![Contents List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction to Networking Chapter 2 - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/206213/images/cover.jpg)
List of Tables
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Networking
- Chapter 2: LANs, MANs, and WANs
- Chapter 3: Network Hardware and Transmission Media
List of Illustrations
- Appendix A Additional Exercises
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Networking
- Chapter 2: LANs, MANs, and WANs
- Chapter 3: Network Hardware and Transmission Media
- Chapter 4: Operating Systems and Networking Software
- Chapter 5: The TCP/IP Protocol Suite
- Chapter 6: Ethernet Concepts
- Chapter 7: Not to Be Forgotten
- Chapter 8: The Upper Layers
- Chapter 9: The Transport Layer
- Chapter 10: The Network Layer
- Chapter 11: The Data Link Layer
- Chapter 12: Design Methodologies
- Chapter 13: Implementation
- Chapter 14: Network Security
- Chapter 15: Network Management
- Chapter 16: Troubleshooting
Networking Self-Teaching Guide
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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Copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-0-470-40238-2
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Edwards, James, 1962
Networking self-teaching guide : OSI, TCP/IP, LANs, MANs, WANs, implementation, management, and maintenance / James Edwards, Richard Bramante.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-470-40238-2 (pbk.)
1. Computer networks. 2. Computer network protocols. 3. Computer network architectures. I. Bramante, Richard, 1944- II. Title.
TK5105.5.E28 2009
004.65 dc22
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This book is dedicated to my brother, Joel, for all that he has done for so many over the years. I sincerely hope that he will forever be able to enjoy all of the good things that life has to offer. Whether he knows it or not, he has always been a source of inspiration for me and his encouragement has kept me going whenever a challenge was thrown my way. The best brother in the world! Thats my brother, Joel.
Jim Edwards
This book is dedicated to those who have supported me, not just during the writing of this book, but throughout my life. There have been many and too numerous to mention, but to all who have been there for me, I am deeply grateful. Deserving special mention are: My son, Rich; his wife, Michelle; my three grandchildren, Vanessa, Ethan, and Olivia; my parents; my siblings, Margaret, Mary, Josephine, Frank, and Salvatore; and the person who believed in me, unfailingly, even through all my blunders, my deceased wife, Barbara.
Rich Bramante
About the Authors
Jim Edwards has more than 10 years of experience supporting data networks as a Premium Support Engineer. He has authored four books pertaining to data networking, as well as served as a technical editor.
Rich Bramante earned both a bachelors and masters degree in electrical engineering from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He has worked in the technology industry for more than 40 years. For the past 11 years, he has worked for a major telecommunications equipment manufacturer, primarily within the VPN technology area.
Executive Editor
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Cover Image
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First and foremost, Jim wants to thank Rich for being such a great co-author to work with. Rich and Jim had the opportunity to work together on a previous book and we make a great team. Jim is a bit of a pain in the neck, so Rich may have other opinions on this whole team thing.
We would also like to send out a huge word of thanks for all of the individuals involved in the development of this book. To Carol Long, thank you for bringing the idea to us and trusting us to see it through. We really enjoyed it as much as we all thought we would. We also want to send a word of thanks to the development editor, John Sleeva, for keeping us in line. It was a pleasure working with you, sir. To Angela Smith, thank you for all the assistance you gave us during the production phase. It is always nice to work with people who are as friendly and helpful as everyone we have had the pleasure of working with at Wiley. Additionally, thank you to Don Thorenson for being our technical guinea pig and to Lunaea Weatherstone for catching all of our mistakes. Finally, to all the people who work behind the scenes, thank you for your support of this project.
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