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Dr. Joseph Mercola - Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy

Here you can read online Dr. Joseph Mercola - Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2017, publisher: Hay House, Inc, genre: Romance novel. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Dr. Joseph Mercola Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy
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    Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy
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For over a century, weve accepted the scientific consensus that cancer results from genetic disease due to chromosomal damage in cell nuclei. But what if cancer isnt a genetic disease after all? What if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm, and cancer isnt a disease of damaged DNA but rather of defective metabolism as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction? What if that startling truth could revolutionize our understanding of other diseases as well and show us a radical new path to optimal health? In this groundbreaking guide, the first of its kind, New York Times best-selling author and leading natural-health practitioner Joseph Mercola explains how nearly all disease is caused by defective metabolic processes. Then he reveals whats really causing your metabolism to go haywire: damage and dysfunction in the mitochondria, thousands of which are at work in nearly every cell in your body, generating 90 percent of the energy you need to stay alive and well. When mitochondria become damaged in large numbers, it is impossible to stay healthy. Dr. Mercola shows you that you can to take control of your health simply by giving your body the proper fuel and its not what youve likely been led to believe. A ketogenic diet, very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, is the way to optimize the biochemical pathways that suppress disease and support healing. And the benefits can be astonishing not only in treating or preventing serious illness, but in boosting your brainpower, increasing your energy, helping you lose weight and keep it off, and much more. As you read this book, youll learn in clear, rational terms how your body works at a molecular level. Youll finally understand the type of fuel its designed to burn in the most efficient way possible. Youll find detailed guidelines for starting and sticking with a ketogenic eating plan. And you wont have to wait a decade or two for metabolic mitochondrial therapy to make its way into the mainstream. You can build a healthier body and brain at the cutting edge of this exciting new discipline, starting right now.

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Praise for Fat for Fuel Dr Joseph Mercola has been a shining beacon of - photo 1

Praise for Fat for Fuel

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been a shining beacon of health wisdom and freedom for decades. His latest book, Fat for Fuel, is a masterpiece of cutting-edge research and practical application. This information, if applied, holds the key to sustainable weight loss and enhanced energy. More than that, this lifestyle plan can help reverse chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom and Goddesses Never Age

I truly believe that the concept of Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy will have significant impact on health. As I mentioned in my book, cancer is not likely to occur in people with healthy mitochondria. Dr. Mercola has expanded this concept to a broad range of chronic diseases that involve mitochondrial dysfunction. He provides a clear rationale as well as guidelines for implementation of MMT. This book should be read by anyone interested in maintaining their health without toxic pharmaceuticals.

Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and professor of biology at Boston College

This remarkable book presents a truly revolutionary program that can help millions of people achieve optimal health. Dr. Mercola clearly explains the importance of mitochondria for metabolic function and carefully guides his readers with detailed practical advice for enhancing their activity. Fat for Fuel will change the way you think about nutrition and your health.

Leo Galland, M.D., author of The Allergy Solution

Dr. Mercolas Fat for Fuel eloquently presents the leading edge of science, exploring how best to power your body. This is a life-changing text that not only provides a deep dive into why choosing fat as our primary fuel source powerfully correlates with health and disease resistance, but also delivers in terms of how the reader can easily bring about this fundamentally important change. Health, on a global scale, has suffered profoundly as a consequence of commercially influenced dietary recommendations. Mercolas science-based refutation of this status quo provides a welcome and compassionate response, allowing readers to regain and maintain optimal health.

David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N., board-certified neurologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan

In Fat for Fuel, Dr. Mercola beautifully lays out the historyand the mythsbehind the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet that has been at the root of so much illness and death in the last half-century. Dr. Mercola is one of the few who have properly understood and embraced my long-standing belief that ones health and lifespan is mostly determined by the proportion of fat versus sugar one burns over a lifetime. He also understands that excess protein creates another whole set of health-eroding issues. Anyone who values their health should read this book.

