Clinical success is the final test.
This book is transforming our current medical model .
Be prepared to be WELL.
This is more than a book this is a powerful self-healing tool. At a time when we have given up on our body s own innate wisdom, Andreas Moritz offers a simple, self-directed remedy allowing for one s own self-empowered healing. It is simple, inexpensive , and easy to perform. The healing that occurred for myself and my patients has been life altering.
Gene L. Pascucci , BS , DDS ( d entist, metaphysician and mystic living in Reno, Nevada)
I was intrigued to learn about the liver flush from a friend, although I put off doing it for a good few months. Having suffered from severe health problems for several years, I eventually took the plunge, but not really expecting any great results. Much to my amazement, the next day I excreted about six hundred gallstones of varying sizes and colors , and the relief was instantaneous. I was calmer, felt much less irritable , and had greater clarity of thought. I have now completed five flushe s and am nearly back to normal functioning. Whilst I have used other treatment modalities in addition to this cleansing technique, I consider that the liver flush has had a major impact upon my recovery. I shall certainly be adding it to my health maintenance program for the rest of my life.
Dr . Diane Phillips , MB , BS , BSc (UK)
Also by Andreas Moritz
. . .
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
Lifting the Veil of Duality
Cancer Is Not a Disease (New)
It s Time to Come Alive
Simple Steps to Total Health
Heart Disease No More!
Diabetes No More!
Ending the AIDS Myth
Heal Yourself With Sunlight !
Hear the Whispers, Live Your Dream (July 2007)
Sacred Santmony
Ener-Chi Art
All of the above are available at , , and other online or physical bookstores.
The Amazing
Liver & Gallbladder Flush
A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool
t o Optimize Your Health and Well -B eing
Andreas Moritz
![The Amazing Liver Gallbladder Flush - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/122548/images/00001.jpeg)
Y our Health is in Your Hands
![The Amazing Liver Gallbladder Flush - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/122548/images/00002.jpeg)
For Reasons of Legality
The author of this book, Andreas Moritz, does not advocate the use of any particular form of health care but believes that the facts, figures, and knowledge presented herein should be available to every person concerned with improving his or her state of health. Although the author has attempted to give a profound understanding of the topics discussed and to ensure accuracy and completeness of any information that originates from any other source than his own, he and the publisher assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This book is not intended to replace the advice and treatment of a physician who specializes in the treatment of diseases. Any use of the information set forth herein is entirely at the reader s discretion. The author and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the preparations or procedures described in this book. The statements made herein are for educational and theoretical purposes only and are mainly based on Andreas Moritz s own opinion and theories. You should always consult with a health care practitioner before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal , or homeopathic supplement, or before beginning or stopping any therapy. The author is not intending to provide any medical advice or offer a substitute thereof, and make s no warranty whatsoever , whether expressed or implied, with respect to any product, device , or therapy. Except as otherwise noted, no statement in this book has been reviewed or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration or the Federal Trade Commission. Readers should use their own judgment or consult a holistic medical expert or their personal physicians for specific applications to their individual problems.
Copyrigh t 1998-200 by Andreas Moritz - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN: 978-0-9792757-2-2
Published by Ener-Chi Wellness Press, U SA
First edition , The Amazing Liver Cleanse, 1998
Second edition , The Amazing Liver Cleanse, 1999 (revised)
Third edition , The Amazing Liver Cleanse, U SA, 2002 (revised)
Fourth e dition , The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush , U SA, 2005 (extended and revised)
Fifth edition, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush , USA, Feb. (improved and re edited)
Cover Design/Artwork (Ener-chi Art for the Liver ): By Andreas Moritz
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1:
Gallstones in the Liver A Major Health Risk
- The Importance of Bile
Disorders of the Digestive System
- Diseases of the Mouth
- Diseases of the Stomach
- Diseases of the Pancreas
- Diseases of the Liver
- Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts
- Intestinal Diseases
Disorders of the Circulatory System
- Coronary Heart Disease
- High Cholesterol
- Poor Circulation , Enlargement of Heart and Spleen, Varicose Veins ,
Lymph Congestion , Hormonal, Imbalances
Disorders of the Respiratory System
Disorders of the Urinary System
Disorders of the Nervous System
Disorders of the Bone
Disorders of the Joints
Disorders of the Reproductive System
Disorders of the Skin
- Conclusion
Chapter 2:
How Can I Tell I Have Gallstones?
Signs and Marks
- The Skin
- The Nose
- The Eyes
- The Tongue, Mouth, Lips and Teeth
- Hands, Nails and Feet
- The Constitution of Fecal Matter
- Conclusion
C hapter 3:
The Most Common Causes of Gallstones
1. Dietary
- Overeating
- Eating Between Meals
- Eating Heavy Meals in the Evening
- Overeating Protein
- Other Foods and Beverages
- A Word on the Effects of Refined and Unrefined Salt
- Dehydration
- Rapid Weight Loss
- Low Fat Diets
2. Pharmacological Drugs
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Birth Control Pills
- Other Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Fluoride Poisoning
3. Lifestyle
- Disrupting the Biological Clock
- The Natural Sleep/Wake Cycles
- Natural Meal Times
4. Miscellaneous Causes
- Watching Television for Several Hours
- Emotional Stress
- Conventional Treatments for Gallstones
1. Dissolving Gallstones
2. Shock Waves
3. Surgery
- Conclusion
Chapter 4:
The Liver & Gallbladder Flush
- Preparation
- The Actual Flush
- The Results You Can Expect
Having Difficulties With The Flush ?
- Intolerance to Apple Juice
- Intolerance to Epsom Salt
- Intolerance to Olive Oil
- You Suffer from Gallbladder Disease or Dont Have A Gallbladder
- People Who Should Not Use Apple Juice
- Headache or Nausea During the Days following Liver flushi ng
- Feeling Sick During the Flush
- The Liver Flush Did Not Deliver the Expected Results
Chapter 5:
Simple Guidelines to Avoid Gallstones
1. Flush Your Liver Twice a Year
2. Keep Your Colon Clean
3. The Kidney Cleanse
4. Drink Ionized Water Frequently
5. Take Ionic Essential Minerals
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