Piper and Mabel: Two Very Wild but Very Good Dogs
Its All About the Small Things: Why the Ordinary Moments Matter (formerly titled Church of the Small Things)
Fearless Faith: 100 Devotions for Girls
Everyday Holy: Finding a Big God in the Little Moments
Nobodys Cuter than You: A Memoir about the Beauty of Friendship
The Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two People Sharing One Life
Sparkly Green Earrings: Catching the Light at Every Turn
On the Bright Side
Copyright 2020 by Melanie Shankle
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Epub Edition February 2020 9780310349563
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To Perry and Caroline
The two of you are always and
forever my brightest side
I was born to a man who is delighted to RISE AND SHINE every single day of his living life. His enthusiasm knows no bounds. And not just for his four kids, whom he overloved and overvalued our whole childhood, but for anyone. I am telling you right now, he would be equally as excited about your new pair of Nikes as he was about the first grandkid I produced. Its all great. All the things are great. Our careers, your new baby stroller, the weathergreat. He is still stumped that none of us ended up in the Olympics or the White House or as Rhodes scholars (his theory: Whoever interviewed/hired/decided on the award is a jackwagon). If you need a cheerleader, my dad is your guy. We go to our mom when we need someone to tell it to us straight; we go to our dad when we need a clearly biased hype man.
Here is my point: my dad basically invented the bright side.
I found it difficult to escape my dads vortex of positivity. Thus, I entered adulthood pretty excited about almost everything. I inherited his big feelings and have been known to over-emote in ways both embarrassing and cringey, like the time I threw my arms around Constantine Marouliss waist without permission after seeing his performance in School of Rock on Broadway; look, its not every day you see the sixth-place finalist from season four of American Idol just walking down a New York City street.
I like my dads approach to life. Is it nave? Too earnest? Too simplified? Probably. I still like it. Ive yet to regret jumping feet first into a big, juicy experience or giving the benefit of the doubt or letting my enthusiasm edge north of respectable. The majority of my greatest memories are located somewhere near the bright side, even when all light appears to be dimmed, for even there, hope lurks.
It is just a weird time to be alive, isnt it? I have never been so tempted to give in to the beast of despair. I find myself searching the history books for comfortas one doesasking, Is this the worst it has ever been or no? Turns out life has always been hard and people have always disagreed and injustice has always snuffed out human flourishing. This is, of course, not to say we throw in the towel and let the tide of human misery just rush along; we must fight for goodness in a world gone mad. But there is solace in knowing we are simply the current generation searching for the bright side. Our parents did it. Our grandparents did it. Their parents did it. And lo and behold, it could always be found.
A quick word about Melanie. I wanted to bear a meaningful witness of her integrity, so I searched my mental Rolodex and found dozens of stories. Weve been friends for a decade. But I have no more significant example to hold out than this: I am a Texas Longhorns fan, and Melanie is a dyed-in-the-wool Texas A&M Aggie, and every single fall, she sends me adorable fashion options in what is arguably the grossest shade in the history of the color wheel (burnt orange) so I will look cute on game day. Now, for some of you, that entire sentence was gibberish, but for those who know, please find me a better example of Christian character. Ill wait. People, she clothes her enemy in strength and dignity, and she can laugh at the days to come. I dont know if Perry and Caroline are rising up and calling her blessed, but I am sure rising up and calling her for Anthropologie links. This is my sister in arms, and I love her.
As the daughter of a Bright Side Dad, I have a high standard for hope-bearers. Im looking for a brand of joy that can celebrate the bejeebers out of life but can also cut through loss and pain and suffering. Its a tall order. It seems few are up for the task right now. But Melanie sure is. This book will delight you, encourage you, relieve you, and nourish you. Dont read it in public because #laughter and also #tears. Close the last page, then give it to the people you love most. Melanie is a gift to us right now. Play your cards right, and you might also get a grainy picture of her in a burnt-orange plaid duster over yoga pants in the Target mirror because come what may on game day, she has your back.
I always feel like introductions are a weird, yet necessary part of any kind of memoir-esque book. And Im assuming thats the category this book will fall under, even though Amazon will do its best to make sure its listed under some obscure category description, such as Books>Self-Help>Biographies>Rhythm and Blues>Relationships with people who dont like doing crafts. This is their attempt to make sure virtually every book they sell has a chance to be a number-one bestseller in at least one category. And listen, Amazon, I appreciate that. Signed, the number-one bestselling author of a Books>Womens Issues>Religious Humor>People with Dogs book.
Anyway, an introduction. I never know whether to assume that you, dear reader, have read other things I have written and are kind enough to read another one of my books, or if you were just perusing the shelves at Barnes & Noble and randomly came across this book because I was in that same Barnes & Noble last week and moved it from the back of the store to a prominent table at the entrance labeled, Our Must-Reads of the Year.