Natural Drugless
That Really Work!
Dr George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,D.Sc (AM)
First, I would like to bow deeply to the thousands of patients who have helped me understand the complexities of this disease process and who need to take credit for the time spent with them in refining this protocol over many years.
All these patients over the years have been my laboratory for developing many treatment protocols through trial and error, backed by research.
I would also like to thank all the researcher scientists, lecturers and teachers who dedicate their life to helping others, and all the courageous health professionals who go against the grain of the establishment, while thinking outside the box.
A loving hug of gratitude to my wife and 4 children for their support and understanding during my professional endeavours throughout these years they are all blessed.
Finally, I deeply embrace the Divine faith that I have been blessed with, that has helped me believe in the innate healing abilities of the body, through the power of Natural healing, without chemical intervention.
A profound blessing to you all and may your healing journey be fruitful and fulfilling!
Copyright 2018 Dr. George J. Georgiou. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout the written permission of the publisher.
For information contact Da Vinci Health Publishing admin@davincipublishing.com.
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Da Vinci Health Publishing
Panayia Aimatousa 300
Aradippou 7101
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The following information is intended for general information purposes only. Individuals should always see their health care provider before administering any suggestions made in this book. Any application of the material set forth in the following pages is at the readers discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.
ISBN - 978-9925-569-33-5
Chapter 1: The Da Vinci Osteoarthritis Natural Treatment Protocol
Chapter 1: The Da Vinci Osteoarthritis Natural Treatment Protocol
Treating Osteoarthritis without Drugs!
The title of this book is based on the experiences that I have had treating Osteoarthritis naturally at the Da Vinci Holistic Health Center in Larnaca, Cyprus ( www.naturaltherapycenter.com ), based on scientific studies that will be discussed throughout all chapters of this book.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common chronic health conditions and a leading cause of pain and disability among adults (McDonough et al, 2010; Johnson et al, 2014).
Based on a 72% response rate from over 26,000 adults in England who completed mailed surveys (Thomas et al, 2014), about half reported having osteoarthritis in at least one of four joint regions (hand, hip, foot, knee), and about 22% reported disabling osteoarthritis. So this is a big problem in many countries worldwide.
As part of the Global Burden of Disease (2010) study, a systematic review reported that the global age-standardized prevalence of knee osteoarthritis was 3.8%, and hip osteoarthritis was 0.85% (Cross et al, 2014). Of almost 300 health conditions studied, osteoarthritis was the 11th highest contributor to disability.
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects your joints. The surfaces within your joints become damaged so the joint doesnt move as smoothly as it should. The condition is sometimes called arthrosis or osteoarthrosis. Older terms are degenerative joint disease or wear and tear.
When a joint develops osteoarthritis, some of the cartilage covering the ends of the bones gradually roughens and becomes thin and the bone underneath thickens. All the tissues within the joint become more active than normal as if your body is trying to repair the damage there are other steps that the body takes in its attempt to repair:
- The bone at the edge of the joint grows outwards, forming bony spurs called osteophytes.
- The synovium may thicken and produce extra fluid, which then causes the joint to swell.
- The capsule and ligaments slowly thicken and contract as if they were trying to stabilise the joint.
Sometimes your bodys repair mechanisms are quite successful and the changes inside the joint wont cause pain or problems. In severe osteoarthritis, the cartilage can become so thin that it no longer covers the ends of your bones. The bones start to rub against each other and eventually start to wear away. The loss of cartilage, the wearing of bone and the bony spurs can alter the shape of the joint, forcing the bones out of their normal position.
Although osteoarthritis can damage any joint in your body, the disorder most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips and spine.
Osteoarthritis symptoms can usually be effectively managed, although the underlying process is difficult to reverse when it reaches the final stage of degeneration. However, in the earlier stages, following the recommendations in this book will likely reverse your osteoarthritis, if you are ready to make the necessary lifestyle changes required to maintain optimal health.
Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight and the other natural treatments recommended may help to begin the reversal, slow the progression, and help improve pain and joint function.
What are the Symptoms?
- Pain: Your joint may hurt during or after movement.
- Stiffness: Joint stiffness may be most noticeable when you wake up in the morning or after a period of inactivity.
- Grating sensation: You may hear or feel a grating sensation when you use the joint.
- Swelling (either hard or soft).
- Loss of Flexibility: You may not be able to move your joint through its full range of motion.
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and sometimes stiffness in the affected joints. The pain tends to be worse when you move the joint or at the end of the day, and it may make it difficult to get to sleep. Your joints may feel stiff after rest, but this usually wears off after a minute or two as you get moving. If you have severe osteoarthritis, you may feel pain more often.
The joint may not move as freely or as far as normal, and it may creak or crunch as you move. Sometimes it may give way because your muscles have weakened, or the joint structure has become less stable, although exercises to strengthen your muscles can help to prevent this.
You may notice that the affected joint looks swollen. The swelling may be hard (caused by osteophytes) or soft (caused by synovial thickening and extra fluid in the joint), and the muscles around the joint may look thin or wasted. This is more common in women.
Symptoms often vary for no obvious reason youll probably have good and bad spells. Some people find that changes in the weather make the pain worse, especially damp weather along with falling atmospheric pressure. Others find the pain varies depending on how active theyve been.
In more severe cases, the pain may be constant. It may prevent you from sleeping and cause difficulties in your daily activities; for example, osteoarthritis in the knee or hip can make it difficult to climb stairs or get up from a chair.
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