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Siri Reuterstrand - Ellis Goes to the Doctor

Here you can read online Siri Reuterstrand - Ellis Goes to the Doctor full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2012, publisher: Sky Pony, genre: Romance novel. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Siri Reuterstrand Ellis Goes to the Doctor

Ellis Goes to the Doctor: summary, description and annotation

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Poor Ellis, usually so energetic, is sick! After days of coughing and not sleeping well, his parents take him to the doctor. There, Ellis gets poked and prodded, and so does his monkey, Ballowits. It can be scary going to the doctor for the first time, but the doctor is very nice and Ellis and his monkey are both very brave. The doctor gives Ellis some medicine to take and says he is sure to be healthy and cheerful in no time.
This reassuring tale of Elliss trip to the doctor will help any child get over his fear of doctors and examining rooms. Siri Reuterstrands comforting text and Jenny Wiks expressive illustrations will help children see that even though Ellis is nervous and not feeling well, everything turns out fine because doctors are there to help us feel better.

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Ellis Goes to the Doctor - image 1Ellis Goes to the Doctor Written by Siri Reuterstrand
Illustrated by Jenny Wik Ellis Goes to the Doctor - image 2Ellis Goes to the Doctor - image 3 Sky Pony Press New York Copyright 2012 by Siri Reuterstrand and Jenny Wik Originally published as ELLIS GR TIL DOKTORNSiri Reuterstrand (text) and Jenny Wik (illustrations), 2007Published by agreement with B Wahlstrms Bokfrlag, Forma Books AB, Sweden Translated by Monika Romare All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be addressed to Sky Pony Press, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Sky Pony Press books may be purchased in bulk at special discounts for sales promotion, corporate gifts, fund-raising, or educational purposes. Special editions can also be created to specifications. For details, contact the Special Sales Department, Sky Pony Press, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018 or .

Sky Pony is a registered trademark of Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Visit our website at www.skyponypress.com. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Manufactured in China, March 2012 This product conforms to CPSIA 2008 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file. ISBN: 978-1-61608-662-6 Normally Ellis likes to run around and play all day long But not today It - photo 4 Normally, Ellis likes to run around and play all day long. But not today. Then Ellis slept most of the day A few days later Ellis felt a little bit - photo 6 Then Ellis slept most of the day. A few days later Ellis felt a little bit better and he stayed up playing again - photo 7 A few days later Ellis felt a little bit better and he stayed up playing again. But then the cough came Most of the time it came in the evenings and at night - photo 8 But then the cough came. But then the cough came Most of the time it came in the evenings and at night - photo 8 But then the cough came.

Most of the time it came in the evenings and at night, when Ellis was supposed to be sleeping. Nobody at home got much sleep at all Not Ellis not Mom not even Dad One - photo 9 Nobody at home got much sleep at all. Not Ellis, not Mom, not even Dad. One morning Dad had had enough It is time to go to the doctor Dad said - photo 10 One morning, Dad had had enough. It is time to go to the doctor, Dad said. Ellis thought it was strange that there were so many toys there All the kids - photo 12 Ellis thought it was strange that there were so many toys there. Ellis thought it was strange that there were so many toys there All the kids - photo 12 Ellis thought it was strange that there were so many toys there.

All the kids that come to see the doctor are sick. How are you supposed to be playing when you are sick? thought Ellis. At least Ballowits was having fun on the little slide. Finally a woman came and asked Ellis and his dad to follow her into a room I - photo 13 Finally, a woman came and asked Ellis and his dad to follow her into a room. I am going to examine you, she said, so that I can find out what is making you sick. I am going to start by examining your nose I will poke inside of it with a - photo 14 I am going to start by examining your nose.

I will poke inside of it with a stick. It might feel a bit funny, but it wont hurt. Ellis had to sit on his hands while the nurse poked around in his nose Blah - photo 15 Ellis had to sit on his hands while the nurse poked around in his nose. Blah! It itched in a strange way. Ellis got a little teary-eyed, but it didnt hurt. And I want to prick you in the finger too It will be really quick the nurse - photo 16 And I want to prick you in the finger too. And I want to prick you in the finger too It will be really quick the nurse - photo 16 And I want to prick you in the finger too.

It will be really quick, the nurse told him. Ellis started to feel a bit annoyed with her. You can prick Ballowits he told her I can do that first and then prick you I - photo 17 You can prick Ballowits, he told her. I can do that first and then prick you. I will give you a nice band-aid afterwards, the nurse told him. If Ballowits is brave enough, I am brave enough, Ellis thought. When the nurse was done examining Ellis the doctor came in While she was - photo 19 When the nurse was done examining Ellis, the doctor came in. When the nurse was done examining Ellis the doctor came in While she was - photo 19 When the nurse was done examining Ellis, the doctor came in.

While she was speaking with Dad, Ellis put a band-aid on Ballowits too. The nurse had forgotten about that. The doctor then wanted to listen to Elliss chest Take a deep inhale please - photo 20 The doctor then wanted to listen to Elliss chest. Take a deep inhale, please, she said. What? Ellis asked. Like this, the doctor said and breathed in air through her mouth.

Then Ellis understood and kept breathing and breathing. Then it was time to listen to his back Can you cough a little bit the doctor - photo 21 Then it was time to listen to his back. Can you cough a little bit? the doctor asked. Ellis had become really good at coughing the past few days, so that was not an issue. I will write you a prescription for some cough medicine so that you can sleep - photo 22 I will write you a prescription for some cough medicine, so that you can sleep, the doctor said. You will feel better soon.

But you must stay away from babies for a while, and you probably shouldnt go to daycare. Dad bought the cough medicine on the way home The bottle was big and brown It - photo 23 Dad bought the cough medicine on the way home. The bottle was big and brown. It came with a little cup that Dad needed to measure the medicine in. It was supposed to be measured to the first line. It didnt taste very good but Ellis was good and swallowed it anyway That - photo 24

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