F lames danced in the firepit. I savored the final spoonful of mushroom stew while studying the busy camp around me. The elves of Poisonwood Forest were packing up their belongings and organizing for our trip across the ocean. Since we already had all our gear packed, the nine of us were just watching the bustle around us while eating dinner with Mendar, Endira, and a few other elves who were waiting for their turn to pack.
By the way, Ive been meaning to ask, Mendar began as he set down his spoon and turned to Valerie, how did you do that trick with the pipe?
Valerie, who was sitting next to him, snapped her head up. A wicked glint shone in her warm brown eyes as she grinned at him and then opened her hand with a theatrical flourish. You mean this one?
Shock slammed home on Mendars face as he jerked back and then began to pat his clothes. When he came up empty, he narrowed his eyes at the grinning thief. Valerie chuckled and tossed him the pipe she had managed to pickpocket from him a second time.
Show-off, Theo muttered.
Valerie threw a piece of bark at him. He ducked it nimbly while Idra scowled at the two of them and shook her head.
How? Mendar asked again while returning his pipe to his clothes.
Magic, Valerie answered with a wink.
Theo snorted. You wish. Adjusting his position slightly on the log, he raised a hand and then opened it with the same kind of theatrical flourish as Valerie. A knife glinted in the firelight. Its just some sleight of hand.
Wh-what the? Captain Vendir whipped his head around to stare at the knife before he leaned down and stuck a hand in his boot. Stunned surprise shone on his face as he straightened to stare at Theo. When did you?
Just now. The blond thief flashed him a smile before handing the stolen knife back. Like I said, just a little sleight of hand.
Whos the show-off now? Valerie teased from across the firepit.
You started it.
I did not.
Youre the one who called me a show-off first.
Yeah, well, youre the one who had to show off by pickpocketing the pipe first.
I was just demonstrating my extraordinary skills.
Thats what being a show-off means, Val.
By the gods, Mendar mumbled while massaging his forehead. Are they always like this?
I chuckled. Bickering or showing off?
Stopping in the middle of their argument, both thieves turned to me with eyebrows raised in affront. I grinned back at them unapologetically. Next to me, Mordren and Eilan exchanged a glance as if silently deciding whether or not to get involved. With ridiculously synchronized movements, they simply leaned back on the log and crossed their ankles while amused smirks spread across their lips.
Excuse me, Miss Im-a-spy-and-I-can-walk-through-walls, Valerie said while flapping a hand towards me, but you do not get to talk about showing off.
I dont show off, I answered. I am a spy and I can walk through walls.
And I am a thief and I can pickpocket pipes, Valerie countered and magicked Mendars pipe out of her sleeve once more.
By all the gods, Mendar muttered under his breath while taking back his stolen pipe a third time. Remind me never to share a room with this one.
How about a challenge? Hadeon boomed from next to his sister on the other side of the firepit. To decide who truly has the right to show off?
Several pairs of eyebrows rose. Above us, a group of firebirds flew past before landing next to one of the cabins. A flock of bright green parrots followed. Ellydas eyes flicked up from her book and zeroed in on the colorful animals while Valerie, Theo, and I exchanged an excited glance.
Alright, Theo said as all three of us nodded. Youre on. So, whats the challenge?
Please tell me were stealing something, Valerie said.
Hey, I protested. Im a spy.
So stealing things should be right up your alley.
I narrowed my eyes at her, which only made her grin widen.
Mendar rubbed his temples and then shook his head, but in the end, he said, You see that cabin over there?
We all turned to look where he was pointing. It was the tallest building in the entire camp, and though it was narrow, its three stories leaned against one of the massive trees behind it. There was only room for one window per floor and the one at the bottom housed only a dark wooden door.
Yeah? Theo said.
Theres a dagger in there, Mendar continued. It has a handle made of red wood.
When he gestured that we should get going, the three of us exchanged another look.
Whoever finds it and brings it back here wins? Valerie said.
I sprinted away.
Hey! Valerie called from behind me as she and Theo scrambled out of their seats as well.
Dodging a couple of blood panthers, I quickly closed the short distance to the building. I didnt bother checking where the two thieves were because I assumed that theyd be heading straight for the top floor by climbing up the outer wall. If I was going to win this, I had to beat them to it.
Silk brushed against my skin as I leaped right through the door and skidded into the hallway beyond. Someone had been clearing out parts of this house, but there was still an assortment of furniture and random supplies scattered around the room. Sweeping my gaze over the area, I committed the layout to memory before I hurtled up the narrow staircase. The dagger might be downstairs, but I had to start at the top in case it wasnt, since that was the place Valerie and Theo would begin their search.
The second-floor room was completely empty, so I only flicked a gaze over it to memorize the dimensions before sprinting up the steps to the final floor. With my heart slamming in my chest, I sucked in deep breaths as I at last skidded to a halt in the lone room at the top.
Theo whipped around to face me.
A dagger with a beautifully carved red handle glinted in his hand.
Already? I panted. Are you serious?
He let out an evil chuckle and darted towards the window.
Oh, I dont think so, Valerie said as she dropped down on the windowsill.
Screeching to a halt, he barely managed to yank his hand away to stop her from snatching the dagger from it. With my chest still heaving from the sprint up the stairs, I snuck closer to the blond thief. His perceptive gray eyes shifted between me and Valerie. Then a mischievous glint flashed in them.
Taking a running start, he vaulted over the railing next to me and landed halfway down the stairs. My mouth dropped open in shock. Shaking my head, I pulled myself together and listened to his footsteps pound down the final steps to the second floor.
Valerie swore before disappearing from the window, but I only shifted my position while counting down the seconds.
And then I phased through the floor.
My stomach lurched slightly as I dropped the relatively short distance to the empty room below. Surprised gray eyes blinked at me as I materialized right in front of Theo. Snatching the dagger from his hand, I didnt break my fall but instead phased through that floor as well. According to my calculations, there was a mattress and a couch right below this part of the floor.