The Amazing
Liver & Gallbladder Flush
A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool
to Optimize Your Health and Well-Being
Andreas Moritz
![The amazing liver and gallbladder flush a powerful do-it-yourself approach to optimize your health and well-being and much more - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/221688/tmp_a9a9d688a7a22faaae895c7891282be2_h46h_O_html_5a34b8aa.png)
Your Health is in Your Hands
Published by Ener-Chi Wellness Pressat Smashwords
Copyright by Andreas Moritz - Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording orotherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyrightowner.
For Reasons of Legality
The author of this book, Andreas Moritz, doesnot advocate the use of any particular form of health care butbelieves that the facts, figures, and knowledge presented hereinshould be available to every person concerned with improving his orher state of health. Although the author has attempted to give aprofound understanding of the topics discussed and to ensureaccuracy and completeness of any information that originates fromany other source than his own, he and the publisher assume noresponsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or anyinconsistency herein. Any slights of people or organizations areunintentional. This book is not intended to replace the advice andtreatment of a physician who specializes in the treatment ofdiseases. Any use of the information set forth herein is entirelyat the readers discretion. The author and publisher are notresponsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting fromthe use of any of the preparations or procedures described in thisbook. The statements made herein are for educational andtheoretical purposes only and are mainly based on Andreas Moritzsown opinion and theories. You should always consult with a healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal,or homeopathic supplement, or before beginning or stopping anytherapy. The author is not intending to provide any medical adviceor offer a substitute thereof, and makes no warranty whatsoever,whether expressed or implied, with respect to any product, device,or therapy. Except as otherwise noted, no statement in this bookhas been reviewed or approved by the United States Food and DrugAdministration or the Federal Trade Commission. Readers should usetheir own judgment or consult a holistic medical expert or theirpersonal physicians for specific applications to their individualproblems.
First edition,The Amazing LiverCleanse, 1998
Second edition,The Amazing LiverCleanse, 1999 (revised)
Third edition,The Amazing LiverCleanse, USA, 2002 (revised)
Fourth edition,The Amazing Liverand Gallbladder Flush, USA, 2005 (extended and revised)
Fifth edition,The Amazing Liverand Gallbladder Flush, USA, Feb. 2007 (improved andreedited)
Cover Design/Artwork (Ener-chi Art forthe Liver): By Andreas Moritz
Also by Andreas Moritz
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
Lifting the Veil of Duality
Cancer Is Not a Disease (New)
Its Time to Come Alive
Simple Steps to Total Health
Heart Disease No More!
DiabetesNo More!
Ending the AIDS Myth
Heal Yourself With Sunlight!
Hear the Whispers, Live Your Dream
Sacred Santmony
Ener-Chi Art
All of the above are available at , and other online orphysical bookstores.
Clinical success is the final test.
This book is transforming our current medicalmodel.
Be prepared to be WELL.
This is more than a bookthis is a powerfulself-healing tool. At a time when we have given up on our bodysown innate wisdom, Andreas Moritz offers a simple, self-directedremedy allowing for ones own self-empowered healing. It is simple,inexpensive, and easy to perform. The healing that occurred for mypatients and myself has been life altering.
Gene L. Pascucci, BS, DDS (dentist,metaphysician and mystic living in Reno, Nevada)
I was intrigued to learn about the liverflush from a friend, although I put off doing it for a good fewmonths. Having suffered from severe health problems for severalyears, I eventually took the plunge, but not really expecting anygreat results. Much to my amazement, the next day I excreted aboutsix hundred gallstones of varying sizes and colors, and the reliefwas instantaneous. I was calmer, felt much less irritable, and hadgreater clarity of thought. I have now completed five flushes andam nearly back to normal functioning. Whilst I have used othertreatment modalities in addition to this cleansing technique, Iconsider that the liver flush has had a major impact upon myrecovery. I shall certainly be adding it to my health maintenanceprogram for the rest of my life.
Dr. Diane Phillips, MB, BS, BSc(UK)
To all those who wish to take responsibility fortheir own health and who care about
the health and well-being of their
fellow human beings
Tableof Contents:
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![speak for themselves No amount ofscientific proof or medical explanation can - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/221688/tmp_a9a9d688a7a22faaae895c7891282be2_h46h_O_html_126f00fa.jpg)
speak for themselves. No amount ofscientific proof or medical explanation can make such a cleanse anymore valuable than it already is. Once you see hundreds of green,beige-colored, brown, or black gallstones floating in the toiletbowl during your first liver flush, you will intuitively know thatyou are on to something extremely important in your life. Tosatisfy your possibly curious mind, you may decide to take theexpelled stones to a laboratory for chemical analysis or ask yourdoctor what she thinks about all that. Your doctor may eithersupport you in your initiative to heal yourself, tell you this isjust ridiculous, or warn you against it. However, what is mostsignificant in this experience is that you have taken activeresponsibility for your own health, perhaps for the first time inyour life.
Not everyone is as fortunate as you are. Anestimated 20 percent of the worlds population will developgallstones in their gallbladder at some stage in theirlives; many of them will opt for surgical removal of this importantorgan. This statistical figure does not account, though, for themany more people who will develop gallstones (or already have them)in their liver. During some thirty years of practicingnatural medicine and dealing with thousands of people sufferingfrom all types of chronic diseases, I can attest to the fact thateach one of them, without exception, has had considerablequantities of gallstones in his or her liver. Surprisingly, onlyrelatively few of them reported to have had a history of gallstonesin their gallbladder. Gallstones in the liver are, as you willunderstand from reading this book, the main impediment to acquiringand maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. Gallstonesin the liver are, indeed, one of the major reasons people becomeill and have difficulty recuperating from illness.
The failure to recognize and accept theincidence of gallstone formation in the liver as an extremelycommon phenomenon may very well be the most unfortunate oversightthat has ever been made in the field of medicine, both orthodox andholistic.
Relying so heavily on blood tests fordiagnostic purposes, as conventional medicine does, may actually bea great disadvantage with regard to assessing liver health. Mostpeople who have a physical complaint of one kind or another mayshow to have perfectly normal liver enzyme levels in the blood,despite suffering from liver congestion. Liver congestion is amongthe leading health problems, yet conventional medicine rarelyrefers to it, nor do doctors have a reliable way to detect anddiagnose such a condition. Liver enzyme levels in the blood becomeelevated only when there is advanced liver cell destruction, as isthe case, for example, in hepatitis or liver inflammation. Livercells contain large amounts of enzymes. Once a certain number ofliver cells are ruptured, their enzymes will start showing up inthe blood. When detected through a blood test, this increased countof liver enzymes indicates abnormal liver functions. In such anevent, however, the damage has already occurred. It takes manyyears of chronic liver congestion before liver damage becomesapparent.