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Sarkar - Nginx 1 Web Server implementation cookbook: over 100 recipes to master using the Nginx HTTP server and reverse proxy

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Sarkar Nginx 1 Web Server implementation cookbook: over 100 recipes to master using the Nginx HTTP server and reverse proxy
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Nginx 1 Web Server implementation cookbook: over 100 recipes to master using the Nginx HTTP server and reverse proxy: summary, description and annotation

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This is a cookbook full of illustrations and diagrams to help you implement your web needs with Nginx, with a focus on practical examples. If you are tired of Apache consuming all your server memory with little traffic and to overcome this, or for some other reason, you are looking for a high-performance load-balancing proxy server and have tried using Nginx, then this book is for you. You need some basic knowledge of Nginx. System administrators and web developers will benefit greatly from this book. Read more...
Abstract: This is a cookbook full of illustrations and diagrams to help you implement your web needs with Nginx, with a focus on practical examples. If you are tired of Apache consuming all your server memory with little traffic and to overcome this, or for some other reason, you are looking for a high-performance load-balancing proxy server and have tried using Nginx, then this book is for you. You need some basic knowledge of Nginx. System administrators and web developers will benefit greatly from this book

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Nginx 1 Web Server Implementation Cookbook

Nginx 1 Web Server Implementation Cookbook

Copyright 2011 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: May 2011

Production Reference: 1180511

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. 32 Lincoln Road Olton Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

ISBN 978-1-849514-96-5


Cover Image by Javier Barria ( <> )



Dipankar Sarkar


Valery Kholodkov

Jos Miguel Parrella

Michael Shadle

Acquisition Editor

Usha Iyer

Development Editor

Hyacintha D'Souza

Technical Editor

Kavita Iyer

Copy Editor

Neha Shetty

Project Coordinator

Srimoyee Ghoshal


Samantha Lyon


Tejal Daruwale


Nilesh Mohite

Production Coordinator

Kruthika Bangera

Cover Work

Kruthika Bangera

About the Author

Dipankar Sarkar is a web and mobile entrepreneur. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He is a firm believer in the Open source movement and has participated in the Google Summer of Code, 2005-06 and 2006-07. He has conducted technical workshops for Windows mobile and Python at various technical meet ups. He recently took part in the Startup Leadership Program, Delhi Chapter.

He has worked with Slideshare LLC, one of the world's largest online presentation hosting and sharing service as an early engineering employee. He has since then worked with Mpower Mobile LLC, a mobile payment startup and Clickable LLC, a leading search engine marketing startup. He was a co-founder at Kwippy, which was one of the top micro-blogging sites. He is currently working in the social TV space and has co-founded Jaja.

This is his first technical publication

I would like to thank my patient and long suffering wife, Maitrayee, for putting up with my insane working hours and for being there for me throughout. My mother and my sister, Rickta and Amrita, whose belief and support sustains me. My in laws, Amal and Ruchira Roychoudhury, for opening their homes and hearts to me so generously. Also to my father, the late A. C. Sarkar, who co-authored the first chapter of my life and without whom none of this would have been possible.

I would also like to thank Usha, Hyacintha, Srimoyee, and Kavita from Packt who made this opportunity possible and have been fantastic to work with. I am deeply grateful to the technical reviewers whose insights have been invaluable. Needless to say, errors, if any, are mine.

About the Reviewers

Valery Kholodkov is an active member of Nginx community and one of the earliest module developers for Nginx. Hes been a computer enthusiast since the age of 10 and has solid experience in developing scalable web applications and realtime control systems.

Valery helps people with scaling their websites. He has worked for various companies whose business depends on how fast their website is and how many requests servers can process within reasonable amount of time. In his blog "Nginx Guts" he writes about the internals of Nginx web server and shares his best practices in Nginx.

Jos Miguel is a Venezuelan IT professional based in Quito, Ecuador. Passionate about technology since the age of three, he started working with Linux servers in 2002, and he started working as a lead for a Linux deployment at a Venezuelan Government office (SAPI) in 2004, at the age of 17.

Afterwards he became an advisor and private consultant on Linux and open source software architecture and deployment for organizations such as the National Oil Company (PDVSA) as well as the IT/Telecom Regulators, National Phone Company, National Library, and other institutions in Venezuela as well as Ecuador and the US.

He also held a position as a datacenter analyst for EDELCA, one of the largest hydro power utilities worldwide, where he developed several system clusters with Nginx as well as the desktop Debian-based distribution. This experience led Jos Miguel to be the architect of Canaima 2.0, the national Linux distribution in Venezuela and now a community project, currently topping 1 million installations in a 1:1 school laptop project as well as State-funded computers.

In 2008 he accepted the position of Country Manager for ONUVA in Ecuador, one of the most renowned open source consulting firms in South America, altogether with the Chief Technology Officer position. While in ONUVA he had the opportunity to lead a team of professionals in Venezuela, Ecuador, and the US in large IT projects. Since 2010 he's been working as an open source strategy lead for a software development company.

Jos Miguel continues to be involved in technology communities worldwide, such as the Debian Project, where he's part of the Nginx maintenance team, but also the LACNIC Security Group, some Perl Mongers chapters, and local Linux User Groups. He's been an international speaker at venues such as Argentina, Mxico, Scotland, and India and continues to devote some time to technical writing and presentations on his blog.

Michael Shadle is a self-proclaimed surgeon when it comes to procedural PHP. He has been using PHP for over ten years along with MySQL and various Linux and BSD distributions. He has used many different web servers over the years and considers Nginx to be the best solution yet.

During the day he works as a senior Web Developer at Intel Corporation on a handful of public-facing websites. He enjoys using his breadth of knowledge to come up with "out-of-the-box" solutions to solve the variety of issues and requests that come up. During his off-hours, he has a thriving personal consulting and web development practice and more personal project ideas than he can tackle at once.

He is a minimalist at heart, and believes that when architecting solutions, starting small and simple allows for a more agile approach in the long run. Michael also coined the phrase "A simple stack is a happy stack."

You can visit his personal blog at http://michaelshadle.com/.

I'd like to thank my parents, my friends, and the thousands of people I've interacted with over the Internet for keeping me on my toes.

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