This manual is to accompany eight CD/MP3 Hypnobirthing Home Study Course Albums. However it is not essential to have these albums to gain benefit from the manual.
This book, Hypnobirthing Hub Home Study Course method, recordings, describing tools and techniques are not intended to represent a medically and anatomically precise view of pregnancy and birthing, nor are they designed to represent medical advice or a prescription for medical procedure. The contents of this book and the recording are not intended to replace the advice of a medical doctor or medical professional. It is advisable for any pregnant woman to seek the advice of a medical professional before undertaking any pregnancy or labour related program.
Persons following any course of action recommended in this book, recordings or Hypnobirthing Home Study Course program do so of their own free will. The author and the Hypnobirthing hub assume no responsibility for any possible complication related to either the pregnancy or labour of the participant.
Copyright 2013 Hypnobirthing Association Reprint Copyright 2015 Hypnobirthing Hub
Kathryn Clark and The Hypnobirthing Hub have asserted their right to be identified as the authors of this work.
Every effort has been made to identify the rightful copyright owner of relevant images, but for some images this has not been possible. The author would be pleased to hear from any copyright holders who have not been acknowledged. All other images unless otherwise indicated were created by the author or purchased from can stock photos.
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The Hypnobirthing Hub and Hypnobirthing Hub Home Study Course names and logos are trademarks of Blue Sky Life. Pty Ltd.
ISBN: 9781483552095
To my beautiful twins, James and Alyssia, who came into the world the most serene way possible. Your birth ignited my passion to share with mothers everywhere the wonder, amazement and magic of an empowering birth.
To my husband John without your fervent voice in power of Hypnobirthing Home Study Course and your unwavering belief in my ability to make it happen, this program would not have been written. Thank you.
Before you were conceived
I wanted you
Before you were born
I loved you
Before you were here an hour
I would give my life for you
This is the miracle of life.
Maureen Hawkins
There was a time long ago when we women were in tune with our birthing bodies, and we birthed like other mammals. We were calm, relaxed and surrendered willingly to the natural power of our body to give birth to our babies. The instinctive process happened easily, comfortably and quickly. For many women around the world today, this is how they give birth. But for many of todays women, in our modernised culture, birth is mostly akin with pain, fear, medication and disappointment.
There have been many pioneers shouting from the rooftops about better ways of birthing. They blazed the trail, calling that we use our own institution and innate ability to birth easily. We as a society have only heard faint echoes of whispers and have been deaf to the bellowing shouts.
Thank you, Dr. Johnathon Dye, who in the late 1800s wrote the ground breaking book Easier Childbirth on natural childbirth without pain or peril. You inspired other pathfinders like Dr. Grantly Dick-Read (1890), whose book Childbirth Without Fear returned women their rightful gift of a truly natural childbirth.
Franz Anton Mesmer was the first to understand how hypnosis worked. He made special mention of the benefits of hypnosis in childbirth when he stated in 1784 that women should not need to suffer pain during childbirth. His work set the foundation for the hypnosis in Hypnobirthing Hub Home Study Course.
A sincere thank you to those who started teaching hypnosis as a crucial part of childbirth preparation. My gratitude as well to those who coined the phrases Hypnosis in Childbirth, Hynobabies, Natal Hypnotherapy, and most importantly, Hypnobirthing.
I thank Marie Mongan for her groundbreaking book written back in 1989. Twenty five years ago, she courageously challenged the standard anaesthesia and assisted surgical birth.
Thank you to the many hypnobirthing practitioners worldwide who carried the torch in further developing hypnobirthing principles and being passionate about spreading the hypnobirthing word.
A personal thank you to Hale DwoskinThe Sedona Method, your ideas allowed me find my own emotional freedom. Thank you for the inspiration to develop my own emotional release tools and techniques for pregnancy and birth, found uniquely in Hypnobirthing Home Study Course.
To the modern day natural birth trail blazers of midwife, Ina May Gaskin, Dr Michel Odent, Dr Sarah Buckley, and too many others to list here - you are an inspiration and guide.
To the countless midwives, doctors, obstetricians, and other pregnancy and birth professionals - my deepest thank you for your continued recommendation and support of Hypnobirthing Hub Home Study Course.
Last, but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to the thousands of parents over the last six years who have entrusted me to shape and guide their most precious birthing day. I am honoured and privileged to have shared this transforming experience with you. Thank you.
So Just Image With Me Now
You are a young woman who has lived her whole life in a small village, in a country only a few hours flight from your own, and you are pregnant for the first time. For as long as the sun first shone upon your face, pregnancy and birth have been part of your existence. In your village and country, this wonderful stage is a natural expression of love, joy and a connection to life.
As you live closely together, you are comfortable with your body and all its functions. Why shouldnt you be? You have found the freedom to bathe naked in the river while casually chatting to your friends. And have watched and helped as other women have gone into labour and given birth with ease. You have taken part in wonderful rituals of singing and dancing to help the mother achieve a comfortable journey through the giving birth. You have been part of the group that brings special gifts and celebration food after the baby has been born. You have watched the loved suckling her child as you have watched her picked up on her babys needs.
For centuries, your people have celebrated birth. And now it is your turn.
During your pregnancy, you have been given the best food; you have been massaged and have been the focus of many storytellers. Yet you still work hard, cook food, carry wood, and fetch water. Your body is strong, fit and healthy. And now you are excited and looking forward to a rite of passage, another journey to becoming a mother.
At the same time you know that the birth can take some time. You know that it can be hard work and that your body will release water and blood. You accept that your stomach will go hard and soft, and know that your vagina will open and give way for your baby to be born. Remembering the many other births you have seen, how calm and tranquil the mothers were, even as they knew their bodies were working hard. You look back at the picture of how these mothers about to give birth seemed to be in a different place in their mind. Knowing that you will have the love and support of these women as you embark on the journey theyve been through, you can freely surrender to the power and force in your body. You calmly accept that its your time to bring your baby into the world, and the comfortable process will take place just as you have seen so many times before.
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