Biology Essentials For Dummies
by Rene Fester Kratz, PhD, and Donna Rae Siegfried with Medhane Cumbay and Traci Cumbay
Biology Essentials For Dummies
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About the Authors
Rene Fester Kratz, PhD, teaches cellular biology and microbiology. She is a member of the North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership, where she helped create inquiry-based science courses for future teachers. Kratz is also the author of Molecular and Cell Biology For Dummies and Microbiology The Easy Way .
Donna Rae Siegfried has written about pharmaceutical and medical topics for 15 years in publications including Prevention, Runners World, Mens Health, and Organic Gardening . She has taught anatomy and physiology at the college level. She is also the author of Anatomy & Physiology For Dummies .
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L ife is all around you, from invisible microbes and green plants to the other animals with whom you share the Earth. Whats more, these other living things arent just around you theyre intimately interconnected with your life. Plants make your food and provide you with oxygen, microbes break down dead matter and recycle materials that all living things need, and insects pollinate the plants you rely on for food. Ultimately, all living beings rely on other living beings for their survival.
What makes biology so great is that it allows you to explore the interconnectedness of the worlds organisms and really understand that living beings are works of art and machines rolled into one. Organisms can be as delicate as a mountain wildflower or as awe-inspiring as a majestic lion. And regardless of whether theyre plants, animals, or microbes, all living things have numerous working parts that contribute to the function of the whole being. They move, obtain energy, use raw materials, and make waste, whether theyre as simple as a single-celled organism or as complex as a human being.
Biology is the key you need to unlock the mysteries of life. Through it, you discover that even single-celled organisms have their complexities, from their unique structures to their diverse metabolisms. Biology also helps you realize what a truly miraculous machine your body is, with its many different systems that work together to move materials, support your structure, send signals, defend you from invaders, and obtain the matter and energy you need for growth.
About This Book
Biology Essentials For Dummies takes a look at the characteristics all living things share. It also provides an overview of the concepts and processes that are fundamental to living things. We put an emphasis on looking at how human beings meet their needs, but we also take a look at the diversity of life on planet Earth.