
Feeding the Monster: How Money, Smarts, and Nerve
Took a Team to the Top
Hard News: The Scandals at The New York Times and
Their Meaning for American Media


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Copyright 2011 by Seth Mnookin
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mnookin, Seth.
The panic virus : a true story of medicine, science, and fear / Seth Mnookin.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. VaccinationHistory. 2. VaccinationPsychological aspects.
3. Health behavior. 4. Mass media and culture. I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Vaccinationhistory. 2. Vaccinationpsychology.
3. Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice. 4. Mass Media. 5. Panic. WA 115]
RA638.M675 2011
ISBN 978-1-4391-5864-7
ISBN 978-1-4391-6567-6 (ebook)
For Sara and Max
A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.
Advocacy Organizations
AutismOne: Parent-led group that believes most cases of autism are caused by vaccines
Autism Research Institute: Early advocacy group; founded by
Bernard Rimland in 1967
Autism Science Foundation: Founded in 2009 by Alison Singer and Karen London to fund and promote scientific research into autism
Autism Speaks: Largest autism charity in the United States; founded by former NBC Universal chariman Bob Wright and his wife, Suzanne, in 2005
Cure Autism Now: Founded in 1995 to fund research into autism; merged with Autism Speaks in 2006
Defeat Autism Now!: Offshoot of ARI founded in 1995 to promote the use of nonstandard treatments for autism
Generation Rescue: Also known as Jenny McCarthys Autism Organization; promotes the view that vaccines cause autism and other neurological disorders
National Alliance for Autism Research: Founded in 1994 to fund scientific research into autism; merged with Autism Speaks in 2005
National Vaccine Information Center: Founded in 1982 by
Barbara Loe Fisher and other parents who believe their
children suffered brain injuries caused by the DPT vaccine
SafeMinds: Founded in 2000 to fight against mercury-induced neurological disorders
Talk About Curing Autism: Founded in California in 2000; went national in 2007
Parents and Family Members
Lisa Ackerman: Executive director of Talk About Curing Autism; introduced Jenny McCarthy to the autism advocacy movement
Sallie Bernard: Mercury Mom; one of the leaders of SafeMinds; lead author of Autism: A Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning
Vicky Debold: Board member of the National Vaccine Information Center; director of SafeMinds
Barbara Loe Fisher: President of the National Vaccine Information Center
Jane Johnson: Co-managing director of the Thoughtful House Center for Children; director of the Autism Research Institute
Eric and Karen London: Co-founders of the National Alliance for Autism Research
Jenny McCarthy: Actress; believes vaccines caused her sons autism; promotes the use of gluten- and dairy-free diets
Lyn Redwood: Mercury Mom; one of the leaders of SafeMinds; collaborated with David Kirby on Evidence of Harm
Bernard Rimland: Father of the modern-day autism advocacy movement
Alison Singer: Former executive vice president of Autism Speaks; co-founder of the Autism Science Foundation
Bob and Suzanne Wright: Founders of Autism Speaks
Katie Wright: Daughter of Bob and Suzanne Wright
Doctors and Researchers
Mark Geier: Frequent expert witness in Vaccine Court lawsuits
Jay Gordon: Former pediatrician to Jenny McCarthys son, Evan
Neal Halsey: Director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University
Leo Kanner: Austrian psychiatrist; coined the term autism in a 1943 research paper
Arthur Krigsman: Pediatrician; former colleague of Andrew Wakefields; treated Michelle Cedillo
Paul Offit: Co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine; chief of the division of Infectious Diseases and director of the Vaccine Education Center at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
Bob Sears: California-based pediatrician; author of The Vaccine
Andrew Wakefield: Lead author of a 1998 paper hypothesizing a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism
Journalists and Writers
Brian Deer: British investigative journalist; wrote a series of articles on Andrew Wakefield and his research into the MMR vaccine
Richard Horton: Editor of The Lancet
David Kirby: Author of Evidence of Harm; frequent contributor to The Huffington Post
Lea Thompson: Reporter on the 1982 television special Vaccine Roulette
The Omnibus Autism Proceeding
Michelle Cedillo: Autistic girl whose Vaccine Court claim was an Omnibus test case
Theresa and Michael Cedillo: Parents of Michelle Cedillo
Sylvia Chin-Caplan: Lawyer for the Cedillo family
George Hastings: Special Master who presided over the Cedillo trial
Richard Barr: British personal injury lawyer; worked with Andrew Wakefield on lawsuits related to the MMR vaccine
Mary Leitao: Founder of the Morgellons Research Foundation
Lora Little: Early twentieth-century anti-vaccine activist
Lorraine Pace: Founder of the West Islip Breast Cancer Coalition
Governmental Agencies
ACIPAdvisory Committee on Immunization Practices (U.S.)
CBERCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research (U.S.)
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
EISEpidemic Intelligence Service (U.S.)
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
GMCGeneral Medical Council (U.K.)
FDAFood and Drug Administration (U.S.)
HRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration (U.S.)
MRCMedical Research Council (U.K.)
NIHNational Institutes of Health (U.S.)
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.)
IOMInstitute of Medicine (U.S.)
SSIStatens Serum Institut (Denmark)
WHOWorld Health Organization
Medical Terms
ASDautism spectrum disorder
IBDinflammatory bowel disease
PDD-NOSpervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified
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