I want to express my appreciation to many of the same people as I did in The Clinicians Guide to Alcohol Moderation: Alternative Methods and Management Techniques as they were written at the same time.
Book Mommy got even grouchier while meeting the deadline for this one. Kaitlyn and Jacklyn, you are amazing. Both of you helped me stay sane by making me laugh and helping around the house when I needed organization around me. Your independence and drive to do the right thing when no one is looking is beyond each of your years.
Thank you, Mike, for helping me see that we would get through this difficult phase of life. I cant wait to sit on a white sand beach with you.
I appreciate my business partners and friends Craig James and Angie Harris. Craig, without your daily operations we would not impacted the lives of as many people at Insight Into Action Therapy as we did. Angie, without your leadership we could not have opened our intensive outpatient program with Insight Recovery Centers.
Thank you again to the Worlds Greatest Beta Reader, Bill Schmidt, reader of almost 300 manuscripts, who is also my father. Your copyediting, feedback, and inspirational messages kept me motivated and laughing during this challenging period of my life. Thank you for introducing me to fellow author Russel F. Moran, whose comments helped make my message more understandable.
Chelsea Sievers of Level 27 Media, your images brought my words to life.
I continue to be grateful to all of the harm reduction clinicians who challenged the status quo while I was a young therapist and paved the way for alcohol moderation to become a mainstream treatment option.
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