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WhatEveryone Wants: A Flat Belly
Everyone well, almost everyone, anyways, wants to have aflat stomach and well-defined abs. Most of us dont want to be or even appearoverweight and for most people, the most obvious sign of being overweight is athick midsection.
The health risks associated with excess abdominal fat arealso becoming well known and now more than ever, the importance of a slimmerstomach is something which is on virtually everyones mind, whether for healthreasons or for purely aesthetic ones.
We all want a flat belly, but even as a growing number ofpeople are taking an interest in getting into better shape, were moreoverweight than ever as a society. It seems that its becoming more difficultfor us to get what we want, at least in terms of our own health and fitness.
Americans, if not necessarily people in other westernnations, are working longer hours and it can be difficult to make the time inour schedules for exercise and healthier eating.
All Is Not Lost
However, that doesnt mean that its impossible to get theflat stomach and well defined abdominal muscles that you want it just meansthat you have to make a serious commitment to your goal. There are things thateach and every one of us can do to improve our health and bid a not so fondfarewell to excess abdominal fat, but you have to be truly dedicated to makingit happen.
There are a lot of different products and programs out therewhich claim to be able to help you get rid of body fat, get in good shape andof course, slim down. Almost all of the marketers promoting these products andprograms claim that they and no one else know what it takes to get a flatstomach but they cant all be telling the truth, of course.
Some of the diet pills, exercise programs and other productson the market work to some extent, others dont work at all and still otherscan actually be dangerous; and its understandable if youre having troubleseparating the wheat from the chaff.
In this book, well cover why its so important to ridyourself of abdominal fat, including the health risks which come along withexcess weight and just as importantly, well talk about how to safely andeffectively get rid of that spare tire once and for all.
There is a lot of different information available about justwhat you should and shouldnt be eating if you want to get in better shape andeliminate abdominal fat. While we cant possibly cover the pros and cons ofevery possible food, you will learn about the fat burning benefits of a few ofthe best foods to add to your diet.
If youre trying to lose weight and fat, the same generalrules apply here as to any healthy diet: whole grains, plenty of freshvegetables and fruits, lean sources of protein and a judicious amount ofhealthy, unsaturated fats.
Well also talk about some of the best exercises for toningyour abdominal muscles so that once you get rid of your excess abdominal fat,youll have well developed, defined abs which will be the envy of your friends.These exercises should be incorporated into a regular exercise routine whichincludes cardiovascular exercise and weight training.
The idea isnt just to burn off more calories than you takein through your diet, although that is of course important. Your exerciseprogram should be designed to burn off calories while building lean musclewhich helps you to burn off even more calories.
Its a self-sustaining cycle which leads to better healthand fitness and if youre serious about getting a flat stomach and getting intogood shape overall, its time to get motivated, commit yourself to your goaland go into your new, healthier lifestyle armed with the information you need the information that youll find in this book.
Ultimately, getting a flat stomach is up to you. If yourededicated enough, you can make it happen, but youll have a much better chanceof succeeding when you know the facts.
This book was written with the intention of making it easierfor all of us to get what we want; once you finish reading youll know all thebasics you need to get started. Theres still a lot of hard work needed on yourpart, but stick with it and youll get there remember, were rooting for youtoo!
The World is in a Fat Epidemic
Beer Belly, Muffin Top, Pot Belly, Spare Tire, Love Handles,belly fat has a lot of different names. Doctors even have a cutesy phrase forit, Apple Shape. The truth is it really doesnt matter what you call it. Itsstill belly fat.
Life expectancy can drop 10% or more, disposable income candecrease up to 18%, and your health-care costs can increase by 25%.
Losing 10% of your lifetime may seem small until you consider that our averagelife expectancy is 72. Lop of 10% and you lose a little over 7 years of life.You cheat yourself out of almost a decade with your grandchildren.
For years doctors have known that a big belly can be awarning sign of serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes.
"If you see someone with a big belly, that's a personwho is probably at higher risk," says Dr. Samuel Klein, professor ofmedicine and nutritional science at Washington University School of Medicine.Klein goes on to say, "Someone who just has a big butt probably has lessrisk."
In the late 1980s and early 1990s researchers recognized acorrelation between big bellys and cardiovascular disease, diabetes andabnormal cholesterol levels.
Advanced medical imaging (CT scans) was becoming morepopular around this time.
Through the use of CT scans scientists could see thatabdominal obesity was more closely associated to cardiovascular disease thangeneral obesity. They could get a picture of the effects of belly fat, and itwas bad.
There are two basic types of fat that makes up belly fat.There is fat that lies just under the skin called subcutaneous fat and fat thatwraps around the internal organs called visceral fat.
While it can weigh you down, scientists say when it comes tohealth the fat that lies under the skin, subcutaneous fat, appears to be farless important than visceral fat, that fat that surrounds internal organs.
According to a 2004 study led by Dr. Klein, patients couldinstantly lose 30 pounds or more of subcutaneous fat through liposuctionwithout seeing any of the health benefits normally associated with weight loss,such as lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and greater sensitivity toinsulin.
Dr. Steven Grinspoon, professor of medicine at HarvardMedical School and director of the program in nutritional metabolism at MassachusettsGeneral Hospital says, "Visceral fat is linked to diabetes andcardiovascular problems even more than BMI," or body mass index.
Belly fat can cost you money too. According to CalebAlexander, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago,The total spending on drugs for type 2 diabetes nearly doubled between 2001and 2007.
Understand that belly fat is both visceral andsubcutaneous. We don't have a perfect way yet to determine which issubcutaneous or visceral, except by CT scan, but that's not cost-effective. Butif you've got an oversize belly, figuring out how much is visceral and how muchis subcutaneous isn't as important as recognizing a big belly is unhealthy,says Kristen Gill Hairston, MD, MPH, an assistant professor of medicine at WakeForest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Belly fat has gotten a much-deserved negative reputationover the past several years. Next we will explore some crucial informationconcerning belly fat.