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Its likely that most people reading this book either know someone suffering from Lyme disease or have experienced this disease personally. For those who havent, unfortunately, the odds are increasing that you will.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the United States, with more than three hundred thousand people per year infected annually. That is ten times more Americans than previously reported, according to the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), an organization that promotes education on Lyme disease. It may surprise you to learn that no study in existence demonstrates that the standard treatment of thirty days of antibiotic therapy cures chronic Lyme disease. In other words, a rising vector-borne illness is now being treated with an unproven approach. It may work for some people, but many more fail to recover. And the disease persists. The end result is that millions of people are left struggling with a debilitating and chronic ailment on their own.
And what makes it worse is the persistent autoimmune problems that Lyme disease creates. In my New York Times bestselling books, The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection, I talk about how microbes can trigger autoimmune disease, including Hashimotos disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. I have seen more and more people in my own practice whose autoimmune disease and chronic health problems are directly the result of Lyme disease. It is becoming increasingly clear that Lyme disease is more than just an infection that needs to be killed.
Enter The Lyme Solution. In this book, Dr. Ingels has recalibrated the lens through which we see and understand Lyme disease using the best twenty-first-century science and know-how. Currently, the health care system is making the poor trade-off in which ineffective attempts to kill off a complex bug (or, in reality, multiple bugs) wind up undermining the immune systemwhile rendering the bugs stronger. In contrast, TheLyme Solution plan strengthens and supports the immune system and thereby reduces symptoms, lessens infection, and ultimately defeats the invader. To any long-term Lyme sufferer I know, that will sound almost too good to be true. But it is true.
Dr. Ingels provides a true functional medicine approach to Lyme disease, not only looking at the infection itself, but also the myriad of other underlying problems that can weaken your immune system and makes Lyme disease worse. He clearly lays out a diet plan that can help improve your gut health and make you immune system stronger. Dr. Ingels shows you the importance of controlling your environment, avoiding toxic chemicals and mold, and living a healthier lifestyle, which can bring about positive changes in your overall health. Lyme disease is complicated and affects sufferers differently, but The Lyme Solution can help you start to heal and reclaim your health.
Ive known Darin Ingels for several years and referred many of my own patients and friendsI myself have even sought out his advicealways with excellent results. To anyone who has followed the extraordinary health breakthroughs proffered by functional medicine, his approach makes total sense scientificallyand it also delivers practically. I know that from following the clinical results.
Make no mistake about itThe Lyme Solution is not a quick fix or a silver bullet. It is not as simple as swallowing a pill. It requires a commitment to your health. But most often, adjusting your diet and lifestyle, and following the clinically proven protocols to boost the immune system, will deliver what other approaches fail to: real results in managing your symptoms, restoring your health, and giving you back your life. And that is truly priceless!
Wishing you great health,
Amy Myers, MD
Part One
Introduction to the Lyme Solution
Why Antibiotics Arent Enough
Lyme disease can strike anyone anywhere. You dont need to live in a deer-ridden area of the East Coast of the United States. People from urban areas like New York City, Los Angeles, and Sydney, Australia, as well as arid places like Phoenix and Saudi Arabia, contract Lyme disease. It has been identified in more than eighty countries around the world.
In addition to the growing number of Lyme cases, other insect-borne illnesses, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, dengue virus, malaria, and Zika virus are also on the rise. Some of these diseases are transmitted through a tick bite, like Lyme, but others are spread through the bites of mosquitoes, fleas, or flies. As I mentioned earlier, deer are not the only Lyme disease carriers. Other small animals, including mice, rats, rabbits, and squirrels, contribute to the spread of Lyme disease. Rising global temperatures will trend toward more insect-borne diseases in the coming years.
The Discovery of Lyme Disease
No one knows exactly when Lyme disease started to emerge, but evidence suggests it has been around for thousands of years.
But the true culprit of Lyme disease had yet to be identified. In the early 1980s, tick samples were sent to Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, a microbiologist and expert in Rocky Mountain spotted fever, to figure out what was causing this mysterious inflammatory infection. Although he was looking for a different infection, he noticed spirochetesflexible, spiral-shaped bacteriain many of the ticks he had tested. When he tested people with Lyme disease, he found they had the identical bacteria. Burgdorfer published his research in 1984, making the link between this newly discovered spirochete and Lyme disease. The organism was aptly named