national parks.

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With an increasing interest in leveraging cloud infrastructure around the world, the AWS cloud from Amazon offers a cutting-edge platform for architecting, building, and deploying web-scale cloud applications through a user-friendly interface. The variety of features available within AWS can reduce overall infrastructure costs and accelerate the development process for both large enterprises and start-ups alike.

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