How to Face
A Road Map to Success
Attitude is a very little thing that makes a big difference
Albert Weil
1663 Liberty Drive
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2012 by Albert Weil. All rights reserved.
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I decided to write this book to help people during a very difficult moment of their lives. Most of the tips included in the text are based upon my own personal experience. After a very successful career I was laid off due to circumstances completely beyond my control. All of the sudden I was, for the first time in my life, facing an uncertain future. Honestly, I did not know what to do or where to begin, I felt lost and scared. I wish someone could have given me advice and support, but when looking around I was alone. Beside the typical personal comforting comments and best wishes I did not receive any specific advice. Well this book is, in a way, my contribution to all people that need a guide to help finding a new job.Prologue
When I lost my job, for the first time I was not receiving offers of employment and I urgently needed to find one. At first I felt ashamed and guilty. I asked myself, What have I done wrong?
I didnt want to share my feelings with friends and family, and certainly not my fears. How could a successful executive all of the sudden be unemployed?
At the very beginning, I neglected to listen to people who wanted to help me. The uncertainty about my future was a burden heavier than I could bear. I tended to isolate myself from people and even began to distance myself from family and friends.
Finally, I understood that this was just another challenge. I needed to change my attitude. It was not like in the past, when companies knocked at my door to offer me a job. I now had to be more proactive, aggressive, swallow my pride and walk a path I had never walked before.
I decided to write this book to help millions of people who are currently unemployed, and whose lifestyle is at risk. Yes, it is not only a new job, but its also your life. Once we understand that, then we have already taken the first step in the right direction.
Transform This Bad Experience Into A Positive One
As unemployed people tend to be over stressed, concerned and worried, they miss the opportunity to enjoy things. Do not do that to yourself. I did it for a long time. I know it is difficult, but you must fight for yourself. Take as much as you can from this experience.
Improve your skills, enjoy your family, organize your life, take time off, but most importantly, stay active in looking for a new job.
For most people, their work is an extremely important part of their life. It is their main source of income, and unfortunately we need money to pay our bills. When you lose your job, that feeling of security fades away, exposing you to your deepest concerns.
In addition to that, your routine is modified. You need to create a new dynamic in your life. This is a very challenging situation but you must work on it. It is healthy to build a new routine.
The current labor market situation is extremely volatile. Even employed people start to worry about their own position. Nowadays, securing a job is essential and also difficult. It does not depend solely on the employees performance, but also on the company in particular and the economy in general.
There are two main tendencies in the market that increase uncertainty.
Employers Tend To Hire Employed People
I do not have a definitive reason for that, but it is true. Perhaps there is a perception that unemployed people must have performed badly. That is not necessarily true, but it will take time to change. Ninety percent of offer letters are addressed to employed people. Not very promising, right?
Another reason could be that to be actively employed allows a better exposure to contacts and markets trends. In sum, you are in the game. The longer you are unemployed the worse it is for you.
Still, employers will review a candidates work history carefully, because they now have the opportunity to acquire employees with high potential at a lower cost vs. low performer employees at a higher cost. Again, it will take time to materialize this change in the labor market behavior.
The Average Unemployment Time Is Increasing
It will be fair to say that, in the past, the average unemployment time was about three months. New statistics show an increasing unemployment period that is reaching almost 34 weeks on average due to the state of the economy. This period is still shorter than most unemployment programs offered in most countries.
This is particularly alarming in terms of personal finances. The severance package, if any, could end way before a new income is secure. That is why spending habits must be regarded cautiously.
In this book you will find tips that will most certainly help you to overcome one of the most difficult experiences in your life.
Decreased Salary Pressure
The larger available labor supply is causing a decrease in salaries. For instance, MBA graduates from the top ten Universities are now accepting salaries as low as $80K per year in the US, while in the previous cycle; the average was approximately $120K per year.
There are several reasons for this. The most important one, as mentioned before, is higher unemployment rates and a not very promising recovery of the economy in the short term. Additionally, many companies are taking precautionary measures and are hiring high potential candidates at lower pay rates. Remember companies need to increase profitability.
You Might Be The One
Despite the horrible labor market situation you have to think positive. I am very rational as an economist and thought, Why bother looking for something if the overall situation is so grim. I also thought I would not accept a lower salary, and that I could not accept just any job because that could set back my resume. The institutional prestige, salary, job title, responsibilities and etc., all came to mind. I was so frustrated!!!
Then I started to realize that my other colleagues were finding new jobs. Perhaps its not the job of their dreams, but a very decent job nonetheless. There are always possibilities on the market. Crisis always brings opportunities.
My most important recommendation is the following; do not feel intimidated by the market situation and keep on moving. You just might be the lucky one!!!
The first reaction after receiving the news of being terminated is often rage. After a few days, you start to understand the reality of your new status. At some point in time, when the job-search process begins, you may feel rejected and disliked. Moreover, you may feel ashamed.
The first thing you must understand is that it is probably not your fault, and you are not the only one who is unemployed. You should not feel self-pity or despair. Help yourself, and accept other peoples help as well.
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