Ron Rosedale, M.D.

Science has already shown that eating fat can make you thin. In this pathbreaking book, Dr. Joseph Mercola goes a critical step further, revealing that using fat as your main fuel source can heal your body at a mitochondrial level, restoring energy and well-being and even helping fight cancer and other diseases. Impeccably researched and passionately argued, Fat for Fuel dispels dangerous myths about healthful diets, reveals truths the food industry wont tell you about the food you eat, and starts you on a path to radically transforming your health.

Mark Hyman, M.D., #1 New York Times best-selling author of Eat Fat Get Thin and Director of the Cleveland Clinics Center for Functional Medicine

The world of nutrition is more confusing than ever. But one thing has become increasingly evident over the past decade: teaching our bodies to use fat instead of glucose as the main fuel source has immense potential to support patients suffering from some of the most devastating chronic diseases. Dr. Mercolas Fat for Fuel will be an invaluable resource for me in two ways: personally, because Im a cancer patient myself striving to create an environment that will keep my disease at bay, but also professionally as a nutritional therapist. Fat for Fuel will help me inform, educate, and guide my clients.

Patricia Daly, dipNT, mNTOI, mBANT

Fat for Fuel is another fact-based, insightful book by the visionary Joseph Mercola that will not just change your life, but could literally save it. Dr. Mercola understands how food can preserve wellness or destroy it. Boldly challenging old myths about fat, diet, and healing, he gives practical, step-by-step instructions that will empower you to take control of your health whether you are sick and want to get well, or are healthy and want to stay well.

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder, National Vaccine Information Center

Dr. Mercolas lifetime of research reaches a crescendo with Fat for Fuel. Every page is a distillation of his genuine passion to optimize human health through diet.

Travis Christofferson, author of Tripping over the Truth: How the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicines Most Entrenched Paradigms

Fat for Fuel is a powerhouse of practical, evidence-based information for the clinician and consumer alike. With so much conflicting information in the nutrition world, this book serves as a critical resource for every physician in training or in practice, and for every person eager to avoid the need for those doctors.

Zach Bush, M.D., endocrinologist

Fat for Fuel is a powerful manifesto reexamining the fat-phobic paradigm that has long dominated the thinking about health and nutrition. This is an extremely valuable guidebook for those seeking to understand and implement transformational dietary changes to boost their metabolic and cellular function. By shifting away from the idea of glucose as the optimal source of energy, Dr. Mercola shows how we can harness the benefits of fat and ketones for clean-burning fuel in the quest for optimal health.

Michael Stroka, J.D., M.B.A., M.S., C.N.S., L.D.N., executive director, Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists

In 2017, we have many chronic illness epidemics in the USA. At the center of most of those epidemics is the toxic, nutrient-depleted, dysfunctional human cell. And research is now showing us that the most important organelle in that cell contributing to most of these diseases is the mitochondria. In his book Fat for Fuel, Joe Mercola has given us a practical blueprint for how to revive our mitochondria using diet as a powerful foundation, with a few other added simple tools, such as intermittent fasting, exercise, light therapy, and some supplemental nutrients. Dr. Mercola tested the Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy recommendations he makes in this book on himself, with many months of trials and errors and continuous glucose monitoring. He also amassed impressive scientific research from the literature to prove what he recommends on these pages. I highly endorse Fat for Fuel as the most practical do-it-yourself guide available today for people to take back control of their health and resolve chronic illnesses.

W. Lee Cowden, M.D., M.D.(H), chairman of scientific advisory board, Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine

Fat for Fuel is a landmark contribution from Dr. Joe Mercola.... Metabolism at its core consists of how our mitochondria utilize nutrients, and Dr. Mercola educates his readers on how to choose the nutrients that optimize mitochondrial function. This book will contribute greatly toward our health goals for our entire population as more and more health-care professionals wake up to this understanding of the importance of optimizing mitochondrial metabolism.

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